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Harriet Shea Apr 2021
Once upon a dream, there was a maiden bright, with much
expression running down the path of loveliness memorizing
her thoughts of all she saw in the morning light.

No matter the distance she ran, she was only flying close
to the ground never weary in spirit, just bright, singing
from her heart.

She was her love! her thoughts sparkled like the
stars above Gathering her flowers so sweet and filled with
a fragrance that only grew stronger as she ran down the
path of beauty, Freshness of the breeze following her every
step, light as a feather she ran with her never-ending
fantasizing reality, that could never be more real.

Maiden bright, never stopped Shining her light where
ever she went, she was always followed when she ran
close to the ground, you'll swear she was floating above
the dirt-covered path.

Her glory shadow danced so gracefully as she kept
time with her song she Sang silently, must have been
filled with energy to lift her clearly over the tree
Tops, over the ocean and valleys she flew high not
knowing she wasn't touching the ground.

You see this maiden bright as a feather
soft, divine, living for each moment, each breath
she took the song she Sang, it never had a
beginning nor end, she just drifted into the rainbow of
colored mist in the summer of her youth, so
long ago in Ireland, where all the four-leaf clovers

(Our Hearts are Filled with Four-leaf
Clovers filled with Luck and Love)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved
Harriet Shea Mar 2021
Once upon a dream, there was a maiden bright, with much
expression running down the path of loveliness memorizing
her thoughts of all she saw in the morning light.

No matter the distance she ran, she was only flying close
to the ground never weary in spirit, just bright, singing
from her heart.

She was her love! her thoughts sparkled like the
stars above Gathering her flowers so sweet and filled with
fragrance that only grew stronger as she ran down the
path of beauty, Freshness of the breeze following her every
step, light as a feather she ran with her never-ending
fantasizing reality, that could never be more real.

Maiden bright, never stopped Shining her light where
ever she went, she was always followed when she ran
close to the ground, you'll swear she was floating above
the dirt-covered path.

Her glory shadow danced so gracefully as she kept
time with her song she Sang silently, must have been
filled with energy to lift her clearly over the tree
Tops, over the ocean and valleys she flew high not
knowing she wasn't touching the ground.

You see this maiden bright as a feather
soft, divine, living for each moment, each breath
she took was the song she Sang, it never had a
beginning nor end, she just drifted into the rainbow of
colored mist in the summer of her youth, so
long ago in Ireland, where all the four-leaf clovers

(Our Hearts are Filled with Four-leaf
Clovers filled with Luck and Love)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2020
Once upon a dream, there was a maiden bright with such expression, she ran down her path of loveliness memorizing her thoughts of all she saw in the morning light.

No matter the distance she ran, she was only flying close
to the ground never weary in spirit.

She was her own love! her thoughts sparkled like the
stars above gathering her flowers so sweet filled with
fragrance that only grew stronger as she ran down a
path with beauty, the freshness of the breeze following
her every step, light as a feather she ran with the
breeze with her never-ending fantasizing reality, which
could never be more real.

Maiden bright, never stopped shining her light where
ever she went, she was always followed when she ran
close to the ground, you'll swear she was really floating above the dirt-covered path.

Her glories shadow danced so gracefully as she kept
time with her song she sang silently, must have been
filled with energy to lift her clearly over the tree
tops, over the ocean and valleys she flew high not
knowing she was not touching the ground.

You see this maiden bright was light as a feather
soft, divine, living for each moment, each breath
she took was the song she sang, it never had a
beginning nor end, she just drifted into the rainbow of
colored mist in the summer of her youth, so
long ago in Ireland, where all the four-leaf clovers

(Our Hearts are Filled with Four-leaf
Clovers, filled with Luck and Love)

2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2018
The red monuments stand majestically under neath skies
of blue wonderment, and the Lord in heaven speaks
in a soft flowing voice.” I have given you all this beauty
to collect and store in your soul”! “Someday you will
realize this beauty did not just appear from no where,
it was created for all man kind, to open their hearts and
find the true beauty of life”.
How peculiar I felt, has I held one red little rock
in my hand, listening to it's heart beat, long enough to
gather information, that all beauty you notice, will be
the only energy source that will leave with you when
you once again fly through the universal dimensional
plane, with all beauty, you actually captured in the waves
of your soul's core while living on earth.
So what you see of pure beauty was captured from another
soul core, waiting to be created for another, to capture, and
collect, and recreate, over and over again.
Instantly! I knew how creation actually begun, through all
beauty God created for us, and those who collected this
beauty, stored it in their own soul core, passing on over
over again from those who loved enough to store and
pass on the true beauty of love to those who really cared
enough to notice even the simplest of beauty to be passed
on through eternity..
How the mystery of life unfolded before my eyes, as I laid
down the little red rock, I brought home from the red
monumental statues of miracles. In Arizona, we
must make time to capture all beauty in our soul core
to be passed on for eternity, or all beauty will die and
never be passed on again.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2019
Makers continue on with life
slamming past the fast life
leaving only shadows of
darkness and tears of sadness..

