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Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Sites disappearing nothing bright anymore
just a window with no view, just a day so blue
You watched the show when it was new
now you want to buy another movie to watch
this time the name will be once upon a time
short for a movie of life yet it's so strong
just a movie that makes one cry in vain..

Why must pictures look so rosy bright
glasses have never been this light
yet when you look through life through glasses
only the truth flows from each picture
catch your glow it comes from deep
not outside does it shine like flames...

When you swing upon a swing it feels good
so does it feel wonderful to touch that first ray
each glow never stops to change it shines so bright
when your steps have ended and no more are taken
you will see glasses so rosy were never rosy
not till then will you know your heart...

Love swinging high, my heart sings along with my little
bird I have on my shoulder bright...Life could not be any
happier and the deck is packed in the correct manner.

I love rose colored glasses they show us so much when
we wear them wisely..

(A peaceful heart is a happy heart)


By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
Running wild, free among dreams
magical, soothing, blossoming
flowers blowing in the breeze
of lost time.

Thoughts flooding through my mind
as free as deer running cross paths
far beyond my destiny.

Barefoot! I walk flirting with sweet
nature mother of my temperament
mother of my heart.

In shadow! she wolf follows me
beautiful white, with eyes softly
steading me with every step I
take with delight.

I have to be free, have to be
no other way can I breathe
I dance among the wild flowers
sleep by the river bank listening
to the waters of heaven pass me

No other than mother shall give me
peace as I dance around with my
animals so wild and free.

I am part of mother bright and loyal
I am part human loving from afar
I was born to be free and wild in
dreams flying with the birds of
love and peace.

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
Sands of sun bleached memories caught in
love, lost for a moment swinging with each
dream passing by like a silent breeze..

Caught in each vine so tightly spun, never
lifting enough to release the chains that
bind within...

Free spirit roams like a softness of a summer
wind across the waters of time, let swing
higher bring thrill never forgotten..

Move calmly, take up your chains and remove
them, your key is near, the lock nearer, one
turn releases blood that must flow..

Heaven one step ahead, watch it's light
it follows so close behind like a shadow
following each step...

Freedom flowing, life soaring like a hawk
it reaches out, it plays it's role, the role it
was born to play..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
Close the door of sadness,
open for love, it's time, let the
flower open now, it has been
waiting forever, each bud
that opens, are buds that
shall never die, they shall spread
open slowly gathering essence
of life's true meaning...

Watch, it seeks nothing more,
searching has ended, it never
needs to echo in the mist, it's
played it song, it roamed into
the hidden wilderness, it's
song has touched each heart
that understands the purpose
of life, it has reach has high
as it shall reach, it's gone above
dreams that may never become
a reality, it's power becomes
true energy of life...

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
Emotions burn deep, catching a glance
of inner fire, savage fire burning without
release, pain without knowledge!

Welded-in spirit demon force rages forward
like a vessel tossed in the sea, flames
burning, no ultimate healer.

Thick with denial, comfort seduces acceptance
upon arrival of fire laced in the noted realization
of each illusion materializing.

Illusions die hard when loves turn
away without a warning, truth should
be everyone's friend when it comes down
to love, go away false Illusion.

Dreams reinforced, collecting thoughts
of today, perfect love gone bad in a
second of time, savage fire burns, no escaping
it's useless to pretend life was made for your
liking, you're the savage fire, making you
stronger with determination, force, persistence
of heart, soul, power of love irresistible energy
among all who have made it happen.

We are the creator, imaginational power stronger
than knowledge calmer than realization, we are
the creator of illusion.

© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
Savage intentions attack each thought,
silence undo the thoughts intent
approach without notice, cooling across
miles undisturbed, heights surrendering
to beauty that never enter in the minds
eye of an intentional attack.

Restless heart, lay down your arms,
no enemy lurks behind each bend
intruder lives within yourself, attacking
emotions, with no return, when danger
appears with darkened clouds, defensive
thoughts growing behind mounts of hurtful
distraction, light appearing calming the

Soar high, fly away, free, fearless,
dividing worlds apart, all that was,
all that's been, now quietly dissolves,
touching heart, touching soul, whispering
winds calming desires within, each
disturbing memory of yesterday.

Captured mind collecting good thoughts
intended to be savage beast no more,
desire blooms like a rose, pure, new
fresh, light appearing within the master
mind and soul, within bringing a brightness
to confusion and misunderstanding..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Surrounded with glory, they
shall come and announce
a great Lord, a man of
great powers, a man that
can do no harm, a man
who can comfort, each
pain, each lonely heart,
a man who shall stand out
side the bushes, waiting
for your beckoning call..

Who is that man that stands
near by, if you may need a
helping hand? Who is this
man with love that is opened
to everyone? Who is this
true master of our heart?

