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2.8k · Aug 2018
Emmky Aug 2018
It's dark and cold here, frozen hand is creeping up my spine
My lips are trembling as I recognize your scent and smell
Of all the numb cadavers you left long untouched
Piercing canines reflecting an end of my joy and pride
And my fear of your claws getting near my crippled body, making more cuts

And it hurts, it hurts so much
But I won't scream tonight
I'll cover myself with blood that's flowing from my wounds
Making an art piece worth the gallery
Of my own collapsing skeleton that's falling to pieces
So you can take it
Make me your trophy

Cut off my limbs and make me believe
That I'm an animal, a stupid omnivore who refuses to eat a soul
Strip me out of my skin, I can't stand it anymore and make sheets out of it
And eat me alive, chew my brain and break my heart in a habit
In routine that's going in circles, 'cause you can't think of anything else to make me suffer

Spitting my parts out, what a terrible taste of flesh that was once yours
What a disappointment am I
No good for mouth nor father's pride
So why do you keep on me an eye?

Hoping I'll be like you, so you
Don't have to paint kitchen with my blood
And keep my eyes under your pillow
Or stitch with my hair another cut
Making teeth and gut necklaces for those who follow
Your cannibalistic rules, making their kids hollow

If only you had the decency to bury my bones in a piece of silky cloth
Instead of putting me back together like a jigsaw puzzle
So you can make fun of me and say comments that make me weaker
In an unfortunate attempt to make me a hunter

But I won't be like you, I won't
Eat another living being's soul or flesh
I won't cut their veins open to swim in their liquids
Because I'm not a cannibal
For the man who doesn't get my intentions

A/N: For some reason I've got a feeling this one is too much drastic
1.8k · Aug 2018
Emmky Aug 2018
I didn't push you
You decided to walk away
Couldn't bear the taste of
Defeating over a heart that
Was once in your hand

I'm not even surprised
I would throw up, too
'Coz my heart is dark and bubbly
Bitterly smelling and rotting slowly
In a chest of a girl
Who's perfectly alive

And now you're here again
Visiting my mind
But I won't let you stay
You've started a graveyard
In my head and in my heart

Maybe if things went different
There would be “lover” on your stone
And few days ago I saw here “friend”
Now I can't help but write “stranger” again

And there you are
Wandering in my mind asking for flowers
But I won't visit your grave
Not even once again

Because there's no point
Mourning over people
Who are dead, yet alive
Why would I cry again if I did it before?

The corpses are falling apart, slowly
Memories idealised, lying
Pretending how pretty it was
When we were together, trying to
Make me remember things I don't want

The look in your glassy eyes is irking
Not even trying to pretend the woe
Over somebody you've lost
Because you don't care enough to go to the funeral
Of someone you loved and trusted blindly
Calling me sweet and holding me tightly

And in my thoughts
It's like kissing a skull
Dead hand grabbing mine
Reaching from dirt and mud

We are the same
Living skeletons of one another
Living without a shame
We lost a lover

You started a graveyard
As a first man
I started a graveyard
By not loving them

And you started a row of lovers
But their love was never requited
So I pushed them down a cliff of disappointment
Or they choose to go the same path as you did
Not like there's a difference

Because whatever way you choose
I'll let you down, either fall or walk
And at the end you just see your name on a stone
And me, putting the heart I ripped out your chest
To put it in another and bury it six feet down

Where I can't reach it anymore
Unfortunately, where you can't reach it, too
So after all this time, I still have your heart
But I won't call you mine

You're just a memory on faded photograph
That I put by the stone
One last time I visited
And never came back again
For the boy who promised he won't leave
1.6k · Sep 2018
Emmky Sep 2018
There's this pressure every woman has to deal with
People want us to want a child
But what do they know, calling me selfish at my age of fifteen
When my biggest struggle is getting A's in freshman year

I have no intention on filling this world with
Another zombie, creature that's living with no need of thinking
I'm not even sorry for my choice, come on
There's seven billion people in the world, why do we need more?