Makers sing there own songs
alone, hidden, away from loves
of long ago, dreams uplifts
the struggles who have drowned
in self-pity..

Makers, complete the cycle
to a full circle, nothing left
only shallow smiles from
yesterdays memories..

Walls building, never losing
control, laughter does not
exist from inside, only that
hidden dream that was, now
gone, drifting away like a
soft whisper in time..

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2020
Making believe is over, all illusions never existed
they were created by each thought we thought
now the time has come to search our hearts deep
for each light that we share, shall make a change
in our world and what we are experiencing now
wondering why everything is going wrong!

Was written in the Holy Book that in the last
days seven seals shall be broken, now! we are all
shivering in dismay, how these words were written
are all becoming a reality, we must bow our
heads, searching finding love fire, that lives
deeply within, this is where you'll find love
losing doubts and fears, with peace being revealed
after the “War of Good and Evil”.

We should not grow weary, we must let our
inner light shine after we have found our
love fire, in which will change us in every way
falling to our knees repenting for all we have

We cannot do any more than what we ourselves tell
us to do, when darkness becomes dense and coldness
appears unbearable, those who have been saved
shall rise to escape the torment of hell here on

Words are written from heart, when those, who have
found truth shall pass them on to another, who shall
also, pass them on.
Know that love cannot be identified, it is in the
knowing you know love, and in the words that are
expressed in the knowledge with love and truth
we can live in our world with peace harmony
knowing we have repented and are saved
from further torment.

By DerenaBree (2020)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
One second conquers knowledge
another fortitude, another, wisdom
to understand lessons taught.

Manifest your images

Why life settles after a storm
no one knows, it blows away
filtered dust, softly snowing
the purity of love.

Manifest your images

Flowing from mountains, new
revival, stream curing infected
minds of misery.

Manifest your images

Another world speaks falseness
among distorted thoughts, where
people live speechlessly, adorn
with no beliefs, with evil desires
corrupting natures flow.

Manifest your images

When once there was a paradise
it appears again, the world has now
been purified after three days of
darkness. now, goodness prevails.

Manifest your images

Your birth of self-reflection created perfection
time itself has blown away the fake illusion
now your time of creating has begun
with little effort.

Manifest your images

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2020
Many reasons slip by unnoticed, so many reasons never materialize, for leaving a good thing behind.

Many reasons locked inside, a million reasons for not really caring, a million reasons for saying a speedy good-bye.

Many reasons shadows appear with the mighty many reasons stored away.

Only, not one reason makes any sense, why we must cross that line of no return, to find those reasons we wish we could.

(Reason pass unnoticed by everyone, but you!)

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Oct 2020
Many reasons cloud our thoughts, knowing we are only human
trying to make each reason that pours from us will not be
in vain!

Many reasons slip by unnoticed, many reasons never materialize, for leaving those reasons hidden will not bring what could have brought a happy ending to a lonely heart.

Many reasons locked inside, a million reasons for not caring, a million reasons for saying a speedy good-bye, for no reason, just an instant thought dismissed and gone!

Many reasons shadows appear with force, many reasons connection does not satisfy, we have no truth within an honest belief that can not
be explained or understood!

Not one reason makes any sense why we must cross that line of no return finding those reasons have no direction.

(Reason pass unnoticed by everyone, but you!)

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2021
Many reasons cloud our thoughts, knowing we are only human
trying to make each thought that pours from us will not be
in vain!

Many reasons slip by unnoticed, many thoughts never materialize, for leaving those reasons hidden will not bring what could have brought a happy ending to a lonely heart.

Many reasons locked inside, a million reasons for not caring, a million reasons for saying a speedy good-bye, for no reason, just an instant thought dismissed and gone!

Many reasons shadows appear with force, many reasons connection does not satisfy, we have no truth within an honest belief that can not
be explained or understood!

Not one reason makes any sense why we must cross that line of no return finding those reasons have no direction.

(Reason pass unnoticed by everyone, but us alone!)

We are the reason we must reason!

© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2018
Must we go on knowing not what
exists, must we play our part, must
we do nothing to survive defeat?

Must we play a part of uncertainty
never to know the true meaning of
knowledge, and superior divinity?

Must we struggle forward into a vastness
never to be conquered, while we strive
to be a person of depth?

Must we die before our time, when there
are forces in front of us waiting to be
discovered, a lonely world can never
be eaten alive.

Must we search on for what reason not knowing
keeping on only to see the numbness that devours
each dream, do we keep believing what we believe
to be truth? Or do we wonder on for the simple
illusions of the mind!!

Mind plays it's role to fill part of destiny, only we can't
control our wanting, our dreams, our realities of truth
meaning of love never found the place it all become real
once upon a time, in time.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2018
Must we go on, knowing not what
exists, must we believe truth, must
we do nothing to survive defeat..

Must we play  with uncertain thoughts
we should never be without knowledge,
it is important to complete our task.

Must we struggle forward into the void
never to be conquered, while we strive
to be a person of depth.

