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Harriet Shea Apr 2018
Little angel be my guide
always let me keep my smile
let me hold you dear within
while I pray to God above.

Little angel sing your songs
never let me see a tear, I'll
always keep you close with
me, while I walk my path
to God.

Little angel play with me
so I'll never be alone
let me know what I must
do, to let you rest at
ease within.

Always shine your light
on me, never let me shy
away, let me learn more
every day, the real way
to say a prayer.

I now shall say good
night, hoping that
tomorrow shall bring,
a more thankful me,
with love to spare
among my friends
so far away.

Little angel your so special
I cannot begin to tell you
how much I love you so.

You helped to clear my sadness
away, when I asked you from my
hurting heart, you never told me
wait a minute, maybe later
I shall help, you have always
been my little friend that no
one knows about.

Little angel now I'm old, your
still a standing by my side, I
have asked you a million times
to help me be strong, and each
time you made me stronger then
the time before.

You still make me keep my smile
through my sickness and pain, and
failure to notice, you even shed a
few tears for me, standing by my
side so many years.

My little angel in God's holy light, you
showered down peace and understanding
within my life, of life's, you gathered
all the fragrance of each flower in
one, and showed me God's holiness
within all of us hold.

Bless you my little angel, this time God
hears my little prayer, with blessing from
his heart, to yours, my little one.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2018
She climbs into her dreams
she rests upon the rock
looking over the sea.

She collects all the beauty
that surrounds her little
world, she counts all her
blessing each and every

She gives much happiness
to all she meets, sharing
much love to those who
lost their way, she gives
comfort to the animals
who run free, and kisses
each day good-bye.

She climbs to her dreams
without a fearful thought
when people fight and people
die, before their time.

She knows much more than
she should know, so young
to be alone, living in the
wilderness of her dreams.

(She is not only a little girl of love, but light)

(Little girl dance your life without fear)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2018
Little one don't be so sad, the
day has just started, to hang your
head and frown.

Your so beautiful, with eyes green
like emeralds, and hair to golden to
be real.

I see the rainbow around your head
which means your a rainbow
child from the planet of love and light

A beautiful planet of people who glow
from within, showering forth colors
unimaginable to the human eye to

I see your mouth move no words I can
understand, though I may not know what
you say, I see your pain in your eyes.

I wish I could be of some comfort to you my
little one, I just cannot help with my mind
not smart enough to know your needs
that hurt.

I do know, that your planet is filled with love
while earth is losing love quickly, with faith
dissolving every day that people turn away
from truth and honesty.

I know you must leave soon, but want to
hold you just one more time, and feel
your light intensely filling your soul of a
love that earth will never feel.

Good-bye my little one, was a pleasure
knowing you for a little while, finding
out, life will never end in sorrow, it
will grow with delight through eternity.

Kissed her good-bye and I knew this world
was nothing, compared to the next world
we soon would be living in, no words to
explain the wonder nous of it all.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2020
Little one don't be sad, your day
has just begun, for hanging your head
with a frown.

Your beautiful, with eyes green
like emeralds, hair golden to be
real, soul aglow, lifting your vessel
of energetic light, leaving this starving
planet that could have been saved.

I see rainbow colors glowing around your
head, meaning you're a rainbow warrior
from the planet of love, light, and harmony
floating with grace.

A beautiful planet of people glowing
from within, showering forth colors
unimaginable for humans to observe

I see your mouth, no words are spoken
I know what you say, I hear your voice
silently within me.

I wish I could be of some comfort to you my
little one, I just cannot help, my mind can
not comprehend your emotions in the state
of your enlightenment.

I do know, that our planet lost in confusion
is crumbling away, no foundation only darkness
dissolving in silence, while the new world of
consciousness becomes our new reality.

I know you must leave soon, but want to
hold you just one more time, and see
your light glowing from your soul of love
that earth beings could never understand.

Good-bye my little one, was heavenly
knowing you for a little while, I know
life will never end in sorrow, it will only
grow as we grow in conciseness.

Kissed her good-bye and knew this world
was fading, never to expand like our new world
of consciousness soon will with no words
to explain the wonder of it all.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Do not fret, time is near
to say your little prayers
of forgiveness.

Their is never a need to pray
it's always in your heart without
a reason, a prayer rings out from
within, and lightens everyone who
has faith to pray to a higher power
to bring a little hope, weather it be
sad, happy, or just being thankful.

The time is a sad time of war
and rumors of war, loss of loved ones
broken dying, without anyone.

A prayer indeed is always close
it shields us enough, to even touch
a hurting heart far away, a prayer
can always keep you in control of
your deep fears, love and sorrow
you hold so dear.

Pray for loved ones and lost
one's, and one's you may dislike
it's just a thought away when it's
time to say a prayer.

Never let your heart grow cold
a prayer can help along the way
to give a little hope, it's what your
feeling deep, that comforts you
when you say a little prayer.

(Always pray! for God can always hear, what his children say)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
Sherra, meaning (Little Red Wing)
was a Chippewa Indian Maiden of
daughter of Chief Fire-Water.
beauty, loved mother earth, and

brave they call 'Ykee', a brave warrior
She was deeply in love with a young
One day the chief gathered a few men
he went hunting one day, never returned
to his beautiful Sherra.

(Brave Hunter), they left that morning
to see if they could find Ykee, meaning
at dawns early light.

Sherra had lost her zest for life, cried
Hours passed and still nothing, till
many tears for her man, she stood watching
Chief Fire-Water leaving with his band
mid-day of the next, she saw them
of Indian warriors.

of Indian braves and chief, she gazed
coming in the distance, they were
carrying something.

went running toward the small group
They entered the camp, Sherra
Sherra never was herself again
down at her man's body all mangled
he had been attacked by a bear.
She ran deep into the forest crying

like she had never cried before, she
knelt kissing the ground they would
and sank into the quicksand
sit for hours.

she never smiled, never chanted
danced under the full moon, she
One night she walked into the forest
just stared like in a trance.