No, philosophical zombie, don't go with a crowd
They will control you and manipulate your mind
You will lose yourself within their commands
That you're selflessly obeying 'till passing out

Their psychotic destruction is tearing us down
Using you as their weapon, breaking your limbs and loosening your nerves
How am I supposed to put you back together when I have
Problems slipping through my own fingertips myself

We have to find ourselves in this post apocalyptic world
Search through empty halls and broken windows
To see our reflection in the shattered glass covered in
Blood of victims of those brutal killings and your reckless behaviour

Your actions and my upbringing were the cause of this fatality
Leading to the mess we found ourselves in
Both still lost and broken, my vision blurry with ashes and cracks
On your delicate body shifted in unnatural angles

No, don't reach for your mama, darling, I know
It hurts, shh, don't cry, little zombie of mine
I promise it will be okay once the dust settles down
And you will be free to see colourful dreams with your blind eyes

But untill that day I'll wrap you in a blanket, so the world can't see you
And make fun of you and your unhappy being
While you desperately cry for some respect and love
And I'll try my best to offer it to you

You don't have a name and you will probably never be there, but
Don't be afraid of worms, they are coming for you
You can fight back but at the end of the day
You can't resist because your life depends on them

They guide your living, what you can and can't
They keep your dreams to themselves while it's possible
And once faces of relatives are twisted in grief
Little worms come for your soft flesh and chalk white skin
For my future, if any, child
1.4k · Jul 2018
Emmky Jul 2018
We've known each other for long
But still, you can't say a thing
That would define me
What's that spark you see?

Well, I don't know
You have no clue what lives inside my guts
No way you could see within
So why are you still here, wondering who's under the skin?

I don't want you to get *****, finding out who I am
Coz there's a lot of **** inside my head
And much more ***** in my heart, both can't be replaced
No point in cleaning it up, trust me I've tried many times before

And I don't really need you
To see the mess
People around me have done
Coz you've helped them too

I'm sorry that it's true
And there is no cure for me
So don't try to find it
Or else, regrets will hunt me down
Because you've wasted your time not only
On me, but on my issues, too

How many times have you cried because of me?
How many times you wished you were dead
Because your feelings were accepted but not given back?
Tell me, I'll listen before I go, disappear on the quiet bubbly road

There's bulimia in me, I figured it out
Vomiting feelings I've once accepted, not able to answer them
And now giving them back in the nastiest way possible
Covered in dark bubbles, smelling like death

And I would kneel by the toilet
Throwing up all the things I didn't mean
But said with a smile, hoping you'll be glad
Because we are friends, right?
It leaves bitter taste that stays for days
And I can't help but think

Why do they try to see the darkest part
Where everything is messy and covered in blood
Examination of my fakest smiles leads them to realization
There's something wrong with my heart

And I appreciate that you care, yet
I'm sick of it
I can't handle feelings of others and
That drives me insane, needing more shots
So I could spit all the mess out from my mouth and get rid of it

You really are there when I need
Thanks about that by the way
But you can't heal a bulimian heart
That's sick of all this attention that
You're giving me

It's not your fault, it's just me
Knowing people who get too much attached to me
Will get hurt
So my brain starts fighting against it, leaving my heart with a message

Don't let them in and if you do
Get them out like stomach does
When it can't handle the food
Don't play it nice

Still, I can't help
But don't want to hurt you
Yet you're difficult
So now I'm standing here
Saying these words I've made up
Of what I threw up
For the girl and boy who grew too much attached to me
493 · Aug 2019
Emmky Aug 2019
I had a dream
         I was surrounded by
And I was heavy
         Could not reach out
While my mother was
          screaming for any help
That dream woke me up. It was the moment I realized, how scary it is to drown - I saw the light on the surface, I thought I could swim but nothing just bubbles came up. I was all alone, left to die, without anyone to help or acompany me. Where are all the marmaids and water nymphs and fairies when you want to die with your friends around you?
347 · Aug 2018
Emmky Aug 2018
Gently part my almost see-through skin with a scalpel
As I watch your trembling hands cut deeper into my torso
Take my bones and open my delicate rib cage without breaking
Where my trapped heart is welcoming worms, beating weakly