Questions of your heart scream
out, needing answers, blank
faces on guard, amazed, uncaring,
individuals of dusty deeds, peels
away the mask of temptation..

Come follow, the end is close, storms,
unwind with rage, universal march,
begins the day, of six hundred and sixty
six men fly above the clouds before
the light of dawn...

Labeled and shot for criminal destruction,
masters shoot up forward, capturing
and caging all who won't believe the
masters words, if you don't follow, you
will weep a million tears and shed
a million hurts, and lose a million
mortal soul...

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2018
Spring, warm and wonderful years
memories of greatest wonder
touched so tenderly by the heart..

Summer, flowing graciously by
catching each ray of light, tucking
it away, for a cloudy day..

Autumn, colors surrounding each
corner with laughter, so warm,
loving and never forgotten..

Winter, a time of never ending
beauty, building bridges, watching
many fall, building another, this
time, wisdom and understanding
is the foundation..

Collect those seasons, store
them away, they shall never
be lived again, time to be going

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
A second glance may need to be observed
even heart, could be fooled from
surroundings filled with glamour and
amazing enchantments.

How large the tree appears, has no meaning
how beautiful, how long it has been growing
so enormous and healthy.

Second glances always have better explanations
when time of over whelming is subtracted, and
the picture is completely different then the first
time it was observed.

Mind, heart, collects information from souls
intellect, gathering like a bouquet wrapped in
ribbon attracted to the observer, without a
second glance.

Never to late to check the surroundings twice
to see what could have been missed by just
one little glance.

(Glanced over and saw a bright light in the Heavens)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2020
Struggling makes us aware of who we are in many ways we do not
comprehend.  Yet, as we awaken in awareness, we realize
each day could be different if we tried living life with loving
hearts, leaving those misunderstood thoughts find their own
direction, replaced by understanding life for the moment, not easy
focusing that living each second needs to be a treasure.
Being aware we are very untamed in knowledge till we
find the meaning of wisdom through living.

These uncertain times we live, seem to be closing in every
direction on us. New time, new world, entire different life
as we once knew it to be.

Now, is all we have,  may it be sad, stressful, complexed
we must live through all these emotions that confuse us and bringing
all our sadness to the surface.

Time to face each situation that appears before us, the best we
know how, even how it hurts, we must follow through and try
to understand each thought that brings love can also bring comfort.

Those who have faith and hope to believe that miracles happen
every day can bring themselves to the point of self-awareness
knowing we may always carry that sadness, but we shall always
pass that moment into the next moment of self-improvement.

No matter how we search, we know the opposite of sadness
is happiness.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved).
Harriet Shea Jan 2019
Gazing into the glass of time
she stares blindly past her
solitude life with a smile.

For an instant, she sees a
lovely creature, with beauty
all her own, her image delights
her in ways only she knows.

How can one look like an
angel, feeling so alone she
thought, not knowing she
was never alone, she had
happiness deep within herself
a mirror has to sides she thought
with a sigh.

Life has been a hard long
road, it has dealt her many
a losing hand, yet she carries
on her life being happy she
has been so blessed.

Her life now satisfies her, even
though many tears have been
shed, it has made her strong
to pick up each broken
piece, continuing walking
the road of destiny.

She's gotten use of living life
in solitude, second nature
to her now, she has found a
peace of mind, accepting ways
life has taught her, is a very
special way.

She knows life is never the way
she wanted it to be, it is the way
it was meant to be, and all should
accept each day for the goodness
not the bleakness, she always kept
this thought in her mind.

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2020
Life sits quietly believing in
ourselves, you can smile, you
can cry, but remember
the heart always be yours.

You're the keeper of your heart
soul, the keeper of all you
believe in, the keeper of your
own destiny.

Life sits at the hand of the
beholder, knowing distance
of the mind, distance of our
best kept secret, throughout
life's path we walk.

We are forever keepers of
the stars that shine, light
that radiates from within, and
the love that is shared with
respect and sincerity.

We are true to whom we
have become by living
life to the fullest, becoming

“We are self keepers”

© DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
If ever I could shed my tears, they may spread throughout the world
and save the people of lost souls, not yet know how to radiate their light..

Come into your dimensions, cross your heart with love, and think of how you got here in a second of your dream light last night.

Remember your path does not cross you, you make it happen where you seem to appear without your own knowledge.

Being you can be amazing if you only release your pain, loving
self will always love as long as you recognize who you really are.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2019
World of sensitivity becomes deep with
the concern, no answers for reasons of feeling
confused, our balance misplaced, our
minds, souls, have no light to shine
a promise from within.

Something has disappeared without our
knowing, feeling of awareness darken
with despair, a missing link disables
truth to pour from souls of light, and
harmony to spread integrity throughout
the world with love.