(Not all stories end up a happy ending)
and never returned, she went deeper
of mother earth.

Little Red Wing, and Ykee, now walk
the heavens with the white buffalo, sad
as it seems, she has found her happiness
with her beloved man.

(Not all stories end up happy)

© 2019DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2020
We come into this world alone crying
unable to fend for ourselves, we
learn something new each day, we
grow in strength, we do what comes
to mind, we try to live the proper way
that seems right to do.

Life never seems to go just right
a lot of cracks along the road, forcing
us to put one step ahead of the other
thinking in a positive way.

We take so much for granted, not observing
earth dying, slowly before our eyes, what
could we do when were only one? Be true to our
ourselves, follow God's Holy Word, I hope we
love enough to do so!

Through years of struggle we still
find out, that life always has a bright
side, there we meet people who love
us dearly, but just don't know how to
show it within ourselves.

Life is cruel, but it does not mean people
must be cruel and have no compassion
we need to search our souls, for contentment
we call peace-of-mind if it connects to our
the soul that radiates brilliant light, it is
eternal peace, that has always lived within
us, till something went terribly wrong.

Love comes our way in many disguises
think we could find some answers for
happiness, when we find out, it is all
the make-believe world of fantasy, love will
glow brightly within, with peace knowledge
and understanding. We will know!

No matter how much your hearts been
broken, the world does not stop for
your grief, you pick up the pieces
and continue on your journey, becoming
wiser along the way.

Then down that path, you feel something
a special something that cannot be put
in words, a spiritual kind of love, a deeper
kind of love, it's like a rose blooming
from the soul, a fire that never dies.

You live your life like normal, only the
rose never dies, it keeps blooming
and sending out its sweet perfume
feelings of true bliss live within
no words to describe the meaning
of spiritual love.

We must realize that our treasures
are around us, we only need to
look and see the start of a brand
new day, the setting of the sun
looking into the velvet heavens taking
in the sparkling of God's beautiful

We have a lot to be thankful for
more than just a bad life of misery
it goes much further, deeper, when
your heart is at peace with it's self
all the hurts, all your dreams are no
longer bad memories, but light of
promises and dreams mixed all in one.

We must count our blessing, we have
so much to be thankful for, leave the
wars behind, let us live in peace, life is
too short to live in sadness, it is time
for man to give living a chance, always
remember, life is only a train away
before we have to go home.

One may not have to leave this realm to
become aware of all that unfolds before
our eyes, all masks disappear, truth stands
before us in mighty glory waiting to bring
the tree of life back to internal love.

Growing tall, proud, compassionate
ready to face what must be faced to
make this world beautiful the way it
always should have been. Start a new
beginning in your new world of Peace
Love and Harmony.

(So easy to radiate our light from within)

© 2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
Happiness is not what you expect, it
is what you don't expect, what comes
bad or good, be happy you still live...

Life has many questions with few answers
only believe in your deepest feelings they
are the truest..

The sky is never always blue, the heart
shall always be true blue, for in believing
shall you never die, and in trusting shall
you never give up on loving.

Happiness is in your heart, let it never
fade, it shall grow along with you.

When days become to long, smile they
shall never be lived again, it is sad not
to live life to the fullest, a happy heart
has a happy soul.

(Appreciate your life)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2018
Live surrounding each day with
a simple smile, gather flowers
within your special self
bring forth a song that
takes your breath away
in every second of your

Walk into wisdom and self
knowledge with pretense of
knowing who that person could be
with grace of heart, soul, connecting
spirituality with a glorious sight
never becoming older than
at the beginning of birth.

Life is a song sung within, and if you
feel that life grow stronger, you soon
will hear that song of youth begin
to tell you a story of Alpha and Omega
and you have no questions to ask,
you will find the answer by yourself
in the intellect of your own mind and
anatomy of your life’s force on earth.

Never let that child die within, if you do
you'll find a different you, stamping out
life’s ambitions to move on with spirit and
a youthful outlook till the end.

That child must live till your last breath
you take. There is no other way to keep
that inner-child alive, but you, it will light
your way to heaven's gate.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2020
Live surrounding each day with
a simple smile, gather flowers
within your special self
bring forth a song that
takes your breath away
in every second of your

Walk into wisdom and self
knowledge with the pretense of
knowing who that person could be
with the grace of heart, soul, connecting
spirituality with a glorious sight
never becoming  older than
at the beginning of birth.

Life is a song sung within, and if you
feel that life grow stronger, you soon
will hear that song of youth begin
to tell you a story of Alpha and Omega
and you have no questions to ask,
you will find the answer by yourself
in the intellect of your own mind and
anatomy of your life’s force on earth.

Never let that child die within if you do
you'll find a different you, stamping out
life’s ambitions to move on with spirit and
a youthful outlook till the end.

That child must live till the last breath
you take. There is no other way to keep
that inner-youth, that will light your way
to heavens gate.

2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2020
When stars shine like diamonds peace flows
when love enters  in natures growth we except
when we taste its sweet nectar, it's only sweeter
when we notice natures light, we have found the truth
when we have really touched deep, we hear the
sound of silence.

When we sing a song, it's touches soul
when we write verse, it's from the heart
when we gaze into the black velvet
heavens, we see the stars of infinity.

When we leave a friend, he is not forgotten
when we see what we have, it's forever beautiful
when we feel a raindrop it's an angel tear
so when we grow old, we should have grown wise
for in living should we know the true value life holds
for us to treasure.

When we enter crossroads of understanding
with arms opened wide, ready for the next step
paved in knowledge, seated next to the master
of life, the scroll has been unsealed, our life has
now begun.