And I'll caress your cheeks twitched in disgust by what you see
Rotting mess inside my body, just pull it out and wrap it in a cloth, put it in a jar
Stuff my chest with your pieces, wishes and expectations
Only to be disappointed in me and my love again

For I gently tug at your sleeve and ask in a small voice
If you could make me dead and numb for a while, so I could rest
Because I wasn't born for warm and tickly feelings inside my tummy and chest
For loving in the way romantic books portrait and movies make standard

And I try to laugh it off whenever I don't feel so well from what you've put into me
So you won't scar my ******* but you find out and do the procedure anyway
But I never say anything, though it makes me sad you hate your art
I guess it can't be helped if the person you love is dead no matter how hard you tried

Can you hear my bones softly crying in summer breeze as they're healing
And can you feel my fear whenever your fingers trace my neck
Still continue to pick perfect heart in exchange for mine
That you buried to hide and I dug up without you knowing

“Fixing me” is your explanation, no hint of sorry in your eyes to be seen
But I was never broken in the first place, so what's there to fix in me?
You took me apart, stuffed like a teddy bear and sewn together so I could be torn apart again
Though you're always failing, you keep trying to find a way to make it work

Everytime I see red streams flowing from my wounds you assure it's alright
And that you'll try your best tomorrow to find my love in the Valley of the Dead for I lost it there
But why would you do it if you love me the way you say you do
Why would you put me through the things you put me through

I'm the one to believe my crows when they say that they saw
You tried to **** my heart so there's no going back, happened many times before
But you can't **** anything that's already dead
So keep your so-called necromancy tricks to yourself

If your love really was like necromancy, I wouldn't need a different heart to know
The pureness of another human's feelings they adore me with
That cause my chest to blossom and throat to sing freely
If your love really was like necromancy, I wouldn't feel so cold and barren in my own skin
For my past and future lovers
333 · Mar 2018
Emmky Mar 2018
The beautiful roof above my head,
The window to unseen worlds,
The proof that I'm not mad,
The proof I'll heal my wounds.

Shining bright in my direction,
Fading out in their place,
My eyes are blind to their perfection,
After all - how big is Space?

So I'll watch them through my window,
Not afraid of the dark,
Trying to count them by their mysterious glow,
Trying to catch the spark.
Reminder that I'm alive
321 · Jan 2019
Emmky Jan 2019
I smelled cigarettes and cancer
When you stood behind me
You've smoked your brains out
And lost every bits and pieces of you

You used to be a boy
I was very fond of
Until the day you closed your heart to me
And I really thought you left

That you dug up the chest I buried
Brought back what was stolen from you
But you still linger around
You still flow my mind
When I recall memories
Of young selfless love

I wanted to meet you one more time
And I wanted to help, I swear that I tried
But you showed me no interest when I typed
And then looked wide-eyed when I said goodbye

I remember a boy who wanted to be a writer
Wher is the innocent soul I used to cherish so much
Why did I and the time change you
Why'd you become a person I don't even want to know

I thought I was over you, over our late night conversations
I thought I didn't miss you anymore
But now the only thing I can think of
Is the cancer growing inside of you

Don't you see it's killing you
I would kiss chapped lips again if it meant healing you
And I would breathe the cigarette smoke to stay beside you
I would do anything to help you fight with this type of cancer

But you don't want my help, do you
You thought you'll never meet me again
And maybe I'm the only one of us two
Who's affected by that one time I saw you

And heard your voice
Oh god, it's so hoarse and so different
And it's bitter, talking about school
And I wonder how bitter it is talking about me

I know, it was my choice to let go
To let you go down the cliff of disappointment
And never visit your grave ever again
But that doesn't mean I don't miss you