Must we die before our time, when there
is proof in front of us, waiting to tell the
world, we are not alone, we must understand
we are not above our own thoughts.

Must we search on for what reason, we keep
moving on, only to feel the numbness that
blinds us, we catch each dream, knowing
we are masters of our own minds.

We play our roles, fill part of our destiny
only to control our own memory, we go
further still, completing the necessary
foundation to true fulfillment.

By Derena (Harriet)
© 2018 Derena(Harriet) (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2020
Another glance may need to be observed
even heart could be fooled from
surroundings filled with glamour and
amazing enchantments.
How large the tree appears, has no meaning
how beautiful, how long it has been growing
so enormous and healthy!

Special glances always have better explanations
when the time element is subtracted with picture
completely different then once observed in the
first glance.

Mind, heart, collects information from souls
intellect, gathering like a bouquet wrapped in
ribbon attracted to the observer, without a
another glance.

Never too late to check the landscape twice
and to see what could have been missed by
just one glance.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved).
Harriet Shea Jun 2018
Mystical tension allures understanding expressed
wondrously, dimensional exhibitions of meditational
rhyme, executed knowledge of unseen destruction
forcefully performed, without attention of lunar
intellectual thoughts of mediational telepathy taught
from the universal planetary of assumption knowledge
collapsing remarkably in density, assuming supplied
questions will be dismissed without explanations
without where it all begun, before the big bang appeared
through knowledge of universal intelligence complicated
and acknowledge without answers from the planetary systems
formed from only atoms and more experimental attachments
located among the inner-dimensional universe.

Through meditational rhyme pronounce in a second of united
time, separate atoms in three seconds multiplied double in
volume escaping miraculously through infinity, doubling over
again, creating new dimensional worlds, moons and spheres
shooting seeds of life through the universe creating bacterial
growth attaching to more bacterial antibodies.

Through thought patterns of our super-consciousness inner
mind, we know intellectually, what makes life exist and move
through circles of explanatory blacks holes, of other dimensional
escapes of time travel as we may believe.

Life as we know it, will revolve again in different forms of deep
imaginational energy, where it will transform into objects of
thought progression of creation.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2024
We completely shut away from the part of us that
tries so hard to understand life, only understanding
is not thinking about how to understand, but how
understanding will lead us to surrender to the
depth of understanding.

We are all one in one, and once you confront
the situation how it came about, you will never be
the same person of logic as you know it!

Meditation brings you to your personal
dimensional level, where only you exist, a level
of peace, knowledge, understanding, knowing
you alone, teacher of abstractions obstacles and
human emotions approach connecting self to
our inner completeness, self-conditional
awareness of what exists around material
majestically interference.

Opportunities reflect upon inner intuitive intervention
upon receiving higher vibrations needed to
move equally in motivational correspondence
a motive needs to be assembled upon acceptance
of thought, creating the inner part needed
for achieving what makes life balanced,
completed, all divisions must be projected
into the Universe.

(We are Powerful in Love)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
We completely shut away the part of us that
try so hard to understand life, only understanding
is not thinking how to understand, but how
understanding will lead us to surrender to the
depth of understanding.

We are all one in one, and once you confront the
situation how it came about, you will never be
the same person of logic as you know it.

Meditation brings you to your own personal
dimensional level, where only you exist, a level
of peace, knowledge, understanding, knowing
you alone, teacher of abstractions obstacles
approached connected self, to the real
meaning of inner completeness, self conditional
awareness of what exist around material
majestically interference.

Opportunities reflect upon inner intuitive intervention
upon receiving of higher vibrations needed to
move equally in motivational correspondence
a motive needs to be assembled upon acceptance
of thought, creating the inner part needed to
achieve what makes life orderly perfect with
force completed, all divisions must be projected
into the Universe.

(Mind Over Matter)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2020
We completely shut away from the part of us that
try so hard to understand life, only understanding
is not thinking how to understand, but how
understanding will lead us to surrender to the
depth of understanding.

We are all one in one, and once you confront
the situation how it came about, you will never be
the same person of logic as you know it.

Meditation brings you to your own personal
dimensional level, where only you exist, a level
of peace, knowledge, understanding, knowing
you alone, teacher of abstractions obstacles and
human emotions approached connecting self to
our inner completeness, self conditional
awareness of what exists around material
majestically interference.

Opportunities reflect upon inner intuitive intervention
upon receiving of higher vibrations needed to
move equally in motivational correspondence
a motive needs to be assembled upon acceptance
of thought, creating the inner part needed
for achieving what makes life balanced.
completed, all divisions must be projected
into the Universe.

(We are Powerful by Love)

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2020
Where the rain forest meets the ocean
silence calms each heart of memories
burdening them no more with sadness.

In the darkness, roads lead somewhere
in the depth of understanding, in each
soul, there is a yearning for release.

Melodies haunt each thought plagued
with anticipation, no longer must pain
make a heart grow stronger, it now
turns face in calming reinsurance.