From my
'Hearts Expression Collection'

© DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2018
Glittering like diamonds
teasing heart, capturing
soul, loves emotion
should never rule the mind
of sanity.

Heart rules love, mind
rules logic, which way
is the best way to go
do you think?

With the heart, or with
the mind, does life
rule, if one does not
walk with two feet
on the ground!!

If a dreamer goes through
life dreaming, does he
know his own mind, or
does he continue to roam
hopelessly on uncertain

Walking in a love sick
trance gets you no
where, it makes a fool
out of what was once
a stable individual.

When the thrill leaves,
where are your feet now
my friend? I would believe
there back on the ground
where they have always

So if you fall in love or
think you are, be sure
you know it is love, not
need, or you will be only
defeating yourself
with loves illusions.

Head should always
control heart I believe
so when your diamonds
shatters in a million pieces,
you won't have to have
another broken heart
cause you let your
heart rule.

Logic may be boring,
only it reaps many rewards
without notice, it saves
a hurting soul..

Keeping two feet down
where they belong, saves
many hurting hearts that
should of never came about
in the name of a so called
love, that was really only
need taking loves place.

Love the one your with,
if it is purest of love, cherish
it, if not walk away, it is
the best way to stop a
needless hurt..

Common sense may
prove stronger in the end,
it may be a life saver
you do not ****, just
one that may save a
heart from breaking...

To many hurts will not make
a man wiser, just a broken

((Love is the strongest
of emotions guide it

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Love standing near, never still
soft whispers come when all is
silent in dreams of sweet refrain
when only love conquers fears

Love beckons softly from a heart
still, warmth pours from breeze
playing with rain of sweet desire
moonlight in summer of loves
sweet memory.

Love roaming in the sunlight among
flowers bright, so beautiful, powerful
like softness of a child's hand, warm
in strength and promise.

Love come into life's eternal, bring
forth love light, before it becomes
bare and solemn, shining down like
stardust upon the fearless.

Love silently flows like a spell into
a dream of reality, joining together
hearts of gold, showering sweet
kisses, touching, loving, like two stars
sparkling down from above.

Brave heart enter, not a dream
be loves reality upon a feather
bed of truth, feel loves sweet caress
gaze into silent eyes, see why
loves emotion is power.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2019
Love calls to me capturing my heart

Cannot go to the place of remembering
thoughts, of my love, my life, it's
not time!

Secret promises kept, locked away
to be remembered once more
in another time and state of

Peace in silent stare, moment
of tenderness linger in the horizon of
shaded hues, purple and pink
surrounded in misty memories.

Sweet despair adorn in comfort once
a negative now a positive releasing
laughter promise of love to bound
together in peace.

Love caller appears in wonderment
showing me where the silence of a song

Contrary to my minds fixations love
always appeared in the denseness of
my reality.

There is no end just beginning of every
days love severing our imagination
of illusions transformed in our
helpless unsure minds.

Seldom does rainfall among the stars
when only my eyes can see what brings
it falling in the depth of my own soul.

(Love has captured my heart completely)

© 2019DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Now! feeling what I see when once
what I saw, I could not feel. Love
flowing through everything, all have
hearts beat, and if you listen hard
enough you'll even hear the angels
of your soul speaking.

Amazing! how one day everything looks
the same, the next time you look, nothing
is the same all have it's own glow, love
bringing forth understanding, how it
really works, when you find out your
love is your power to acknowledge the
truth of perfection in the making.

A new world created by me to love
and feel the freedom in my souls

We can shine that light bringing forth
love that never was found truly existing
now possible, if you believe in the beauty
of love in the soul, your search will be over
when you have awakened what has been
sleeping before you were born.

Speak from the mind and your desires
will become a reality, your dreams
a paradise among the cool waters
of tranquility.

We are the beautiful creator of each
thought that radiates love
We create when love experience
grow deep with no expectation
just a whispering breeze
coming alive within.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
Love is like a dream,
never ending, just
continuing into a sea
of sweet bliss.

Love and forget everything
else, if you love and share
life, it will reward you in
every thought that makes
living worth while.

Love lasting, like the
shadow of your smile
in the silence of the night.

A constant beating
of a loving heart
whispering across
the wind swept room.

Storms of love shoot
out, like diamonds
falling to the ground.

Dreams of reality grow
deep with each tender
touch. a kiss that pours
out love, will never be
sad, they found the light
of tranquility.

Lasting emotions unleashing
desire of loves first kiss
a night of eternal bliss.

Midnight glance, a smell
of sweet perfume floating
with the soft breeze of

Tenderness of dreams live
on, to see another night
showered with stardust.
and daffodils in the garden
of sweet memories of every
thing that has passed in the
mind of a peaceful heart.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
love has many faces,
some are strained,
some are brave, some
are just plain without
a smile of there own.

Love has a name
all it's own. like a
rose that cannot show
it's beauty along
the side of the road,
it is hidden by dirt
and stone.

Under all the dirt
and stone is a rose
with love to share
with one so lonely
without a friend.

So many faces to hide
when loves dies without
a trace, when loves first
kiss, pronounces love  
without applause.

Love with the faces
of expression, locks
each heart together
bringing forth a new
born flower, never
ending, just beginning.

Motherly love is strong,
it's the kind of love
that grows and grows,
the face of age shall show,
the love shall never die.

True love of man and woman,
makes the stars sparkle a
little brighter. the world
a little better, for love has
changed in each and every

Love has many faces,
for brothers, sisters, aunts
uncles, love is the mark
connection to the soul.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2018
Love is Beautiful with the one you
share it with, it blooms with fragrance
blowing with the breeze.

No confusion, no bad thoughts
just sharing, understanding

Love new, love fresh, feeling
of beauty surrounding soul
surrounding heart, sweet
embrace, passion of a million

Love never needs answers,
acceptance is their automatically
no words need to be spoken
no tension, just peace, tender
feelings captivating.