Remember when I wrote you in the summer
I wanted to say something like "hey, I finally know
What I felt, just so you know you've never left my head
And I'm proud to say, I love you in a very different way"

But then I didn't say it
You were too closed
Too distant to hear that
And I'm sorry I messed up

But sorry in this pitiful poem is
Such a meaningless apologize
For all the pain that I've caused
For all those sleepless nights

At the end of the day, I brought this upon myself
I at least partly made you into a man you are today
And when I see you, I love the memory of you
That I buried close to my bed

But that's it - you are just a memory
And the memory boy you were is no longer there
I can only ask where did he go, why did he leave
But the answer is always untold but so very known in my head
For a boy who was very similiar to me
231 · Oct 2018
Emmky Oct 2018
Sometimes I dream of how it is
To let go and finally feel nothing
Nothing in a meaning of nothing
Nothing not in a meaning of empty

And in those dreams I sometimes look into the coffin
And sometimes just to the ground
Where my selfless body lies
And birds sing while wind cries
Both combining into heartbreaking elegy nobody will ever hear

But then I wake up and
I realize there's nothing I could leave behind when I'm gone
Just a room with white walls and table with funny stones
I believed they would protect me
Both from world and me and my self-destructive nature

What if they are useless like I am?
Just laying there, waiting for somebody to pick them up
And give them purpose they need for their existence
Or else they will just fall apart to useless pieces
Useless pieces of what used to be whole

It's shameful writing these words
When I feel terribly again for no reason that people would take seriously
When I am in the bed, trying to sleep but I'm an insomniac as a day
As I try to forget who I was yesterday

I'm not falling for depression neither anxiety
I don't have all the symptoms but why do I feel like it?
And I'm not bipolar, I checked some facts
I'm just casually fading away every day

And no one sees it
I finally feel lonely, not alone - straight up lonely
There's this feeling like I don't fit in
And I feel like another angsty teenager writing a poem
About how life ***** when you are different
But I don't care

I just want someone to hold me
Someone to listen to me
Just one person who would go to my funeral
That one beautiful soul

Where are you?
Where are you when I feel like this?
I don't know who you are but I keep Calling your name over and over again, hoping
You will hear my desperate voice and come to save me

Today I don't even have a strength to cry over all of this
I'm tired of falling apart, of kissing my parts goodbye
I need some sleep but I'm afraid I don't want to wake up
Would flowers grow above me soon?
Am I too young to ask that question?

And is it alright for me to be like this?
Was I independent in the past or blind to these feelings I have now
It would make sense, as I found out I feel either nothing or everything
It's like washing the clouds in sunny day

I don't feel safe anymore, my heart is weak
I can't help but keep falling down for my own misery I've written for myself
My sense of stability is missing again and I don't want to bother
I guess I just need to find person inside of me to fulfill their place

I'll bring myself flowers, I'll carry my soul
I'll sing myself sad and sleepy songs
And I'll say goodbye to myself with a smile
Today I found out I'm the only person I need on my funeral
For me when I feel lonely
230 · Aug 2018
Emmky Aug 2018
You trick yourself to believe that you actually know
Who's crawling under my skin, don't you
Yet, there's an issue - you're not even aware of who you are yourself
So what makes you think you know somebody who locked and hid themselves

I would appreciate it if you'd stop speaking my mind
Because if you'd actually travel to my spoiled skull
And shared a train with my friendly phantoms
You'd say different words, perhaps not so harsh or maybe even worse

But still you'd have no right to even think you know
What's going on inside my head, what monsters eat me alive
And it's scary because sometimes I'm not sure myself
And though I want to show, I won't offer them a trip in places they weren't ever before

There's no way anyone could see more than I'll let them
Showing off the best coupes only that you can share with angels
And not with past, present and future demons
Who would gladly slit your throat just for playful pleasure

No-one really cares about the wagons at the very back
Because there are secrets so vicious they don't want to know
For their fear not saying a word to the newcomer
So the moment you move your glance, oh hell