Misunderstanding pushes us in a blue-green
spire, rotating without our knowledge, a
the silence of sound, balancing our vibrations
high enough, to collect substance in our mind's
eye, that may have been a quick beam of light
in our past imagination.

Purple pink hues mix together, pass in a
pleasurable sensation of delight, locked
together, like in a picture, framed behind
Sensitivity flows through, submerged deeply
in a new dimensional atmosphere filled with
misty explanations, of our birth into the
A universe, our light that was meant to create
a world of love, peace, harmony restoring
balance in- between all dimensional illusions.

We create our own little worlds, within our own
little self, hoping we can find love like our
A universe, bright with purified magical
mysterious wonders, deep with love, bringing
forth understanding and wisdom.

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2018
World of sensitivity becomes deep with
concern, no answers for reasons of feeling
confused, our balance misplaced, our
minds, souls, have no light to shine
promise from within..
Something has disappeared without our
knowing, feeling of awareness darken
with despair, a missing link disables
truth to pour from souls of light, and
harmony to spread integrity throughout
the world with love.
Misunderstanding pushes us in a blue-green
spire, rotating without our knowledge, a
silence of sound, balancing our vibrations
high enough, to collect substance in our mind's
eye, that may of been a quick beam of light
in our past imagination.
Purple pink hues mix together, pass in a
pleasurable sensation of delight, locked
together, like in a picture, framed behind
Sensitivity flows through , submerged deeply
in a new dimensional atmosphere filled with
misty explanations, of our birth into the
Universe, our light that was meant to create
a world of love, peace, harmony restoring
balance in- between all dimensional illusions.

We create our own little worlds, within our own
little self, hoping we can find love like our
Universe, bright with purified magical
mysterious wonders, deep with love, bringing
forth understanding and wisdom.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Quietly walking on the shore, thoughts enter
of days, picking shells and drift wood, oh
those days, when the breeze softly kissed
my cheek, watching waves of time slip by
so quickly..

Many roads I have walked upon, many
dreams have slipped through clouds of
strife, yet those days of youth can never
be replace, days of learning, days when
I thought I was all alone in my little world
observing the wonderment of life..

Now, I sit on a rock, gazing across a
field of green, again a breeze softly
kissing my cheek, leaving memories
locked within a heart that has lived
two life times, glory be..

Thoughts thunder across the mind,
capturing days of youth, days before
I became a mother of six beautiful
children, days of being a mother
never entered my mind, only gentle
thoughts of my own dear mother, sad
distant from a past I know she left
behind with many tears shed..

Walking across a field of buttercups
laying down among wild flowers, like
I did, in the summer of my life, each
thought revealing a past thought, once
allowing that soft breeze, blowing across
my cheek, a reminder of what was many
years ago..

( Nothing more warming, then the breezey memories of youth)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Shadows may lurk in silence still
light shines from within, through
sorrow and stride, light's glow
continues bright, strength of
mother roams in her wilderness
of dreams and promises, she
comforts spirit, she lays her hand
over forests of burnt trees and
shed's her tears with the breeze.

'Where has my beauty gone'
she sadly speaks, floating along
area's of mass destruction. 'No
more shall beauty cometh down
in glories rays' she speaks again
weeping soft rain upon her
destroyed planet earth.

Once their was plenty, now
fire blooms like flowers without
fresh morning dew, touched, with
shallow eyes, watching darkened
hearts grow cold with fear, to see
what they have done. They have
lite the match of destruction, and
turned away from a could of been

Sun fading fast, clouds cry
like tears of dusty suet, no more
shall light shine it's beauty upon
planet earth like once when air was
fresh-- now life may begin a new in
a different place and time.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2018
Sharp, slender, deep, describes my
character of another dimension
he can only be called a character
or maybe the other part of me.

Shaping each mold, with enough
power from within, the end
result comes out superb, nothing
to repair, all has been accomplished.

Sharp, slender like thread tied in
safety knots, his creation had
just begun, into a imperfect world
where the creation had been built
completely perfect.

Sharp slender, came a perfect
human, a human with supernatural
strength, needing no love, no
attention, just power made from
God up above.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2019
Sharp, spiritual, deep, describes my
character of another dimension, I
can only be called a character
or maybe the other half of me.

Shaping each mold, with enough
power from within, the end result
comes out superb, nothing to be
repair, all has been accomplished
born in a in perfect world.

Sharp, spiritual like golden thread
tied in safety knots, her creation has
just begun, into world of uncertainty
where creation had been developed
in a multilevel establishment according
to ones ability to gather information
to continue a nation of robotic humans
without emotions.

Sharp, spiritual she appeared super
human, with power of her own, to
bring hope back to civilization that
never was taught the power of love
compassion, understanding, strength.
Bestowing a new foundation of stability
to mankind.

Worlds perfection, is not a perfect song
only a melted thought, of an emotional
compassionate unconditional love, thrown
low enough to catch and store within
our souls.