Love is beautiful with the right
one, it only grows and grows
no boundaries, just love, feeling
that endures all misery.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2019
Love is beautiful, showing
our inner soul, bringing out
the better part in us, making
our life free and alive.

Love is the fruit on
the vine, it's the tree
that shed's it's leaves
each and every year
with new freshness
to behold..

Love is like a new
born rose filled with
fragrance, and delight.

Love is what makes
our world go round
it never stops, it just
goes round faster and

Love can be terrible
if treated unfairly
it hurts the very core
that makes the heart
beat with love.

Love is vital to our
existence, without it
we would only be
an empty shell without
the dew.

Love is the magicial echo
that fills our cup with richness
it makes our life complete.

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Love is Beautiful with the one you
share it with, it blooms with fragrance
blowing with the breeze.

No confusion, no bad thoughts
just sharing, understanding

Love new, love fresh, feeling
of beauty surrounding soul
surrounding heart, sweet
embrace, passion of a million

Love never needs answers
acceptance is their automatically
no words need to be spoken
no tension, just peace, tender
feelings captivating..

Love is beautiful with the right
one, it only grows and grows
no boundaries, just love, feeling
that endures all misery..

By DerenaBree
© 2018 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2022
Love is forever peaceful
never letting go, a touch of
heaven, flowing free.

Love is forever growing
among all nationalities
within all of us.

Love is forever blooming
bright and fresh, drifting
through time.

Love is not make-believe it's
free, never holding on, love
lives within each of us, all we
need to do is go within.

Love is a lasting inspirational
glow, lighting every soul to
shine brighter through our
universe of understanding
and knowledge.

Love power of existence
multiplies over and over
again, till we remember who we
have always been when we find
our higher consciousness, our

Love is the reason we should always
shine our light, the most powerful
emotion existing.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2020
Love is forever peaceful,
never letting go, a touch of
heaven, flowing free.

Love is forever growing
among all nationalities
it lives within all of us.

Love is a forever thing
never letting go, flowing
through time.

Love is not forced it's
free, need is holding on
not free. but love lives
within each our souls, all
we need is go within.

Love is a lasting
emotion that brightens
every heart making our
light shine brighter through
the universe of knowledge.

Love power of the heart
multiplies over and over
again till we have remembered
who we have always been when
we find our higher consciousness
out higher-self.

Love is the reason we will always
shine our light, believing with a
pure soul.

© 2020DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2021
Love is forever peaceful
never letting go, a touch of
heaven, flowing free.

Love is forever growing
among all nationalities
within all of us.

Love is forever blooming
bright and fresh, drifting
through time.

Love is not make-believe it's
free, need is holding on, love
lives within each our soul
all we need is to go within.

Love is a lasting
inspiration brightening
every soul making our
light shine brighter through
the universe of knowledge.

Love power of existence
multiplies over and over
again till we remember who we
have always been when we truly
find our higher consciousness
out higher-self.

Love is the reason we will always
shine our light, believing with a
pure soul through eternity.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2019
Love is like a dream
never ending, just
continuing into a sea
of sweet bliss.

Love lasting like
footsteps that drown
the silence of the

A constant beating
of the loving heart
whispering across the
windswept room.

Storms of love shoot
out like diamonds falling
to the ground.

Dreams of reality grow
deeper with each tender
touch and kiss that pours
out its love.

Lasting emotions unleash
the desire of loves first
touch loves sweet

A midnight touch of
violets, and intoxicating

The tenderness of this
dream lives on, for
another night, showered
in stardust.

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2023
Love entering me like a spirit processed
letting it take me, I watch in silence
excited, feeling owned, wanting him to
devour me with love, I ask for nothing
only his love, that gives me food to live,
without his love, no existence I'd

His love is my life force, his energy my
clothing, his kiss my heartbeat, his caress
my passion flower opening wide, his
words, my soul that pours wisdom, love
is a drug, only his, only with him, I shall
unite with my Venus star.

He is my drug, my diamond, his kisses
sweet has vintage wine, he controls me
putting me under his spell, with one glance
my man that lights my flame of life, no
words need to be spoken, just one look
tells it all.

(Give Love A Chance)

A poem taken from my 'Heart's Expression' Collection

© Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2019
Fields of darkness lilies blooming
Following the path of white clouds
in heaven above.
Anticipating each step taken
as days bring forth miracles
and promises to be kept
in the silence of each
Loveliness soothes weeping
willows with more beauty
they can hold in the name
of natures beloved beauty
she herself doth hold.
Walk calmly into the depths
of soul touching ways of
understanding with spirit
flowing across your space
of knowledge welcoming
your divine love in
your universal seal
of wisdom bright.
Revealed striped of pain
heart redeems her infinite
life, her energy force to
last in the never-ending
spirit of divine love.

Spirit of freedom loves infinity)

(2019DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2018
Love lingers softly through the
night anticipation flows, a touch
of tenderness bestowed upon a
silent kiss of magic...

Love lingers on, whispers
sweep across the wind
swept room, willing lovers
married for life..

Love is tender, with no secrets,
many promises to be kept,
with the warmth of each
thought, capturing sheer

True devotion lingers,
while the flickering of
the candle light, sends
shadows dancing across
the wall..

Love lingers, with burning
desires, for two people in
love with love..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
Entangled, bewitched, what ever the phrase

love has a date tonight with a lonely heart

they will touch without delay, their kisses

burn to the soul.

Their is no time like the present, to give

away your love, release it, give it to the one

who needs the warmth within his heart.

Loves entanglement, what a fate for two

people who are in love, a paradise belonging

fully to them, who love one another with

complete devotion.

How lovely the sin, the fruit tasty, the waters

run deep touching lovers swimming together

through a life time of chance.