Maybe others don't see what you see or maybe they don't want to
They still live in illusion I made up to feed their not so right curiosity
But you, I'll offer you a seat next to my fear and anxiety
I'll let you seek through the train finding things you never wanted to reach

Shadows of the darkest parts of my mind, check
Wrecked goals and dreams, you can see them on your left
Relatives going by their hateful tongue and
Other visitors in my mind that used to have face

People outside the station try to answer for me
Guessing, without knowing the truth, just mindlessly saying words
They would want to hear from me but only
If they'd know I'd gladly throw them under the train

Watch their body being slashed and scattered
Like butterflies' wings with any harsh touch
Can't hear their begging and whimpering within the screams of my brain
And the words I am finally free to say out loud
For all the people who know me not
223 · Nov 2018
Emmky Nov 2018
Yes, I did go
I did run away
I did leave you alone
When you needed someone to listen
And what for?
For me

Not because I'm selfish, or at least I hope
But because there's no healing if the two of us
Need to be healed from their own pain and diseases
And there's no growth within shadowed hearts and minds

You can't grow if you keep yourself in the dark shadow of your smile
You can't wait for prosperity if you keep yourself out of reach of those
Who would like to help you and your excuse is
I'm the only help you will ever need but let me say - *******

People say that you grow from pain
But I guess the growth stops
When you are too long
In there

Few days ago we shared the same bus, you next to me
And I next to your broken heart
And you said to me that when I left you it hit you hard
And you said to me that you have never been so nervous in your life

Funny what two months can do, you've been grieving
While I was trying to think of something I can do
To make myself feel better about who I was and who I am growing into
Embracing all my flowers, leaves and thorns

I knew from someone else that you've been down
I've been just praying for you to not do something dumb
But why was I the one who hurt you so badly?
Why didn't you say how deep my thorns were stabbing before I pulled?

You are yet a tiny seed, you need sun and water and kind words
But I'm not the one to offer all of this to you
There are reasons for it known and unsaid
We both know I am not the answer to question about your growth

Better without me, that's who you are
And I'll be cruelly honest when I say I'm better without you as well
There are reasons for it unknown and said
We both know you are not a factor in my own growth

Yet I have to give you a credit, some kind of appreciation
You let me go when I asked you to
Not something others would do, though I ask myself why
Do they keep attached to me so bad

I don't expect you to read these words but if you do
I hope you're doing well without me and
I'll be honest when I say I want you to know
That it's okay to grow slow
For a boy who almost drowned in his own sadness.
213 · Aug 2019
Wish he was here
Emmky Aug 2019
Oh, how I wish he was here

How I wish I could curl up next to him
Let him cuddle and snuggle me
Let him kiss the nape of my neck
Let him hug my waist
Let him sleep next to me

How I wish he was here

How I wish he slept on my chest
Where I believe he's supposed to be
To hear my calm but also raging heartbeat
When he's so close to me

How I wish he was here

How I wish I could feel his warmth
Let me love and adore him
Let me kiss his forehead
Let me take his hands
Let me sleep next to him

Oh, how I wish he was here
For the boy who taught me it's okay to show, not always tell.
211 · Oct 2018
Emmky Oct 2018
How it comes that out of all people you are the one who
Won't hesitate to embrace the mess that's left of me
When the darkest hour of my sadness strikes
And takes all the good I've done out of my reach in exchange for hatred I feel inside

You are here when
I won't let anyone see my face
It's pale and there are bags under my eyes for the lack of sleep
And my cheeks are swollen of cries I let out
These starless nights

And when all my hair is gone
And my nails are ******
And when I balance on the edge of insanity
How comes you are my only sense of stability

I'm afraid of falling
Down there are monsters
Who would eat me without a second thought
And you assure me that
If I fall you will catch me and fight with those beasts
Just so I am alright

But I'm afraid of flying
Because everytime I tried, those filthy hands reached out
To me, gripped on me
And slowly let me fall back down
Yet you still borrow me your wings
Without me actually using them