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2023
Sharp, spiritual, and deep, describe my
the character of another dimension, I
can only be called a character
Or maybe the other half of me.

Shaping each mold, with enough
power from within, the result
comes out superb, nothing to be
repair, all has been accomplished
born in an imperfect world.

A sharp, spiritual-like golden thread
tied in safety knots, her creation has
just begun, into the world of uncertainty
where creation had been developed
In a multilevel establishment according
to one's ability to gather information
to continue a nation of robotic humans
without emotions.

Sharp, and spiritual she appeared super
human, with power of her own, to
bring hope back to civilization that
never was taught the power of love
compassion, understanding, strength.
Bestowing a new foundation of stability
to mankind.

Worlds perfection, is not a perfect song
only a melted thought, of an emotional
compassionate unconditional love, thrown
low enough to catch and store within
our souls.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2020
She is my perfection
my light of unknown
love unleashed.

She is the journey I
alone must walk
in the silence of
all thoughts.

She is the reason for
my free spirit my love

She is my inspiration
my inner voice of song
my something unique
all it's own.

She is the purification
of all dreams that once
was my reality.

She now is the clarification
centered, balanced in all
life forms of my logical
sentimental parts of my
soul to keep.

She is my spirit of love
cleansed within the depth
of understanding how it
all happened so suddenly
one day.

DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
I wolf, maiden in the day light, wolf
at night, where I wonder with a wolf pack
hungry for food, the shattered truth of my
life is a threat to my human friends, never
been so happy since I become a she wolf.

I feel the freshness upon my soul, I'm
renewed each time I transform, a feeling
of great power and true freedom, no one
shuts me in, I am a she wolf of the wild,
a place I've always wanted to be.

The night I was attacked, it did not
hurt, just a little break in the skin, several
months later, when the moon was full
I had a feeling to go into the timber
lands, seeking something, I did not
know what.

Now I have found the freedom I've
always wanted, freedom of a true
she wolf, I with my pack, I ****
for food, and at dawns early light, I
become a woman graving blood.

It may not sound to happy, to be in
the spot I'm in, it really is, I feel more
than anyone will ever feel, I know
what true freedom feels like when
the moon is full..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
Roaming in the wilderness, softness
underfoot, cool whispering of the
woodland breeze kissing her cheek.

Free spirit of the wolves, her other
friends, devoted, true, warm
creatures of the timberland, follow
her where she roams in grace.

Tranquility fills her heart, while she
roams the powerful irresistible
timberlands, crossing the streams,
gazing at the majestic mountains.

Evening brings a new world into
play, all becomes alive under the
black velvet skies, where stars
sparkle like diamonds.

Being in the wilderness is like
a captive bird set free, nothing
so comforting for a soul so cherished
in a world of miracles each day free
and new.

Living is magnificent, coming alive
where the wildflowers sway, the weeping
willows hugging the rocks by the flowing

No Place she rather be, only with her
friends, mighty wolves of the timberland
smell of leaves and branches freshly in the
air, rain falling softly re-nourishing everything
of beauty and life.

They call her 'She-Wolf of the Timberlands'
roaming bravely with her faithful friends of
the wild, head held high, with a song in
her heart.

By DerenaBree
Harriet Shea Jun 2018
Ship of happiness appears
in a mere second in my
mind. a place of peace
a place of love..

A second of deep desire
emotion sooths the
beast that plays
it's silent songs..

Ship of happiness
leaves me in a state of
harmony with everything
that enters in my mind.

Swing into the depth
of the heart, bringing
dreams of love, and
emotion flowing through
every day of my life.

Walking into Mother Nature
swiftly brings back how lovely
those days were roaming the
woodlands of Michigan, picking
berries, and sugar plums.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Shores of dreams become our own
reality..Fixed into a land of pleasure.
A dream of passion comes into play.
A strange gradifcation..A color scans through, with
glittering sparks of
fading light, falling from a dream.
A new dream appears from another
fixed for a moment, leaving the
mind blank.....A light filled room
filled with souls, trying a new way
of pleasure, going into another shore
of dreams, while watching another..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2019
Shores of destiny
climbing high above
peaks glorified in clouds
admired in a silent existence.

Confused in soul, mind
heart, sands pass into
time leaving steps of
honor behind..

Blowing! storms glimmer
across glacier of forbidden
limitations, lingering on like
a glossy sheet of sophistication
depressed in a shallow state
of unselfish determined
state of mind.

Shores flow in tune of peaceful
perfection, only in God's eyes
can he see the glorious view
what life on earth could have been
if they followed his holy words.

(Do good, do not turn your head in darkness)

Light your destiny in beauty!

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
We love in all ways, never realizing
life is our fountain of fresh delight
no concerns to bring us down, we
are taken care of very well.