High do you stand now, softness
filling the heart of the misunderstood,
there are no more reflections of
fear, tranquility fills each gap that
once were stained blood red.

Time echo's across the heart,
leaving the misty morn, capturing
now the warmth of a secure
thought, freedom plays its roles.

Laying on a bed of knowledge you
close your thoughts of wisdom
your heart stops, you're now beginning
to live, one door has closed
another has opened.

DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
Where the rain forest meets the ocean
silence calms each heart of memories
burdening them no more with sadness.

In the darkness, roads lead somewhere
in the depth of understanding, in each
soul, there is a yearning for release.

Melodies haunt each thought plagued
with anticipation, no longer hurt exist
making a heart grow stronger, it now
turns face in reinsurance calm.

High you stand, softness filling
your heart of the misunderstood
there are no more reflections of
fear, tranquility fills each gap that
once bled red with doubt.

Time echo's across meadows
leaving misty morn, capturing
the warmth of secure melodies
freedom starting a journey new.

Laying on a bed of knowledge you
shut your thoughts, connecting
to wisdom, life just begins
death has brought you

© 2019 DereenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2020
I melted in myself and locked away the storms that are appearing across our land.
I developed a remedy that grows bright with faith and hopes all around America.

I sliced a piece of love to share from my heart for those who lost the love they use to have.

I had a dream that peace was found in a different kind of way, a way that all mankind could understand and acknowledge at the same time
without causing damage to the body and mind.

I needed to bring the faith back to people the way it was in the Our Lord's time, so I opened up the book of my soul and shined all I had down on mother earth.

All you really need to do is believe hard enough to change all the bad things to good.

© 2020DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2020
I melted in myself and locked away the storms that are appearing across our land.
I developed a remedy that grows bright with faith and hopes all around America.

I sliced a piece of love to share from my heart for those who lost the love they use to have.

I had a dream that peace was found in a different kind of way, a way that all mankind could understand and acknowledge at the same time
without causing damage to the body and mind.

I needed to bring the faith back to people the way it was in the Lord's time so I opened up the book of my soul and shined all I had down on mother earth.

All you really need to do is believe hard enough to change all the bad things to good.

I crossed the land of hardship and blessed it with promise and
love from above.

© DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
Softly I touched her face, I wipe the tears
away she shed, she cried for our nation that
was gone many centuries ago.

Stories, from years, came back to me
when I was very small, each story
powerful, as her heart is brave, and
true, I let them flow from heart, our
nation that understood how to live and
raise their children with spirituality, mother
kissed them with fertile ground for survival
to continue on with stories that go down
in our history books.

Come walk the fields and streams, I
will tell you how our nation became
a nation, the sorrows, beliefs, faith,
your ancestors had that gave them great
courage, and skills to put a smile on a
face that never frowned, they never had
to be sad, they had their struggles, and had
mother nature by their side, with God's
arms stretched out with love and peace
for his children.

She sat their on a rock near the
stream while I told her the story
of her dear ancestors, while she
listened, she started to shed
more tears, but never in vain.

Each story I told her, another tear
fell, not on the ground of sand, on
the Green Indian burial grounds
growing with flowers, and weeds, and
stories she could pass down from generation
to generation.

We walked for miles and chanted,
and cried for our nation that was
a legend already, all we saw, and
felt, we found out nothing was ever
lost, it was growing all around us,
our nation was blowing in the
softness of each whisper of the
breeze, all we saw was a deep
reminder that our Indian nation
will always be.

(God made us strong, why are we not

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
Walking among broken branches
tears never touching ground
they flow toward heaven, touching
stars, casting a light of
there own..

Men with broken hearts, never
rest in silence, they roam
aimlessly across each
sad thought, catching stardust
dreaming of broken promises
leaving much behind to
be cherished forever..

Faith and love may disappear
only for awhile, yet life goes on
with deeper knowledge special
wisdom blooming with each
heartache, broken maybe, but
so much understanding revealing
the trueness of heart..

Another time, another place
stars will sparkle for men with
broken hearts, alone shall walk
no more, there master has
gave them all they missed
once upon a time..

A heart so true, a life alone, was
never meant for any man, he also
has feelings, dreams, reaching
high, like any other man they live
to be happy, not broken alone to
walk among shattered dreams, these
men with broken hearts..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2023
Soar ahead holding tight, dreams that wander on, silently waiting for a message, a sound, a voice softly speaking beyond redemption.

Capture the song, and let it echo high so high, listen! it calls out, dreams lie forgotten, waiting to be released at the right moment.

Rip away not the seal, the message may not be ready in time for the day of deliverance, yet caution plays each role carefully.

Don't be foolish dashing in darkness change the way it has to be, it is made clear the day of deliverance is near.

Gather your treasures of giving, and collect your debts of love, you still have time to shine the light, you've hidden all these years.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2023
Soar ahead holding tight, dreams that wonders on, silently waiting for a message, a sound, a voice softly speaking beyond redemption.