What if I break them?
I would ruin your free spirited headspace
And brave heart of a fighter
I would **** the lovely person you are in exchange for my failure
I can't possibly ever let myself do that

You believe in me
You believe that a little push brings uplift
You know I can do that
Just need to find the courage to do it

You are everything I need,
Bringing me to my knees and then lifting me up
Throwing me off balance while making sure about me being stable
Physically, psychologically, emotionally

Alabaster hands put me down from a chair
I'm trembling on after another unsuccessful attempt
As long as you are with me, my dearest friend
I know I can and will stand tall
As long as you are here to stabilise me
For the girl who knew it all
210 · Aug 2018
Emmky Aug 2018
Sometimes I go out at night and
Lay myself down in the sheets of snow
No matter how cold or wet my clothes get I stay
And dream of a boy I've never met

His kindness scared me, nice words
Piercing through my ears and laughs escaping
My mouth felt deadly for a person who has to bring
Themselves forcefully to smile just a little

I don't remember the name I used to call him with
Time we spent together felt so unrealistic, like a dream, like a nightmare
Like a story we've written together, changing fate
Of each other and revealing more than we should

But I loved it, even the pain sourced in a boy
Whose answers were warm for the heart but ice cold to the touch
That it hurt, that cold were his hands but the moment
He put it in mine and embraced all I was with demons in my head
I could care less about it

After all he was an angel with blurry memories of heaven
Which rejected him for his sins undone and left him with a feather
And blood on his hands, scars of what used to be his and him and I
Just couldn't help but touch his dreadful living

His bones were so fragile and his skeleton delicate
He lied on the hospital bed, killing time with my younger self
And I adored what he wrote with every piece of my heart
Though it felt so devilish afterwards when his response never came

But back then I was probably too young to know
That he most likely moved on and had some reasons
Perhaps his wired knee could work again so he ran back to the world
Where he truly belonged rather than stay there with monsters and hunters
That tried to **** him at any opportunity they had

After all this time I still remember what you said, not to me
To my girl, that she's like a butterfly with one wing light and the other dark
One full of the good, beautiful things that made her herself
And the other covered in fear and doubts about her existence

And she didn't love you, she loved your man
After everything he have done for her
I was naïve back then but I don't want to be today when I say
I don't know if you're reading this, but I hope you're okay
Because the days that passed you were my real life angel
For the boy I've never met
204 · Mar 2018
Emmky Mar 2018
Spinning 'round us 'till the end,
As if Earth is the center of the universe,
Always watching the mess we've made,
Hearing my cracking voice, ending the verse.

Sometimes I see it from my window,
"Wrong side of the house," I whisper,
While silver light is broken by willow,
Which only stands there and it's leaves whimper.

This massive body on the night sky,
So bright, but not from its own shine,
Reminds me I have to try,
'Cause my life is not defined.
Reminder that I will try
190 · Dec 2018
Emmky Dec 2018
It was summer when I realized the mess I got myself into
The way our so called friendship made me feel, like a numb cadaver
And your presence was the thing to shift between my moods
And how I couldn't stand a single look at you

Your mind is damaged and it shows
And your body isn't the case, you know?
Your looks aren't priority, though it sometimes may be the cause of averting my eyes
I guess I should've known better than making a deeper cut

“Why” you may ask
What have you done, something so horrible
I wouldn't give you a single glance with my bloodshot eyes
And cringe whenever you try to touch me

I misunderstood the whole situation
I never thought you could get so clingy and attached
So instead of giving you what you want I
Gave you what I need, sweet separation like for Siam's sisters

Maybe it was harsh, maybe it was blunt
That when I confronted you, it slit your throat
And you cried into your hands while I didn't shed a tear
Didn't show how it hurt because at that time I felt nothing

I still do, I feel the nothingness to your mind, body and soul
But you seem to come back, though I want you to leave me alone
And your company drives me places I don't want to be ever again
Because they scream “******” right into my face

I probably killed a part of your little poor self with these scissors
I used to cut the ties connecting us when it was a new moon
Night, when I wished you'll forget about the kiss
That wasn't meant to be done in my light headed state