If it wasn't for our daily prayer
when we say thank you, we would
travel down the road of life aimlessly
without a goal or love to let us
put a smile upon our face.

Simple living, are our answers to many
questions we have asked, keeping up with
life that pushes our responsibility
of raising our children properly
to robotic technology responsibilities
forgetting the right responsibilities, of
being parents.

No need to bother loving without actions
just more and more toys to dull life's
ambitions, where actions and words no
longer having meaning, only batteries
that have a longer life performance.

We are taken care of well, not from the
immaterial, the unseen strength of the
material, with power you cannot find
in this world of the confused.

So easy to live life to the fullest without
a thought what is now on the list to confront
maybe the latest cell phone to make life
more enjoyable.

What happened to the sunset we wonder!
Why did the sun not come up this morning
becoming disturbed, without a word.

We should always love beyond control
it is the greatest feeling on God's green

(Never expect, just be content)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Silence escaping from within
a time of never ending
peace, locked away without
interrupting interference
of human interactions.

A reverent sigh, a breath
of freshness, special freedom
living among animals of the
fantastic wilderness.

A cool breeze attacking
this stillness of tranquility
closing natures loveliness
around our beating hearts.

Silence escaping, *******
released, a free and wild feeling
of floating above all the binds
that bind.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2023
In the silence of the mind
we collect each thought
as they appear, releasing
adding another different
thought from the last.

Complex ed, confused
we settle for what may
come to us.

Calmness divines two
different individuals
in one, with one thought
differing sufficiently
excepting the difference.

Stronger or weaker we fight
for the challenge to
perform perfection that
does not exist.

Silence of mind play
silly games when serious
thoughts must not falter
risking uncertain
Be silent, listen to the mind
it speaks without words.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2020
Silence released from within
a time of never-ending
peace locked away without
interrupting interference
of human interactions.

A reverent sigh, a breath
of freshness, special freedom
living among animals of the
fantastic wilderness.

A cool breeze attacking
this stillness of tranquility
closing natures loveliness
around our beating hearts.

Silence escaping, *******
released, a free and wild feeling
of floating above all the binds
that bind.

The sound of silence dancing in
the breeze.

© 2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2020
Performance adorn in stillness arriving with
power, deep within the cliffs of knowledge
freedom connects with light, beaming down
on those who have not felt the breeze
blowing past.

Awareness clings close to those who observe
without knowing, they see beyond those
who doesn't notice a flowering ****?

Who knows the feeling that creeps inside
of a person, who feels every drop of
falling rain, see's every ray of sunlight
in the shadows of doubt.

Every emotion dancing above existence
in rhythm, empathizing how pines
trees have whipper-wills singing in
the night, allowing to be heard
for a while to make everything
perfect with nature's sweet song.
How awareness is in love with
the silent observant soul!

Noticed not a fabrication of stable
illusions that lock the chamber
of forsaken thoughts.

Hideaway silence of hidden
beliefs of rainbows coloring
skies filled with fear.

Captured withholding secrets of
innocence in a forest of delighted
solemn dismissal.

Silently awareness engraves
blueprints of forsaken
castles warn and broken
in spite.

2002DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2021
Performance adorn in stillness arriving with
power, deep within the cliffs of knowledge
freedom connects with light, beaming down
on those who have not felt the breeze
blowing past.

Awareness clings close to those who observe
without knowing, they see beyond those
who doesn't notice a flowering ****?

Who knows the feeling that creeps inside
of a person, who feels every drop of
falling rain sees every ray of sunlight
in the shadows of doubt.

Every emotion dancing above existence
in rhythm, empathizing with how Pines
trees have whipper-wills signing in
the night, allowing to be heard
while  making everything
perfect with nature's sweet song.
How awareness is in love with
the silent observant soul!

Noticed not a fabrication of stable
illusions that lock the chamber
of forsaken thoughts.

Hideaway the silence of hidden
beliefs of rainbows coloring
skies filled with fear.

Captured withholding secrets of
innocence in the forest of delighted
solemn dismissal.

Silently awareness engraves
blueprints of forsaken
castles warn and broken
in spite.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
I silently spread my wings and comfort
the empty void you unknowing carry.

I silently love you beyond my own light
bestowing the flower of wisdom upon
the gift of your love you share.

I silently know the fear you feel within
your dimensional realm, comforting each
stage of life you live.

I silently give you the courage you need
to be the person you want to be without

I silently collect all the flowers in the field
of eternity, to give you for the crown you'll
wear someday.

I silently love you from afar without your
knowledge, without a sign, without
a sigh, I simply just love you.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2020
The world appears to move silently
sending her another thought-inspiring
desire, once again to write down in
depth, beyond her fondest desires, this
night of peace of harmony.