Capture the song, and let it echo high so high, listen! it calls out, dreams lie forgotten, waiting to be released at the right moment.

Rip away not the seal, the message may not be ready in time for the day of deliverance, yet caution plays each role carefully.

Don't be foolish dashing in darkness change the way it has to be, it is made clear the day of deliverance is near.

Gather your treasures of giving, and collect your debts of love, you still have time to shine the light, you've hidden all these years.

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Feb 2019
Each message sent to us, or from us, should
be written from the heart, otherwise
why would any messages be sent, or maybe
just being vindictive, but most of the time
something important is sent from the heart.

Once upon a time in time, letters were written
with information shared, with loads of love to loved
ones, along with pictures, clippings of what was
happening in their home town.

Now you text a message and most of the time
there is no response to what is sent from the
heart. That is OK! Messages are still sent each
day from those we know and love.

We live in a world made of iron, with feelings
bonded together with staples.

This world is different, money, business, and loss
not important unless one is hit in the middle of
a heart without any explanations.

All expectations and fear, make up this world
two worlds, one I raised in, the other one made
of logic and solitude.

Remember every message should come from
the heart.

It all starts with loving!

By Derena
© 2019 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2018
Midnight power escaping
from the bowels of the universe
the core enriched with brilliant
blue light.

Lanced in depth, the damage
begins, swirling staircase above
the universal eclipse.

Energy flowing, like a broken
promise surging forward,
completing life's triangle.

Silently! words have no meaning
power traps each moonlight beam
sparkle with wonder.

Point your finger in the other
direction, it is powerless
with energy shooting toward
the heavens.

(Collect your power in yourself and shine)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jan 2020
Closely intertwine winter
settles upon our hearts filled
with warmth and wonder
how miracles just happen
every minute stories are
created without

Miracles are just magic

We just imagine what we desire
and manifest the desire coming
out of nowhere would believe
miracles just happen with just
one thought and blink of an

Miracles are music from above

We are never fools when it comes
down to believing in miracles
they never stop appearing before
us daily with pleasure.

Miracles are the stars in our eyes

We are never disappointed when
darkness leaves, and light brings
sunlight, nor are we surprised
when a bird sings a song in
a tree on a branch by the
open window for us to hear.

Miracles are wishes we never make

Everything free comes from love
and miracles are free cause they
are loving desires.

Miracles are little raindrops
falling on a thirsty flower
from heaven above.

(2020DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2020
Closely intertwine winter
settles upon our hearts filled
with warmth and wonder
how miracles just happen
every minute stories are
created without

Miracles are just magic

We just imagine what we desire
and manifest the desire coming
out of nowhere would believe
miracles just happen with just
one thought and blink of an

Miracles are music from above

We are never fools when it comes
down to believing in miracles
they never stop appearing before
us daily with pleasure.

Miracles are the stars in our eyes

We are never disappointed when
darkness leaves, and light brings
sunlight, nor are we surprised
when a bird sings a song in
a tree on a branch by the
open window for us to hear.

Miracles are wishes we never make

Everything free comes from love
and miracles are free cause they
are loving desires.

Miracles are little raindrops
falling on a thirsty flower
from heaven above.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved
Harriet Shea Jun 2019
Print your eyes in my mind
collect no thoughts that twinkle
bright upon each silent glance.

Capture not the one I see within
but the one that can see beyond

Mystifying images floating across
hearts sweet dreams, words
materializing in miraculous form
where mother touched each
flower with love.

How wondrous she sheds her fresh
sweetness across vast unknown
wilderness wild and free.

Stare into the darkness of your
shadowy light pronouncing your
inner wisdom.

Come follow, collect each thought
that expands before you..

(Now has come)

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2019
Touching home you always
bring smiles along
the way.

A special love you carry
from the depths of a
heart filled
with love.

Knowledge strong with
wisdom you play your
hand so right.

Never disappointed
in belief of souls
to fly high.

Light you shine so
bright in the winter
of life sweet

Strong in spirit each thought
you think only captures
a heart filled
with promise.

Summer storms always
have a rainbow after
a fresh soothing

Cannot think of a day
that never had song
in days, at night stars
sparkling bright in
the darkness of
a kind loving

Our journey home
is never easy, only
worth what was
given from a heart
filled with unconditional
love within.

© 2019DerenaBree(All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2019
I was not warned of the danger
that took you away, that cold
winters night..

You went to fight for our country,
brave and young, with eyes so
blue, I kissed you that starry

You ran toward the train, looking
back at me, oh my son, how my heart
stopped, when you disappeared
out of sight..

Six months went by when I was
notified, that you were missing
in action, I felt a cold chill
whisper quietly by..

It has been over a year now,
still nothing, you're still missing
my son and I cannot rest, the
heart is hurting too much
wondering where you are..

Are you dead and buried
somewhere, only God
and his loving angels
know where you are my

Only 20 you are, a son
that has only brought me
pride and joy, a mothers
dream son, you are my
sweet Davy Bradson..