No time to wait, the time is now, it's ready

to let the flower bloom, a flower that shall

never die, a flower of complete purity, a flower

of love beyond comparison. the white blooming

jasmine of fragrance.

Step in the parallel universe, two lovers,

who have gave much, to get so little, come

join the dance of destiny, it is time to deal

your deck of cards.....Will you have a lucky

hand, or a losing hand, it's up to you, only

you can come out on the top, if you follow

your light of the soul.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Silence creeping through hearts
stirring, walking, where and why
in the garden of no where...

Prison walls holds a criminal in
why not an innocent man, a
man who loves his prison walls..

When denseness falls upon
natures fate, where have all
the flowers gone, in the autumn
of tomorrow?

What makes the storm stop
taking delightful strolls pretending
when cages were never meant
to hold in a bird of freedom?

Why must a man give up when
all goes wrong, putting himself
back in a cage he said he would
never return too?

Love is like that, you can confess
over and over again, you do not
love, only the one doing it, is
the one who says he never
loved that someone from the

Now in time, the one who says he
never loved, finds out he loves
anyone knows, being with someone
for many years, there has to be
love their, no one stays with some
one they don't love, unless it is just

Innocent or guilty, the one who puts
himself in a cage will be guilty for
living a lie, small minded hearts
can not give of themselves, they
only dry up like a prune in the end.

Creeping through tunnels of
destruction, brings self defeat
determined to return to hells door
burning in fire, loving it all ways
misery loves another one as
miserable, where is love, I wonder!
That is the main question in this
poem of many thoughts

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Emotions rolls pass boundaries of our
heart, not knowing why everything
has to end in strange unseen ways.

Love does not just hang around till you tell
it to leave, it crawls deep within the soul
of light, that has always been shining
till you opened a crack, enough to let
in the spirit of emotional love.

Light has now freely escaped to
continue growing throughout
the human race.

(Understanding the truth of self, made it
all become a reality.)

Now! love has to shine it's fullest to
bring forth others to fine there own
light through love.

Across the wide blue yonder! there is
a speck that was not there yesterday it
just appeared through the crack of
someone's soul who found love's sweet
light needing to be released.

Now love's strongest force can bring
forth energy enough to start a
brand new world warm
with love.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2021
Emotions roll past the boundaries of our
heart, not knowing why everything
has to end in strange unseen ways.

Love does not just hang around till you tell
it to leave, it crawls deep within the soul
of light, that has always been shining
till you opened a crack, enough to let
in the spirit of emotional love.

Light has now freely escaped to
continue growing throughout
the human race.

(Understanding the truth of self, made it
all become a reality.)

Now! love has to shine its fullest to
bring forth others to find their own
light through love.

Across the wide blue yonder! there is
a speck that was not there yesterday it
just appeared through the crack of
someone's soul who found love's sweet
light needs to be released.

Now love's strongest force can bring
forth energy enough to start a
brand new world warm
with love.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2018
Love runs in two directions, one direction
toward, the other away, which direction
carries magic, a wonder that makes
all desires a heavenly prize..

Love of inner beauty touches deeply,
entrance of such love can be no treasure
greater, it is a treasure never to be

Come forth inner beauty, bring that
treasure always wanted, needed,
desired, it will be a treasure this
love so deep and true..

Love creeps around, it catches a
ray that drags you toward it's bright
and ever lasting light, you follow,
you shall never escape a love
that is eternal..

Does the truth of such a heart
in love, ever need to touch
another, after it has tasted
loves sweet embrace!

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2020
Soft  the moss I lie upon, heart in hands,
straying toward heavenly light, with promise,
thoughts soar high, clouds white, full of
dreams, wonder. love, where are colors so vivid
that brightened my rainbows when love
entered my heart I wondered! ghostly shapes
drifting, dreams that make my world
a world of mystical softness, so beautiful doth
the air feel, kissing my life, when loneliness
touches for a while, a peace, a calmness, a
song, an echo from afar.

So while dreams drift high, they staredown
from yonder, gazing openly at my lonely
soul, they lay there hands softly upon it, soaking
in the day, dreams shall touch down, when vivid
colors of love shall once again brighten the rainbow
around the waterfall, warmth will kiss the evening
skies with love and passion, only light will enter
hiding shadows that grew so dark through days
when clouds hid away the blueness of promise
and truth.

Now with promise will jasmine scent the air,
touching heart, soft lights showering from
the distance where song flows across the universe
of mystery, heavens gate shall open, love
shall enter, no more trials, and sorrow,
two souls shall walk the garden of no
return. when softness will thicken, eyes filled
with emotion as Venus kisses the moon with
flare, the softness of her touch shall soothe the
glow so lonely.

     Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2022
Emotions roll past the boundaries of our
heart, not knowing why everything
has to end in strange unseen ways.

Love does not just hang around till you tell
it to leave, it crawls deep within the soul
of light, that has always been shining
till you opened a crack, enough to let
in the spirit of emotional love.

Light has now freely escaped to
continue growing throughout
the human race.

(Understanding the truth of self, made it
all become a reality.)

Now! love has to shine its fullest to
bring forth others to find their own
light through love.

Across the wide blue yonder! there is
a speck that was not there yesterday it
just appeared through the crack of
someone's soul who found love's sweet
light needs to be released.

Now love's strongest force can bring
forth energy enough to start a
brand new world warm
with love.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2021
(Robbie would have been forty today March 16)

There are no words we can connect
with Rob in person.  He knows how we
all feel about him.  You know within the
space of his heart, he was so caring
with a voice that's now echoing across
our Universe, a loving soul going on

He has no more doubts or fears only light
making him an angel of God once again.

We know where he is right now, a
different place unknown to all human
life.  We are all Children of God. He is
with his Heavenly Father.

One big move makes one bigger move, and
now we are taking that bigger move, with
Robert Allen Dollar.
We carry him in our hearts cause he is family
and we love him unconditionally.