She continues her stroll among the
passion vines, wishing she could once
again find another night-blooming flower
of white, its lingering fragrance, teasing
her instincts, through the aroma of the

A special flower of the night, that
once in her life, she saw bloom, under
the starry skies, with countless ambition
She flawlessly walked draped in a white garment
picking up branches of jasmine next to
her, smelling its never-ending sweetness.

How sweet the smell, filling her mind with
thoughts comforting her to write down words
forming beauty, through sights that surround.

Freshness silently flow from the depth of her
source filling her heart with words unveiled
in love sweetness.

2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2021
Standing in silence comparing my soul with
the sweetness of Mother Gaia. I pronounce
myself a being of the light divine.

There is no other being to compare my soul
with, only the purest thoughts of light beings before
we were stolen away to become something we are
not.  In the mind, we are controlled without thoughts
of our own, stumbling helplessly across the plane
of no return.

Silently, we fly within dreams of tranquility knowing
we are not a trusting soul like once in the time we were
when the light was bright radiating from the inner
part of our soul fire that never burns out.

Silently, we climb the edge of danger without fear
without thoughts that were alive with color never
fading into blackness like now.

Silently, we know we have no shadow, we walk
alone trying to find who we are, and have become
before the storm took us away to another dimension
unfamiliar to us.

Our minds have wandered away somewhere that
makes no difference if we become warm or cold
we are manifesting what we now want and dismissing
what we don't want.

Silently, we become a stranger to the assignment assigned
to us after our birthing.  No feelings of resentment, sadness
confusion, hatred, only peace of fulfillment, a coolness
soothing to body and soul.

No time to check what we are doing in this new time of our
a life that becomes more peaceful as each day passes into
the nothingness of our minds.

We feel the warmth of pure enlightenment of the soul, we
are love Divine, Light Beings of the Universal Plane

Children of God!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2020
Silent Solitude

Shall the heart of silent thoughts
capture secrets of love sweet
memories of splendor in the grass?

Only in silent Solitude

'To thy heart be true' they say
maybe just a glimpse showing
the heart collecting its own thoughts
through the life of miraculous
interventions of perfection.

Only in silent Solitude

Abide within the walls of time
there are no more bricks
to find, not in this life as we
have many lives to find that love
can bring through peace.

Only in silent Solitude

The walls can smother all feelings
without notice, if left to be forgotten, all
secret thoughts of the heart abide within
the soul of thoughts.

Only in silent Solitude

Solitude find's our depth without
thought, we only enter into another
part of our soul, finding our silent
thoughts becoming our song to be
sung in our space we have found
finding who we all are, and always
have been.

© 2020DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2022
In constant silence of progressiveness
we collectively pass down the calmness
of peace within.

Sounds flowing through our divine
bodies with the absolute ability to portray
stability upon the chalice of our tranquility
we have earned through life, hard with constant
indifference fighting to know only the truth!

No substitution for doubts or shame to be carried
forward through the entrance of understanding.

Selected we follow who messages us from afar
finally noticing love does exist deep enough with
collective knowledge, recognizing sounds glide
gently within us and our minds that used to be
confused and dormant!

Beneficially aligned we become stable enough
capturing our essence of spirit divine.

No substance to conquer abilities unknown to
our endeavors, confronting all known progressions
we've collected through life with the hurt that gives
our strength to keep going forward in pursuit
of true happiness, Love, understanding, who we
have always been without our knowledge
and belief.

We are all one Love in search of this power we
keep acknowledging deeper and deeper.

In soul, heart, and mind,  we are all silent treasures of
indifference, but one in love.

Our soul fire never dies as we capture the glow after
the storm.

We can shine as we move forward!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2023
In constant silence of progressiveness
we collectively pass down the calmness
of peace within.

Sounds flowing through our divine
bodies with the absolute ability to portray
stability upon the chalice of our tranquility
we have earned through life, hard with constant
indifference fighting to know only the truth!

No substitution for doubts or shame to be carried
forward through the entrance of understanding.

Selected we follow who messages us from afar
finally noticing love does exist deep enough with
collective knowledge, recognizing sounds glide
gently within us and our minds that used to be
confused and dormant!

Beneficially aligned we become stable enough
capturing our essence of spirit divine.

No substance to conquer abilities unknown to
our endeavors, confronting all known progressions
we've collected through life with the hurt that gives
our strength to keep going forward in pursuit
of true happiness, Love, understanding, who we
have always been without our knowledge
and belief.

We are all one Love in search of this power we
keep acknowledging deeper and deeper.

In soul, heart, and mind, we are all silent treasures of
indifference, but one in love.

Our soul fire never dies as we capture the glow after
the storm.

We can shine as we move forward!

Light beings we will always be)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2020
Simple enough we have crossed many roads
some have cracks filled with sadness
some just paved to ride upon.

Simple enough to see the sunset with a warm
breeze softly blowing as you stroll down
your little trail in the woods behind your

Simple enough to hold your children close
before kissing them good-night.