Each night I light a holy
candle at church, for your
safe return my son, my tears
are not shed in vain, for
you live in my heart...

I was not warned, that this
sadness I carry today, would
be surrounded around you my

Your father would have been
surely proud of you, if he
were here, I know he is
your angel right now, guiding
you through what you must
be going through..

I shall never give up hope,
you shall either return safely
to me, or in a bag of black
where I shall lay you at
rest my son..

My prayers are with you
always, my heart is so
heavy, that it is so hard
to breath without a sigh..

Keep safe, keep the faith
my son, soon the roses
will again bloom, like
a newborn babe..

(God Bless Our Fallen, for they have died before
their time.)

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
I was not warned of the danger
that took you away, that cold
winters night..

You went to fight for our country,
brave and young, with eyes so
blue, I kissed you that starry

You ran toward the train, looking
back at me, oh my son, how my heart
stopped, when you disappeared
out of sight..

Six months went by when I was
notified, that you were missing
in action, I felt a cold chill
whisper quietly by..

It has been over a year now,
still nothing, your still missing
my son, and I cannot rest, my
heart is hurting to much
wondering where you are

Are you dead and buried
some where, only God
and his loving angels
know where you are my

Only 20 you are, a son
that has only brought me
pride and joy, a mothers
dream son, you are my
sweet Davy Bradson..

Each night I light a holy
candle at church, for your
safe return my son, my tears
are not shed in vain, for
you live in my heart...

I was not warned, that this
sadness I carry today, would
surround around you my
Davy Bradson...

Your father would of been
surely proud of you, if he
were here, I know he is
your angel right now, guiding
you through what you must
be going through..

I shall never give up hope,
you shall either return safe
to me, or in a bag of black
where I shall lay you at
rest my son..

My prayers are with you
always, my heart is so
heavy, that it is so hard
to breath without a sigh..

Keep safe, keep the faith
my son, soon the roses
will again bloom, like
a new born babe..

By Derena Bree
© 2018 Derena Bree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Apr 2018
Their never will be another you, but in the
eyes of God, you'll always remain energy
through eternity.

You left your mark upon those who loved
you, you'll never carry those stones that
were so heavy all those years again.

You made so many laugh with that sense
of humor great, I'll swear I'd laugh
so hard, I could hardly catch my breath
you had the world a spinning so many
times off the chart, in every direction
even you lost your balance, as soon as
you stopped a laugh en.

Tell you one thing, you brought that car full
of dogs wanting to get out, and while
we watched them run all over the park,
you jumped in the lake for a quick dip
to ease your sore and tired feet.

You never lacked a note when you played
your crazy guitar, you may of forgot
some words of a song, but you sure knew
the strings of your favorite song you called
handy dandy, come to daddy.

Nope! their may never be another you,
you make me laugh inside, it would be
so hard, to ever forget you my music
man, with a voice from heaven you sang with
a gleam in your eye, and that smile
you gave everyone, it was hard not to
be happy when you came walking through
the door ready for a cold one, and song
to cheer the crowd.

I hear your voice still, and your laughing across
the dance floor, I shall never forget how you
loved to dance the country swing.

Still love you, my music man, who made those
who knew you, laugh and cry

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
She lost her way one night
wishing on a star so bright
when the night was misty black
in the warmth of summer time..

The stars had lost there glow
the moon forsaking her every
mood, she forgot to speak her
mind, to say, she hurt through
and through..

The brightness of her smile was gone
in that night so misty black, she told
herself she did not care, for her
lover had disappeared..

Longing for her love so dear
she ran away so far to care
when the ship of love appeared
they could not find her any
where, she had wandered
to far to care..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
In the misty garden of my youth, I lay down
at the bottom of my Sadie cove, struggling
with answers to many questions, I only wish
I knew in the summer of my life!

Through each of my thoughts, I watch the
seasons disappear, knowing if living was
different than the way I lived it, trees
would be a little lovelier, flowers brighter
with fragrance filling blue skies with

Limitations hold back many from there
destiny, confusing it with logic instead
of desire; ruled by a higher power, meant to
materialize smoothly in realms of light
brightening shadows, bringing tranquil
knowledge, born of life to those who seek
the truth of souls deepest connections
purified in the perfect formation of
love's sweet divinity.

Bring back the streams freshened by
the sun, windy shades of color
manifest dreams in the darkness
of green golden mountain peaks
lie still, magi k appearing before
that misty garden in the winter
of my incredible life.

Time of great glory flows deeply in
tune of loves sweet memories of
living life to the fullest.

© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2018
Misty wonders surround each thought
calmness appears behind each hidden
bow, blowing freshness across miles
of silent dreams...

Vibrations flowing through one divine
power of natures sweet calling
collecting essence swimming across
the mind of time...

Perfection lingers like dew upon roses
a touch in dawns early light radiating
promises fading with times memories
darkness passes through untouched
castles of lost time...

Healing returns truth's understanding
capturing one loving power, one spirit
one energy flowing inward opening
doors of no return, laying quietly
peace appears creating cosmic
power from the universe...