His dream has become a reality, fewer
bikers will not die in vain cycling down
the road of uncertainty, cause with the “(Robert
Dollar foundation”) created by Robbie's Father
Mother, Brothers, and all who help make it
become a reality, many shall not die in vain.
(Save a Live). Robbie's dream!

We are not machines, we are made of flesh
blood with feelings of love, compassion
attracted to life's sweetness, without bitter
pain-related by carelessness.

We want to live to the best of our knowledge
love with all our hearts regardless we
know it or not.

Robert Allen Dollar knows he did not die in
vain, he just handed his dream to his family
and those who loved him making his dream
come true.

He knows we love and miss him, he always
visits us when he has time after riding through
the clouds with other riders trying to
win the race.

We forever love
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
Let love flow through you like wine, catch
his kiss he sent your way, put it in your
locket for the day he goes to war.

Let love be your guide and never let
it darken in the shadows of despair
it waits, but it won't win.

The heart of love is a love so free
to share without doubts and

Love will be your guide and God
will be your strength, to face what
comes your way.

Kiss him softly when you can, and
never forget to tell him how much
he means to you..

(Remember Love Will be your Guide)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2020
My lovely grandson who had a special
direction he followed with devotion and certainty.

He felt everything could be accomplished with determination
faith, hope in all we do, and believe
we can do!

A young man with a dream that becomes a
reality, (Save A life).

He always said; “If we want something bad enough, we'll push
ourselves to that goal we want to achieve, no matter what the

That was Robbie, a man who never gave up on a idea that
could help another rider be saved without dying in vain.

Robbie done it. His father started the “Robert Dollar
Foundation” (Save a life).

He has passed into another dimension still pushing his ideas.

Now, “The Robert Dollar Foundation” coming from Robbie's
dream of saving a life, has become a true reality.

A lot of work to save a life, but every life is worth
Robbie Dollar! Power-man of determination, belief in
him self, had his dream accomplished by his father and
all who love him dearly.

Hard work saves a life.

We All Love Robbie Dollar (Power-Man)
family, friends, and all those who have
lost life in vain.

Thank you to Robert Dollars Father John Dollar, for making
his son's dream come true..Where ever he is, I know he is
proud of his Dad for making his fondest dream
(Save A Life) happen.

A BIG THANK YOU, to all the wonderful people that made Rob's
dream come true.
Harriet Shea Jul 2020
Loving him without promises
touching within the soul
capturing each moment until
our love has deepened.

A world of happy dreams
rainbows without tears
flowing from radiant
hearts sweet desire.

Walking hand and hand
without words spoken
we need no words we feel

Loving him, so beautiful
like a magic spell drifting
through our minds.

Loving him could never
compare to gold, he is my
golden love lingering
through all my realities.

He is my blue destiny capturing
my found est wish that swims in
the depth of me.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2020
Loving him without promises
touching within the soul
capturing each moment until
our love has deepened.

A world of happy dreams
rainbows without tears
flowing from radiant
hearts sweet desire.

Walking hand and hand
without words spoken
we need no words we feel

Loving him, so beautiful
like a magic spell drifting
through our minds.

Loving him could never
compare to gold, he is my
golden love lingering
through all my realities.

He is my destiny capturing
my heart swimming in the depth
of my inner consciousness.

(He is my light of a thousand suns)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2018
Love is beautiful, it
shows the inner soul
bringing out the better
part of you, it makes
you go crazy with

Love is the fruit on
the vine, it's the tree
that shed's it's leaves
each and every year
with new freshness
to behold..

Love is like a new
born rose ready
to be cherished
with happiness beyond

Love is what makes
our world go round
it never stops, it just
goes round faster and
faster as our light shines
brighter and brighter.

Love can be terrible
if treated unfairly
it hurts the very core
that makes the heart
warm and the soul

Love is vital to our
existence, without it
we would only be
a shell, no one to call
our own..

Love is the richness
that fills each heart
with happiness it makes
our life complete..

God is our master of love
he taught us love everyone
and life would never stop
bringing forth completeness.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2020
We seem to be having trouble living with all the uncertainty
that is happening daily!
Maybe the reason is that we cannot handle our own beliefs
in an orderly fashion from within!
Focusing on life the way it should be if we lived according
to our morals and values, put in us by our parents.
One upsetting reason for all friction happening at this very
moment is the dislike of our own thinking, our own judging
of everyone but our-self.
We want everything that pleases us, we cannot imagine that
life is not the perfect place we desire it to be without any
pain and discomfort.
This is an illusion most of us have installed in our minds
without knowing differently.
Living is not for one's own pleasure, learning the importance
of love, the greatest power here on earth to find within our
heart and soul.
Another reason among thousands, the faith you carry within
without seeing to believe.
If we cannot love our neighbors as ourselves, why should we
love at all?​
Why should we human beings, cause hurt among our
own kind when we are all equal in the name of our
creator?  Have we ever thought that finding peace among
mankind would bring true happiness?
Too much technology to open the heart, the soul. Are we all coded
to turn on and off?
If just one person could trigger evil to good! I wonder if we
would continue down this path of destruction that brings us
more fear and doubt making love alive to make us all worth
one more chance from Our Creator.
Has mankind come to the point of just being machines, no
feelings, nothing! only dissolving away without that spark
that made life beautiful.
There are no words to be written to change anything. If we are
no longer human, why should we care if people who still love, pray, keeping the faith, and hope that once again all hearts shall see the light shining behind clouds of nothingness!