Simply enough to wander in curiosity how
you became so worthy of a person filled
with love and warmth.

Simple enough to find that skies need to
darken before the rain falls renewing
nature's beauty to behold.

Simple enough to sit on a rock and
smell the salty air fresh with words
pouring from the soul without
a thought.

Simple enough to walk among the
mountain pines, watching the hawks
flying free, while you begin your new
life in wonderment.

Simple enough to know you have always
loved living life the way it is, knowing
in your mind's eye, have created your
own reality with a smile, grateful heart
and a loving soul.

(Be your own creator)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2020
Simple enough we have crossed many roads
some have crack filled with sadness
some just paved to ride upon.

Simple enough to see the sunset with a warm
breeze softly blowing softly as you stroll
down your little trail in the woods behind
your home.

Simple enough to hold your children close
before you say good-night kissing them

Simply enough to wander in curiosity how
you became so worthy of a person filled
with love and warmth.

Simple enough to find that skies need to
darken before the rain falls renewing
nature's beauty to behold.

Simple enough to sit on a rock and
smell the salty air fresh with words
pouring from the soul without
a thought.

Simple enough to walk among the
mountain pines, watching the hawks
flying free, while you begin your new
life in wonderment.

Simple enough to know you have always
loved living life the way it is, knowing
in your mind's eye, have created your
own reality with a smile, grateful heart
and a loving soul.

(Be your own creator)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Slumber comes, so peaceful, so
alive, clouds dance in wonder
running wild, being free, wings
spread, first time oceans look
so blue, fresh, so new.

Mountains peaking high, snow
white toppings untouched by
man, world calmness appears
flying high, freedom whispering
pass with the mighty wind, kissing
each roof top with glory.

Dense storms awaken, thunder
rumbles, lightening shooting
across universal limits, cashier
handing rain checks for travelers
weary and forsaken, in times of

Slumber here it comes, places
to visit, people to leave behind
no nonsense lingers, lighted
heavens reveals promises, so
peaceful, a night of dreams and

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2020
Peace flowing deeply across my mind
with penetrating emotions, collecting
thoughts filled with satisfying impressions
of my last truest feeling down my trail
of distant land memories

Slumbering desires bring forth, a message
that calms the savage beast, while in the
mist of attention appears a purified substance
that controls perfectly to the fullest, a desire
of oneness.

Once before consequences were damaging
to minds matter and alertness, notes were
taken to continue on with life long methods
of awakening the subconscious without
a thought.

Today, awareness should be awakened approved to our
un-appealing world, with knowledge and understanding
equal rights of man, with no permission, to take over life
only mind control connecting a new generation to another
power of control, enlightening forces to take over an
imaginary existence of unconscious matter.

A wonderment of experimental methods, share all
living entities to the point of a never-ending death
as we know it in a gratified galaxy not known to
flesh and blood species of our eternal universe.

Taken souls are transferred to plants of life's under
world and attentive achievements of interdenominational
souls to live altogether united in peace and perfected
properties of truth and untouchable domains of
knowledgeable informational spheres.

Hence! we travel toward a new world of depth
and dimensional knowledge, to achieve a more
perfect union within our higher-consciousness.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2020
Peace flowing deeply across my mind
with penetrating emotions, collecting
thoughts filled with satisfying impressions
of my last truest feeling down my trail
of distant land memories

Slumbering desires bring forth, a message
that calms the savage beast, while in the
mist of attention appears a purified substance
that controls perfectly to the fullest, a desire
of oneness.

Once before consequences were damaging
to minds matter and alertness, notes were
taken to continue on with life long methods
of awakening the subconscious without
a thought.

Today, awareness should be awakened approved to our
un-appealing world, with knowledge and understanding
equal rights of man, with no permission, to take over life
only mind control connecting a new generation to another
power of control, enlightening forces to take over an
imaginary existence of unconscious matter.

A wonderment of experimental methods, share all
living entities to the point of a never-ending death
as we know it in a gratified galaxy not known to
flesh and blood species of our eternal universe.

Taken souls are transferred to plants of life's under
world and attentive achievements of interdenominational
souls to live altogether united in peace and perfected
properties of truth and untouchable domains of
knowledgeable informational spheres.

Hence! we travel toward a new world of depth
and dimensional knowledge, to achieve a more
perfect union within our higher-consciousness.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Walking in the park, a man smiled at me, he was *****, looked homeless
but the smile he displayed was of sparkling gold, never saw a smile filled
with such delight, as the man passed me, I turned my head to have one
more look, he seemed to be floating, not walking down the path as I.

Amazing! I thought silently. How could this be! he was humming a song
I'd never heard, but the melody still haunts me. Like an angel smile
a song only an angel could hum. Maybe he was an angel without wings
the thought did enter my mind. As it is said, angels walk among us, not
dressed in white with wings.