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2018
Catching the moon making a wish
just to see it close in, to give
me a thrill of something new.

They say! what we believe in, is true
because it was created from us to
make it become a reality.

The other night I saw a falling star
what a happy thought I had, has
it disappeared out of site.

Grandma always told me the beauty
of life was what we shared, not what
we wanted that sparkled.

Now when I see the light of the full
moon, it has a new story to tell me
each month to store away in my

(Believe in what you believe in)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Mar 2021
Mothers are made out of stardust
they know exactly what to do when
rain runs down the window pane.

Mother's shine brightly among the
shadows of doubt and fear, they
bring back the faith that got lost
somewhere in the house.

Mother's words are golden they
make children laugh in glee
they cannot help how their minds
work, God made them that way.

Mothers always bring forth miracles
appearing from nowhere, just there
caring intuition.

Mothers are strong in heart, warriors
in spirit, welded from the power of God.

Mothers cry, they are human with strength
to control what must be controlled.

God Bless Mothers and Fathers alike.

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea May 2020
Mother's are made out of stardust
they know exactly what to do when
rain runs down the window pane.

Mother's shine brightly among the
shadows of doubt and fear, they
bring back the faith that got lost
somewhere in the house.

Mother's words are golden they
make children laugh in glee
they cannot help how there minds
work, God made them that way.

Mother always brings forth miracles
appearing from nowhere, just there
caring intuition.

Mother's are strong in heart, warriors
in spirit, welded from the power of God.

Happy Mother's Day To All Mothers.

@DerenaBree(All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Nov 2018
Moving motionless, yet listening
to the silence, of each heartbeat
echoing high into another place
where only dreamers dream.

Where are the rainbows, colors
of beauty before the eye of the
beholder, waiting for the ship
of treasures to port?

Sing along with the master
of your heart, it waits, it needs
it's desired satisfaction, for it to
glow intentionally brilliant.

Move like the wind of freshness
it cools the mind embers, that
once was a raging fire of
selfish desires.

Moving motionless across
the sea of no return, leaving
what you found behind in the
sand of everlasting memories..

Walk into the wildness of your
magic place, put your charms
upon the tree of promise, and
dream just one more dream
before you go..

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2019
Mountain dream before me stands,
heavenly bliss capturing my soul,
Lord! how I mingle wild and free
among my mountain dream.

Can't believe what I saw last night
in my mountain dream, not sure if
it was a dream or was I really in
the mountains walking among the

Serenity capturing my being, I
saw the light from within, it glowed
so bright I forgot where I was, in
the middle of a field filled with love
and life.

Now today I'm not sure, I have
returned from my mountain dream,
a reality it has become, a memory
that still lives within.

I feel the freshness, see the heavens
filled with miracles, fragrance around
me mingling like the flowers growing
wild and free around me.

Mountain dream before me stands,
not a dream sweet, a tranquil light
living within my soul, a place I
shall always live, a mountain
filled with love, light, and beauty
given me from God.

By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2018
Mr.Moon, send your love down, let
lovers gaze deeply, let your beauty
shine into each dreamers heart.

A silence, a whisper of each star
sparkling, so many desires becoming
a song of love.

Cross your heart, love has entered in
it plays a role only each heart knows
it leaps to the moon, kisses her, bringing
her brilliance of sparkle back, into the
reality of adventurous bliss.

Beauty of love and spirit surrounds
each believer, she has sent her spell
of love down to those lovers, dreamers
surrounding them with warmth.

Though dreams may not all come true
it is miraculously a miracle to fine their
true destiny.

Mr. moon shine your light, fill the lonely
heart with love, dreamers their true desires
lovers, a song never forgotten, a flower
blooming softly in soul, touching heart gently
with promises an wonderment.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Sep 2019
Oh my America, my America, my heart hurts
beyond compare, watching the terror in the
sky, without a word in my saddened heart.

I cannot find the words to say, to make
the world content, they're hidden deep within
the soul till peace shall come again.

Oh my America, my America, it will not end
till the hand of God will grip the hearts of
men and show them the way again.

To much sorrow without relief, fills
the heavens with flames and smoke,
killing the faith, dulling the mind with more

Oh my America, my America, my sorrows
lie much too deep to understand our fate
but we do know, God loves his children and
will take care of his own.

Been eighteen years that people died in
vain, and America has become so alert
on Terror attacks.

The evil that surrounds goodness, will
not be victorious, good always wins in the

God Bless America in which we Stand!

By DerenaBree
©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2019
My very best friend in the world has left me, alone, missing him so, that I feel when he passed, part of me went with him, in fact
I know I went far above the universe with him and now he lives
deep within my lonely Universe.

His sister walks alone, no more where he goes she goes, she looks
sad, but I try to give her comfort the best I can..She will be up there playing on rainbow bridge with all my other beautiful animals I have
lost and felt the pain of loss, but with this dog, I have lost we had
a very special connection that will never be forgotten.

