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Oct 2019 · 326
At home in the wilderness
Phillip Walter Oct 2019
We walked each other home
And then found
A home
Outside of each others hearts.

I sometimes stand near her side window.

Smell her cooking's.
Hear her lover's loving.

I leave quietly.

No longer at
Home. There

But still at home in my wilderness
Oct 2019 · 276
Phillip Walter Oct 2019
Is a

Oct 2019 · 244
This Life
Phillip Walter Oct 2019
I went home yesterday.
And I learned there's no
Left to come home to.

There is no space for who I was.

Sometimes a person's leaving allows for new life to grow.

I don't trust this new home either. I can feel the mold under a new coat of paint.

But perhaps I am jealous.

Because my parents have each other.
My siblings have parents.

And I don't have Any Body.

As a child I was better at spousing, mothering and daughtering.

Today I am lost.
Journeying perhaps.

Jul 2019 · 281
Dreams within dreams.
Phillip Walter Jul 2019
Dreams are
            others have deemed unrealistic.
have then warned
not to give voice to.

For the devil
will lay his
clawed fingers and
black eyes. On
the delicate fabric of.
So dont ****
your dreams,
they say. But
keep it Silent.
They so fear the
devil that
they **** their own
dreams. Sacrifice
their motivations and the most beautiful Privilege
of being
on an altar of
idols. The human
Feb 2019 · 389
My truths
Phillip Walter Feb 2019
I keep my truths like swords
safely in a scabbard
and pull them out in dangerous times
when my honor's nearly shattered
Feb 2019 · 278
Phillip Walter Feb 2019
First the awareness.
hits you.

most likely.

in the place.
that hurts most.

The awareness.

then settles.
in that soft spot.
between heart and mind.

At times at peace.
often pulling them apart.
Feb 2019 · 424
Too Sensitive
Phillip Walter Feb 2019


Is a victory of an accusation.
Phillip Walter Jan 2019
Mary Oliver.
Got saved by the beauty.

as do I.

it's the only hope and prayer I can believe in.
Jan 2019 · 18.3k
Phillip Walter Jan 2019
people in their wholeness
can only be understood.

not explained.
Jan 2019 · 594
Need to Explain IV
Phillip Walter Jan 2019
they think im the problem.
I always knew I was.
I just hurt
more than others

and I hurt that
the execution was set
before I even got to the courtroom.

so the witness stand felt like the gallows.

and I held on to my pride.
and swallowed it whole.
how Hassidic girls get married.
Jan 2019 · 491
Need to Explain III
Phillip Walter Jan 2019
they sent us to a therapist.
said the answers
are bigger
than the questions we cant word.

but the questions aren't
nor are it's answers.

it's the size of my heart.
my wants.
my needs.
Dec 2018 · 312
Phillip Walter Dec 2018
Spent formative time,
my wild horse
my wild mind
to the place
right before the world ends,
then Dedicated the rest of a lifetime,
to the effort,
of saddling her,
all the whilst wishing
shed just take off
one last time
and fly.
Dec 2018 · 420
Phillip Walter Dec 2018
you can't be what you're not.
even more.
you can't not be what you are.
Dec 2018 · 665
Need to Explain 1
Phillip Walter Dec 2018
I say
i am anxious.
He tells me, many feel that way. Many
go through this. Many
find there's a way out.
Riding through.
And i know he means the anxiety and worry and sadness
that is handled.
I wonder if
my eyes still hold traces of year long stretches of depression. If
my face is lined in all the places anxiety set itself in. If
my jaws and temples and cheek bones speak. If
the tenderness of my belly still serves to remind of three overdoses. if
my heartbeat tells its story in its endless ceaseless rhythm.
I want to just press him close so he can hear for himself
what i cannot
How Hassidic girls get married.
Nov 2018 · 670
Phillip Walter Nov 2018
"sometimes profanity offers relief denied even to prayer"
-Mark Twain

I need a Bible.

written in four letter words.

Nov 2018 · 461
Phillip Walter Nov 2018
They wonder about whether
and how it can happen
to the sweetest
and gentlest.

but King David
had a daughter.

and ****** in his family.

Just keep loving through the healing.

and know even a princess
Nov 2018 · 351
Little Romance 3
Phillip Walter Nov 2018
We don't do much of husbandry and wifely things.  
flashcard conversations.
Scheduled nights.
Quiet dinners.
But the quiet holds a calm energy.
a  gentle love
that my fearful heart drowns in.
Nov 2018 · 175
little romance 2
Phillip Walter Nov 2018
We get into a taxi. I sit near the right window. He is near the left. We can only look at each other. Smile. Talk. His hat lays between us. God is between us. He cant touch my clothes or bed or me for twelve days. god honors his daughters by making her sacred, even to her own man.
Nov 2018 · 679
little romance
Phillip Walter Nov 2018
of eyeshadow
Lipstick on
cotton Tzitzit.
our own little

Jewish Romance.
Oct 2018 · 324
Phillip Walter Oct 2018
they tell me to
to allow things
to juuuuust
and I wonder
how iiiiiiii
because i'm not ready
to face the consequences
that might come
and I want it.
but not yet.
and I wonder why only I had to give
Oct 2018 · 1.1k
action verbs
Phillip Walter Oct 2018
are we
what we do
what we don't do
or is not doing
enough of an action
all you do
can be counted toward
all you have
made sure
not to.
Oct 2018 · 272
Good to Know
Phillip Walter Oct 2018
it's good to know
they say
the world within
and the world around
because otherwise
your world
is without

and regardless it'll be
whether you are
or unknowing.
Sep 2018 · 1.3k
Phillip Walter Sep 2018
That the third element of the periodic table is what can untangle an angled mind.
is that the force in the world is the force in you.
and that it all comes down
to the basics.
Aug 2018 · 594
this. body.
Phillip Walter Aug 2018

This humanly.
It keeps me settled.
In a skin
too tight.
Or is it  simply
Too big?