I'll never be the same again, troubles I thought were stressful, have not
troubled me again..I feel like am floating in a world filled with uncertainty
yet my heart is not heavy. I have walked this path in the park so many
times I could not count how many. When walking, the soft breeze blows
trees seem to greet me with a pleasant hello. A peacefulness abides
in this park that comforts.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2019
Simple Enough

Simple enough we have crossed many roads
some have cracks filled with blacktop
some just paved and smooth to ride upon.

Simple enough to see the sunset with a warm
breeze softly blowing your hair as you stroll
down your little trail in the woods behind
your home.

Simple enough to hold your child close before
you say good-night kissing Them gently.

Simply enough to wander in curiosity how
you became so worthy of a person filled
with love and wonder!

Simple enough to find that skies need to
darken before the rain renewing all of
nature's beauty to behold.

Simple enough to sit on a rock and
smell the salty air fresh with words
pouring from the soul without
a thought.

Simple enough to walk among the
mountain pines, watching the hawks
flying free, while you begin your
new life of wonderment.

Simple enough to know I have always
loved living life the way it is today!
Just a smile and grateful heart is all
it takes.

(What comes your way, live)

© 2019DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2019
Spirit softly unfolding among the
mighty universe holding answers
swimming across each thought.

Fervently searching beyond conscious
behavior, authority progresses mindless
in glorious admiration of sight beyond
division, the sound of silence, reason to
believe in truth, love in admiration.

Spiritual hunger attacks savagely with
each vibration uniting completing
the progression of solitude sweet

Each door closes behind another
a new existence become no stranger
just operational with each other
in mystery corresponding as
one spirit of love's true
soul fire.

© 2019DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Beauty surrounding a world made of dust
no carpet to sweep it under, just the realization
of truth, understanding, and purification.

Solitude contributes a time to listen to the
silence, a time where clouds show a pinkish
haze, a moment to close the book of yesterday,
a time to open the book of wisdom.

Lift the thickness of confusion, close the
door that cools with comfort collecting memories
no time to keep, no time to devour food of the
gods, not for a tempting drifter willing to give
his heart to you.

Alarms sound out from a distant believer
where you wonder you shall not stay, not
for one reason but many, you have chosen
to be alone, to gather your thoughts, your
the fallen statue, an angel from a distant time
and place.

Knowledge reflection captures, not the
weaken heart, captures the forbidden
fruit, red, filled with flavor, a verse from
a written song, where dreams became
illusions, and illusions dreams.

Be happy! You still walk among the misty
nights, verse no longer a song, only shallow
words you thought of once upon a time that
brought you closer to that unlived dream.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
Beauty surrounding a world made of dust,
no carpet to sweep it under, just the realization
of truth, understanding, and purification..

Solitude contributes, a time to listen to the
silence, a time where clouds show a pinkish
haze, a moment to close the book of fools,
a time to open the book of wisdom..

Lift thickness of confusion, close the
door that cools a room, filled with warmth,
no time to search, no time to devour, food
of the gods not for a tempting drifter..

Alarms sound out from a distant believer,
where you wonder you shall not stay, not
for one reason but many, you have chosen
to be alone, to gather your thoughts, your
fallen statue, an angel from a distant time
and place..

Knowledge reflection captures, not the
weaken heart, captures the forbidden
fruit, red, filled with flavor, a verse from
a written song, where dreams became
illusions, and illusions dreams..

Aware, still walking among the misty
nights, the verse no longer a song,
only shallow words you thought of
once upon a time, that brought you
closer to an untouched dream..

By Derena

© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2020
Freedom in my heart
to sing my songs
in grace.

Solitude is where I find
my entrance to my magic
with creatures that
sparkle and fly, giving

Wild like the wolf
roaming woodlands
creeks with moss
green and soft.

Solitude is my desired
dreams, majestic where
love never stops
growing, never

Glancing across my
world of beauty I
cross my heart to
my beloved glorified
self, knowing that
to be free I had
to go deep
and find

I had to shine my light
to bring forth the love
that keeps glowing
softly in the calmness
of my solitude.

Freedom is where my
light shines the

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2018
I love the magic of your smile
your laughter, the sparkle in
your eyes.

Your so magical in all you say
and do, and you will always
be true to you.

I love the way you dance in the rain
catching a few drops in your mouth
while looking toward the sky.

You are a dream within a dream
and sometime your eyes turn so blue
with promise.

It's sometimes hard to find words
in my heart to explain the mystery
of you, but it is always lovely to
know you are my mystery.

You make the days bright like rainbows
swirling around in colors so brilliant
and fresh with delight.

You make my evening more lovely than
the falling star that just fell from the
heavens just now.

You'll always be my little darling till the
day I die, my ray of light, my reason to
smile, my reason to wish upon a

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
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