Special things I would do for him and miss so much..He always knew
what I was thinking, so did I know what he was thinking at one
glance..I can not look at his sister and not think about him, cause you
see when I look at her I see him with her.

I miss my little Pooh-Bear, he will always be with me all my life
he lives in my heart and soul..I love him dearly and he will always make me cry missing him..

Love you my best friend of the world

© 2019 derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2023
I feel her closeness, her heartbeat, it
is the breeze that calmly wisps across
a field, kissing the tree tops.

I know she is around, her energy brings
me happiness as she relaxes next to me
in my thoughts uniting with her, heart,
soul, mind we merge, we combine our
freshness, together and roll around heaven
in delight.

She is my mother, my universe, my realm of
reality. She knows the freshness that keeps me
free, wilderness that roams wild in my veins
surrounds me with contentment, leaving her
mark upon my heart, to continue wanting her
to remain close to me in spirit, bringing me
understanding that nature is God's breathing
freshness, within and out of our souls, trying
to make us realize we can shine our light
toward all mankind.

I feel her with me always, hear her songs when
the sun shines through my window, I know when
she wants me to walk on the cool soft grass
when her breeze blows through the tree
by my front door, softly saying:” Come
out and play with me”.

In joy, I dance upon her grass soft and moist
I walk hand and hand with her, while she
whispers in my ear saying sweet nothings of
how she wished all man kinds, would understand
and love her as I do.

I shall always feel her heartbeat, her soft breeze
of love whispering nothing in my ear, and will
never stop understanding why God sent her here
for all of us to love.

(Mother is my love, heartbeat, my freedom)

©DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
I feel her closeness, her heart beat, it
is the breeze that calmly wisps across
a field, kissing the tree tops.
I know she is around, her energy brings
me happiness as she relaxes next to me
in my thoughts uniting with her, heart,
soul, mind we mingle, we combine our
freshness together and roll around heaven
in delight.
She is my mother, my universe, my realm of
reality. She knows the freshness that keeps me
free, wilderness that roams wild in my veins
surrounds me with contentment, leaving her
mark upon my heart, to continue wanting her
to remain close to me in spirit, bringing me
understanding that nature is God breathing
freshness, within and out of our souls, trying
to make us realize we can shine our own light
toward all mankind.
I feel her with me always, hear her songs when
the sun shines through my window, I know when
she wants me to walk upon the cool soft grass
when her breeze blows through the tree
by my front door, softly saying: 'Come
out and play with me”.
In joy I dance upon her grass soft and moist
I walk hand and hand with her, while she
whispers in my ear saying sweet nothings of
how she wished all man kind, would understand
and love her as I do.
I shall always feel her heartbeat, her soft breeze
of love whispering nothings in my ear, and will
never stop understanding why God sent her here
for all of us to love.

(Mother is my love, heartbeat, my freedom)

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
When the sun sets softly I will follow him
where he lays his head I'll be near
he will never be far away he lives within
he is part of nature's call when I see
the glow...

When he walks among the timber wolf
I shall be like the breeze along side
I will kiss him with drops softly falling
freshness will be his fan that cools
when he feels sad..

Jasmine will scent the air he breathes
he will give promises to the wind in time
He will be like a starry night all calm
wonder will ring with the bells at dawn
dew will mingle softly among each rose
so new and alive...

Where he shall wonder I shall be around
each minute I see the electric rays
so bright so clear they enter heart eternity
magic never lived till you have seen a star
with each sparkle a song is born...

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Harriet Shea Dec 2020
My Magic is Myself

Never forget the warmth of
our own light, with love, peace
and harmony, that is our

Listening to heart music
how magical it can be, bringing
peace and answers to questions
we have pondered on without
a magical song.

No problems can live in
a mind filled with light and
song, it is truly magic.

Listen to those tunes that
make you happy, you'll
have no regrets.

When you do your work free
from stress, you'll be like a
bird set free from his

Find your magic, you
carry it every day, it just
waits to be found.

Born with magic, live
with magic, grow old with
magic passing it on
when you leave
this world in peace.

Magic appears always when
your searching, never give up what
you feel it is the true magic
living in your soul.

Listen to music and find
the miracle of magic in your

Magic always live in our
hearts souls, minds.
Majestically flowing from
within always.


© DerenaBree (All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea Jun 2019
Listening to heart music
how magical it can be, bringing
peace and answers to questions
we have pondered on without
a magical song.
No problems can live in a
mind filled with light and
song, it is truly magic.
Listen to those tunes that
make you happy, you'll
have no regrets.
When you do your work free
from stress, you'll be like a
bird set free from his
Find your magic, you
carry it every day, it just
waits to be found.
Born with magic, live
with magic, grow old with
magic passing it on
when you leave this
world in peace.
Magic appears always when
you search, never give up what
you feel, it is the true magic
living in your soul.
Listen to music and find the
miracle of magic in your
Magic always live in our
hearts souls, minds.
Majestically flowing from
within always..


By DerenaBree
© 2019 DerenaBree (All rights reserved)
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