You know what?
I got rid of the orange ChapStick
I hate “french lessons” how we called it
And I'd rather cut my lips than to ever connect them with somebody's again

And now more than ever I know
That cutting the ties was the best decision
And now more than ever I appreciate
That homophobic grandpa who interrupted
When we came for a second try
Because without that happening I'd probably lose my mind

You know I'm the one to believe my crows
When they say what they've heard and seen
I know it's not a lie, yet there's someone I little hold in doubt
For saying something about you, how you said what I've done

If what they say is true, shame on you
I thought you had the decency to keep it a secret
One thing, two things, doesn't matter how many
You said everything I wanted you not to share

And you did it even before
When we were “friends”, by the way
And from innocent mistake you made lustful charade
How dare you use me like that, making me seem less than I already am?

You knew I didn't feel a thing around you
Everyone knew
So did you feel the urge to feed your ego on
Being “the one”

I lost my barrier with
I made out wildly with
I felt deep connection with
I'd share my heart with

Don't make me laugh, this is pathetic
I don't know what you wanted out of this
But I can tell it's nothing I would want
Yes, this seems selfish but it's not like I care anymore

Not because you hurt me, not in a slightest
I am invincible to those “romantic” tricks, remember?
I don't care anymore because I lost hope in you
And I lost trust in you, oh, how bruised it is

So, we will have a talk, one last time
And who knows, maybe I'm just falsely accusing you
Or maybe I'll walk out with scissors covered in blood
Gently dripping to the floor, making a river, flowing away with silent whimper

“I'll never let go” like that cheesy Titanic quote
What a shame I already did, many times before
But as I said, I don't really care anymore
Doesn't matter how many times you'll try, I'll just cut you some more

So, we had a talk
And you said the exact opposite of what I've heard
I'm confused, what is the truth?
I can't decide who's throwing dirt on who

But I'm tired of everything
I'm tired of trying to find out who lies to me
All I want is to know how it really was
You two need to talk and make up your minds
Before talking to me
Probably feeding me with more lies
For a girl who clung onto me rather too much
174 · Jul 2019
Emmky Jul 2019
I've been told I'll miss middle school
That I'll wish I could come back
See my classmates again
That I'll wish to revert the time back to when everything was supposedly fine

But do I, really?
Do I wish to come back now when I'm doing what I love
Do I really wish to revisit the class I hated so much
I didn't even want to be there because what was there to like?

Blackboard with smudges
Broken desks
Decoration that was a mess
Or kids that never cared and I never cared for in return

I'm sure that if anyone of them reads this poem
They'd agree, and they'd agree so hard that it'd physically hurt
Like back then when it all began
Chest tightens, limbs go numb

With the very first bad word used against them
Memories of those times - do we really miss them?
I think not but that's just my humble opinion
But really, what's there to miss?

Too much make-up on fifteen years old
Childlike relationships we quickly grew out of
Fake friends who turned their back whenever they want
This bullies compilation that we fairly know

Stitching our mouths shut when something went wrong
Cutting our limbs off when we had to go for help
Disposing of guts when we didn't want to be seen
And emptying our skulls to make sure we weren't really here

Do we really miss those days?
Do we miss, do we even want to remember
How terribly we acted towards each other when something went wrong
And the solution was yet another fight no-one's ever came unhurt of

But the minute lasting victory was worth losing an eye, right
Whatever that you'll never ever see bright
Who cares if next time you'll go blind
Does it matter if we all are blindfolded anyway

So we don't have to look at the fight
We just hear how it went down
And the truth is blurry because
We've never cared enough

So, is there anything to miss or like?
Shadow figures
Hands covered in blood
Maybe just metaphors but scary and disgusting enough

I guess now it's clear why I never want to hear
About them or why I never want to see
What's became of them
And probably why they feel towards me the same
After all, who'd want to befriend a bully?
For those in my class that truly aren't my dearest

— The End —