This thing that takes me through the world.
When i rather
hover over it.
or fly.  

This thing that
Relays information.
I can never

I try to make it
understand too.
In miscommunications
It never understands.

This body is a home
i haven't
moved into.
Where i know this is my place.  
But cant unpack my bags.

And its taking
twenty years.
To only
settle in.
Aug 2018 · 360
Phillip Walter Aug 2018
Tell someone often enough to shut UP
they will

Jul 2018 · 261
Phillip Walter Jul 2018
We move in and out of our
Best and worst places

Hopefully, more graciously

So though it’s not different
It is.
Jul 2018 · 382
David Ausberger Says
Phillip Walter Jul 2018
"Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person it is nearly indistinguishable"
(David Ausberger)
maybe love is what melts us into one.
and im so frozen into myself that this melting seems impossible.

they say love heals.
if so I keep running
in fear of this healing.
Jul 2018 · 260
Shame 2
Phillip Walter Jul 2018
Shame tells it’s stories
In third person.
Jul 2018 · 984
Go easy on her heart
Phillip Walter Jul 2018
Go easy
On her Heart

I know it ain’t
That easy for you

She lays bleeding out
In your empty excuses

You could’ve known
And should've done

If not
There’s nothing more painful then watching children suffer by the ones meant to love them most.
Jul 2018 · 261
Stolen Experience
Phillip Walter Jul 2018
She said
I’m married for two years.
I have anxiety.
I like watching figure skating

We narrow our life down to sentences.
And we wonder where the past has gone.
Jul 2018 · 715
A Kind of Heaven
Phillip Walter Jul 2018
What I like most about the sky
Is what I like most about you.

How you hold the stars.
But share it with the rest of us.

You’re the kind of heaven.
That allows visitors.
Jul 2018 · 9.1k
Phillip Walter Jul 2018
She said
you are enough. you are loved.
You are
So much of what you fear can
Never be.

She said
There are no mirrors I can
Hold up
For perception once skewed see all
mirrors spotted

Your eyes.
So fickle and short sighted
That you
Can’t see what lays before you
Or just beyond.

A blindness
To all that is beautiful.
You **** hope
Before it may give you
Another chance.
Jul 2018 · 852
Heart on my sleeve
Phillip Walter Jul 2018
You comment in that kind of
About the heart I wear on my
Except that what’s on my sleeve
Is not my heart
It’s merely it’s
Jun 2018 · 1.6k
Phillip Walter Jun 2018
We, unaccustomed to courage
says Maya.
We, who have chosen
with choices we were not aware
of making
as we made them.

we need a revolution.
some courageous warriors
that will lead us into

but the frontline soldiers
never come home.
Maya Angelou, Touched by an Angel.
We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.
Jun 2018 · 1.1k
Phillip Walter Jun 2018
the most beautiful thing
that god does
to people

is that he gifts them

to each other.
dedicated to all the people god has gifted me with.
especially those reading this, that know this.
Jun 2018 · 248
Phillip Walter Jun 2018
desperate times call for desperate measures.
they say.
it's a life lived in desperation then.
a desperate hope.
so near to despair.
Jun 2018 · 474
Phillip Walter Jun 2018
I wonder how the dark makes mirrors of windows.
It's sad.
That when i look out, past my existence, into the darkness, all i see is a reflection of myself.
Why do the nights not allow us to see others?
Where does the dark hide goodwill and love, that it so fiercely doesn't let us find them?
And i wonder about windows and mirrors.
for is glass ever so transparent that all you will ever see is through?
Or can transparency be tainted by transient plays of light and dark and sun and moon and stars. By ourselves and our perceptions that we limit with the games of lights and shadows that our minds play.
and i think that if darkness makes mirrors of windows, empathy makes way for clarity and understanding.
For i was staring at my reflection in the night dressed window when my light went out.
within was now as dark as it was out.
And in the darkness i was able to see what i couldn't in the light.
the fickleness of glass, and the lies that mirrors tell us.
To make us think that we are alone in a darkness when we venture to look out.
To blind us of everything by reflecting only our selves.
inevitably its the imbalances; of light and dark, of inside and outside, of myself and others, that blind us.
this one's long, my apologies. but the long way was the best way to explain it.
Jun 2018 · 238
Phillip Walter Jun 2018
sometimes the only way out is through.
they say.
I wonder though.
because I don't know what is at the other end of
Jun 2018 · 220
and I forget how it is
Phillip Walter Jun 2018
C. Cimic says 'every morning i forget how it is'

thats the most difficult part
the experience.

People think that living with
chronic illness
at some point one would fall into a routine about it.

but it's all the same.

and each morning I forget how it is
until I am reminded.
mood disorder.
May 2018 · 486
the wild blue yonder
Phillip Walter May 2018
beyond the wild blue yonder
within the forests deep
I search with wild abandon
for what I cannot keep

for to even scrape
the edges of the sun
puts worth to the chasing
that's a cyclical run

for beyond the wild blue yonder
churning oceans weep
a world that is at once
wide awake and fast asleep.
May 2018 · 194
Phillip Walter May 2018
there's no whole spirit in words
that lead only as a rod
that they make of man a lesser man
of god a lesser god.
#shame #disconnection
Apr 2018 · 7.9k
Phillip Walter Apr 2018
It seems to me
the more things change
the more they stay the same.
I wonder how the rules evolve
but we keep at the same game
and though tired at competing
we're addicted to the bother
for when we lose we need to prove
and when we win we need another
and though we're all exhausted
we are spurred on by the lies
and i feel i've lived a million lives
and tried a million tries.
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