Do not starve the soul of Truth
Bring forth food that will bring
the people home again!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2024
We seem to be having trouble living with all the uncertainty
that is happening daily!
Maybe the reason is that we cannot handle our own beliefs
in an orderly fashion from within!
Focusing on life the way it should be if we lived according
to our morals and values, in us by our parents.
One upsetting reason for all friction happening at this very
moment is the dislike of our thinking, our judging
of everyone but our-self.
We want everything that pleases us, we cannot imagine that
life is not the perfect place we desire it to be without any
pain and discomfort.
This is an illusion most of us have installed in our minds
without knowing differently.
Living is not for one's pleasure, learning the importance
of love, the greatest power here on earth to find within our
heart and soul.
Another reason among thousands, is the faith you carry within
without seeing to believe.
If we cannot love our neighbors as ourselves, why should we
love at all​
Why should we cause hurt among our kind when we are
all equal in the name of our creator?
Have we ever thought that finding peace among
mankind would bring true happiness?
Too much technology to open the heart and the soul. Are we all coded
to turn on and off?
If just one person could trigger evil to good! I wonder if we
would continue down this path of destruction that brings us
more fear and doubt making love alive to make us all worth
one more change from Our Creator.
Has mankind come to the point of just being machines, with no
feelings, nothing? only dissolving away without that spark
that made life beautiful.
There are no words to be written to change anything..If we are
no longer human, why should we care if people who still love, pray,
keeping their faith, and hope, that once again all hearts will see the
the light that shines behind the clouds of nothingness.
Do not starve the soul of Truth
Bring forth food that will bring
our people home again!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
No Speak, Hear, or see, but heart sings loud
and beautiful, to much love around not to touch
each light beam shining down, the energy
of power flows through spirit eternal.

Dancing across the floor toward you, just
one gaze and smile we touch like a crystal
glowing in the dark, where love enters in with
tranquility while our bodies become one
and our kisses magical.

Lay your body down where we can turn
the gray skies into blue promises, our
dreams a reality of happiness and peace
among a love that shall never be bad.

No longer shadows follow light, love conquers
those who insist on bringing harm to wise

Magic is held within our hearts, never to be taken
away from anyone but our ourselves, we are
the chalice of our own thoughts and actions.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2018
Stairs reach high, roads long, and wide
surrendering each thought on your
magical journey, climb high, travel
with grace, each distance traveled
brings forth lingering memories.

Remember magic is only a state
of mind, it fools imagination
like fools gold, sparkling like
diamonds, fools can be taught
the great trade of true behavior
in a second of time..

Sort out each, measure, compare
when all has been compared
each dream appears like
a magical word that seems
to bring dimension..

Journey is never ended, it grows
like a yearning desire, never
finding it's destination, like
a magical journey going
every where but the right
way, not always in the direction
that makes you the person you
would like to be.

Keep your magic realistic, so
next time you arrive at the same
place, you'll know how to not
return to the same place in your
time of Magic and imagination.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
Your heart is true to promise
blessed with remarkable imagination
with no commitment to other than
your true responsible self.

Your eyes are set upon the light of wisdom
you count the stars one by one and
dream of the impossible dream to
be a reality of fate.,

Your thoughts and dreams are amazing
flashing across your mind, forcing
another thought waiting to enter instantly
becoming a boarder, to find the lever of
truth, within yourself, another lurks with
interest, as yourself imagines, the link of
time was worth waiting for.

What you put out toward the world of
confusion, is to try to help those confused,
your deepness flows with each thought
entering with excitement, as your imagination
crosses the line forbidden to take serious, a
strange force unknown but except able to
the way you expected not to think until now.

Collecting these thoughts you admire, what
appears to be a miracle, within a miracle
understood by one that knows who this man of
magic could be, and only one will know this
magic man, the one who called him magic
from the very beginning.

Magic man of wonderment. Excitement
enthusiasm, flowing across the heavens
among the sparkling stars of wisdom, mixed
with devoted enchanted forces, redeeming
understanding entanglement, belonging
to the one who has been around for a very
long time.

Be of strength and power, magic man
you are from another place unknown
to you, but now just beginning to awaken
bringing forth your destiny.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2023
Going deep within, magic will not live with
untruth, lies, deceit, magic becomes magic
surrounding our souls, hearts, and minds
with the power of love truth from the start5467
becoming one with the divine.

Unnoticed, we are forever being invaded by
forces unknown to us, through thoughts words
and deeps that control, draining our life force
from us without knowledge, truth is the saver
of our new reality, comforter of love sweetness.

Beautiful peace within love flows with light
gracefully when we accept all truths of minds
hearts and souls freely!

Love is the power of life, truth is the power
that we truly know!

Our wings widen in flight for the truth to flow
freely releasing all doubts, and fears that once
seem so stable within the boundaries of our

Now with the truth of being, we remain no longer in
the darkness of tormented shadows.

Freedom rings in the depth of loves

How flowers bloom in beauty when
one wakes up without flaws of
spirit, and the untruths of ego.

When the light shines within us
the first time, we'll think we were
dreaming awake, when truth sealed the
deal of forgiveness of self, we became divine
free to roam inside and out with only understanding
that truth is the love light that shines brightly
without denial!

Warmth comes within, closing our eyes finding
ourselves for the first time knowing exactly where
we are from with a mission we must complete
on this earthly plane.

Strange enough we fear nothing, doubts
no longer exist only understanding of our

Becoming clear as glass, we shuffle away
each illusion in our deeply formed
sub-consciousness finding oneness
in us with the truth of love we
shower down fresh and new.

Now foundations build strength
beneath earthly weakness, we
can touch each moment before
it becomes a reality, creating our
own unique self taking back our

Beautiful magic silently captures
spirit leading us through
the vortex of eternal bliss.

(Life has just begun)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2024
Going deep within, magic will not live with untruth, lies, or deceit, magic becomes magic by surrounding our souls, hearts, and minds with the power of love and truth from the start becoming one with the divine.
Unnoticed, we are forever being invaded by forces unknown to us, through thoughts words, and deep control, draining our life force from us without knowledge, truth is the saver of our new reality, a comforter of love's sweetness.
Beautiful peace within love flows with light gracefully when we accept all truths of minds hearts and souls!
Love is the power of life, truth is the power we truly know!
Our wings widen in flight for the truth to flow freely, releasing all doubts and fears, that once seemed so stable within the boundaries of our being!
Now with the truth, we remain no longer in the darkness of tormented shadows.
Freedom rings in the depth of love's sweetness.
Flowers bloom in beauty when one wakes up without flaws of spirit, and the untruths of ego.
When the light shines within us the first time, we'll think we were dreaming awake, when truth seals the deal of forgiveness of self, we become divine, free to roam inside and out with only understanding that truth is the love light that shines brightly without denial!
Warmth comes within, closing our eyes finding ourselves for the first time knowing exactly where we are with a mission we must complete on this earthly plane.
Strange enough we fear nothing, doubts no longer exist only understanding of our Universe.
Becoming clear as glass, we shuffle away each illusion in our deeply formed sub-consciousness, finding oneness in us with the truth of love showering down fresh renewal.
Now foundations build strength beneath earthly weakness, we can touch each moment before it becomes a reality, creating our unique self and taking back our power.
Beautiful magic silently captures spirit leading us through the vortex of eternal bliss.
(Life has just begun).
Copyright © Derena Bree| Year Posted 2024
Harriet Shea Apr 2022
Going deep within, magic will not live with
untruth, lies, deceit, magic becomes magic
by surrounding our souls, hearts, and minds
with the power of love truth from the start
becoming one with the divine.

Unnoticed, we are forever being invaded by
forces unknown to us, through thoughts words
and deeps that control, draining our life force
from us without knowledge, truth is the saver
of our new reality, comforter of love sweetness.

Beautiful peace within love flows with light
gracefully when we accept all truths of minds
hearts and souls freely!

Love is the power of life, truth is the power
that we truly know!

Our wings widen in flight for the truth to flow
freely releasing all doubts, and fears that once
seem so stable within the boundaries of our

Now with the truth of being, we remain no longer in
the darkness of tormented shadows.

Freedom rings in the depth of loves

How flowers bloom in beauty when
one wakes up without flaws of
spirit, and the untruths of ego.

When the light shines within us
the first time, we'll think we were
dreaming awake, when truth sealed the
deal of forgiveness of self, we became divine
free to roam inside and out with only understanding
that truth is the love light that shines brightly
without denial!

Warmth comes within, closing our eyes finding
ourselves for the first time knowing exactly where
we are from with a mission we must complete
on this earthly plane.

Strange enough we fear nothing, doubts
no longer exist only understanding of our

Becoming clear as glass, we shuffle away
each illusion in our deeply formed
sub-consciousness finding oneness
in us with the truth of love we
shower down fresh and new.

Now foundations build strength
beneath earthly weakness, we
can touch each moment before
it becomes a reality, creating our
own unique self taking back our

Beautiful magic silently captures
spirit leading us through
the vortex of eternal bliss.

(Life has just begun)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2023
Going deep within, magic will not live with
untruth, lies, deceit, magic becomes magic
by surrounding our souls, hearts, and minds
with the power of love truth from the start
becoming one with the divine.

Unnoticed, we are forever being invaded by
forces unknown to us, through thoughts words
and deeps that control, draining our life force
from us without knowledge, truth is the saver
of our new reality, comforter of love sweetness.

Beautiful peace within love flows with light
gracefully when we accept all truths of minds
hearts and souls freely!

Love is the power of life, truth is the power
that we truly know!

Our wings widen in flight for the truth to flow
freely releasing all doubts, and fears that once
seem so stable within the boundaries of our

Now with the truth of being, we remain no longer in
the darkness of tormented shadows.

Freedom rings in the depth of loves

How flowers bloom in beauty when
one wakes up without flaws of
spirit, and the untruths of ego.

When the light shines within us
the first time, we'll think we were
dreaming awake, when truth sealed the
deal of forgiveness of self, we became divine
free to roam inside and out with only understanding
that truth is the love light that shines brightly
without denial!

Warmth comes within, closing our eyes finding
ourselves for the first time knowing exactly where
we are from with a mission we must complete
on this earthly plane.

Strange enough we fear nothing, doubts
no longer exist only understanding of our

Becoming clear as glass, we shuffle away
each illusion in our deeply formed
sub-consciousness finding oneness
in us with the truth of love we
shower down fresh and new.

Now foundations build strength
beneath earthly weakness, we
can touch each moment before
it becomes a reality, creating our
own unique self taking back our

Beautiful magic silently captures
spirit leading us through
the vortex of eternal bliss.

(Life has just begun)

Copyright © DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2021
Once upon a dream, there was a maiden bright, with much
expression running down the path of loveliness memorizing
her thoughts of all she saw in the morning light.

No matter the distance she ran, she was only flying close
to the ground never weary in spirit, just bright, singing
from her heart.

She was her love! her thoughts sparkled like the
stars above Gathering her flowers so sweet and filled with
fragrance that only grew stronger as she ran down the
path of beauty, Freshness of the breeze following her every
step, light as a feather she ran with her never-ending
fantasizing reality, that could never be more real.

Maiden bright, never stopped Shining her light where
ever she went, she was always followed when she ran
close to the ground, you'll swear she was floating above
the dirt-covered path.

Her glory shadow danced so gracefully as she kept
time with her song she Sang silently, must have been
filled with energy to lift her clearly over the tree
Tops, over the ocean and valleys she flew high not
knowing she wasn't touching the ground.

You see this maiden bright as a feather
soft, divine, living for each moment, each breath
she took was the song she Sang, it never had a
beginning nor end, she just drifted into the rainbow of
colored mist in the summer of her youth, so
long ago in Ireland, where all the four-leaf clovers

(Our Hearts are Filled with Four-leaf
Clovers filled with Luck and Love)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
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