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7.4k · Jun 2018
Ride solo II
LERCH Jun 2018
Time apart
Makes time together
Even better.

But if i never see ya,
Even better.
518 · Apr 2018
A College Day
LERCH Apr 2018
Aw yeah, So greatful to be spreading peanut butter over
Warm bagels for breakfast today.

Mhm, whole grain and gluten free.
i was so hungry,
I wouldnt care if they were full of gluten,
And Grainless.
I shove a piece into my anticipant mouth
And think, "thank God"
As i sit and eat em.

I cant help but look forward
To when i am sitting, and looking at the most beautiful back-of-head
That belongs to the beautiful girl, who is the thesis of my daydreaming.

****** at the fact that i can't find a lighter,
I turn the stove on high.
15 minutes till class, Perfect amount of time to smoke this clip.

As i step outside i allow the day to rudely awaken my eyes, and i appreciate the same old sunny blue sky, and trees
And i watch as a leaf falls in a way that seemed just for me. 

I stroll to class merrily saying greetings to my fellow Limestone Saints.
Aw yeah, psychology class.
Piaget and whatnot, cognitive development and whatnot, nature vs nurture, yada yada.

I notice that i am actually interested.
I like the teacher. He shares a lot of his experiences with us if they relate to the subject.
The day we talked about drugs i jokingly asked "have you ever tried drugs?" I was surprised at his honest answer.

He even described what it was like for him to us.
"Its like woah" he said, and he held his hands out like he was beholding something great, his eyes as wide as possible. "Words just don't describe it."

Today's lesson was on....  Stages of Development.
As the class goes on i consider what level i might be at. I know I think like an 80 year old but c'mon, i don't go to parties; I am the party !

So class was interesting, but my teacher spoke 3 minutes pass release time.
That must be what prison feels like.

Now we go. Bye class. Bye teacher. Ah, so now i am done with my only class of the day, and i just need to do hw and study. Its true what Gable said; "once u have wrestled everything else in life is easy." This is my first year not wrestling, and it is as if all the difficulty in my life has vanished.

Then i saw that beautiful back-of-head. i got the nerve up to approach this angelic girl who is just so magnetic to me.
I felt a chill when i tapped her on the shoulder.

I told her of my feelings for her as we walked, and i felt a warm gush of hope swelling up in me as she blushed.
But lo, She nobly turned down my request to hang out becuase she had a boyfriend.
"But we can be Friends", she told me.
Story of my life.

But i was as happy as if she said i was her boyfriend, because i made her laugh twice, and her smile is etched in my mind.
Aw yeah, i enjoyed our talk.

But work work work, thats what life is, so off i go to the library like a good little *****. Uncle sam's *****.

Literature for the adolescent; i love this class, but if i don't keep up theres no way ill pass.
Two novels a week !

So i did a booksheet on "Dope Sick" by Walter Dean myers.
A great read.
Lil j reminds me of me; just a brother tryna eat.

But after this assignment, i am academically free for the weekend !
I love the feeling. Sweet.
So i got nothing better to do than go watch the intersquad match.
Ugh, wrestling.

Alas, our tumultuous relationship is over.
But ill watch kuz my friends are in action.
Ritch !
Kayo !
Cliff !
Zoe !
They've still got passion for you, but Iord knows i don't.

I'm actually so grateful that im not elgible this year on a technicality.
But ill go watch the match, and support my old teammates.

Dudes wrestling.
Dudes smackin each others heads.
Dudes taking highcrotches.
Dudes grabbin each others legs.
Dudes putting dudes in cradles.
Dudes picking top bottom, and neutral.
I am thoroughly sick of it, and watching these matches helped me realize that.

So i watched until the wrestling was over, and i knew that for me wrestling was definitely over.
As i walked out of the room i felt a reassuring feeling of closure.
No more wrestling for lerch :)

One thing left to do !
I must practice the piano.
Major scales, minor scales, pentatonics of course !
Go up in octaves, 3rds, 4ths.
Do the 1, then the 5, and the 4
In every major key.
Then do some more!

Aw yeah, here is where i am truly free; the keys! The keys!
If no one will listen, ill just play for me.
The stress builds up; i just play to ease it.

A great day, without a hitch.
Nothing left to do
but to smoke, and eat.

Thank You Lord
484 · Jun 2018
LERCH Jun 2018
For all of you so eager to call it quits and throw in the towel on your addiction because everything isn’t “perfect” is some food for thought: Lifelong commitment is not what most people think it is. It's not waking up every morning to crack a case and slam a breakfast beer. It's not cuddling in bed until you spill your brew, peacefully, at night. It's not a clean home filled with laughter and *******, everyday. It's someone who steals all the Busch Light. It's slammed shots and a few skunked beers at times. It’s stubbornly disagreeing and giving each other the devils nectar until your hearts heal...and then...THE 12 STEPS! It’s coming home to the same brand, everyday, that you know LOVES and CARES about you in spite of (and because of) your crippling addiction. It's laughing about the one time you accidentally ****** yourself in a Denny’s waiting area. It’s about ***** laundry and unmade beds. It's about helping each other with the hard liquor in life! It's about swallowing the nasty *** chata instead of spitting it out. It's about meeting the cheapest and easiest ****** you can find in Lehigh and sitting down together late to drink afterwards because you BOTH had a crazy day. It's when you have a refrigerator breakdown and your cooler lays with you and holds your beer and tells you everything is going to be okay...and you BELIEVE that cooler. It's about still loving alcohol even though, sometimes, it makes you absolutely text exes that are now worthless skin sacks. Living with alcoholism is not perfect
...sometimes it's hard; but it's amazing and comforting and one of the BEST things you'll ever experience!

Kaitlin Jan Minteer
This is a satire poem. Alcohol can devastate lives. Please drink responsibly.
410 · May 2019
LERCH May 2019
I am
Not a poet
I am a poem Livin
I'm nada
Im only livin
Im only givin
323 · May 2018
Ride Solo?
LERCH May 2018
Ya want
Endless love
& Affection.

There aint
Even enough
For everybody.
300 · Apr 2018
Being human in a nut shell
LERCH Apr 2018
I love you.
I hate you.

I really wanna see you, but ill avoid you when im not in the mood.

I need you. I hate that i need you. I wish I could be strong without you;
But I want you to see me being strong.

I want you to congratulate me, but i dont need your compliments, & i want you to know that.

I wanna forget you, but i want the best for you- no, second best for you. I want the best for ME.

I think it's best that we stay friends because i like your influence on my life.

I hope you do so well, but not better than me.

Ill give you a few bucks, ill give you a bite to eat. But man, is it right to depend on me? But man, you better call if ever your in trouble!

I want you to come in my house to see my nice things, see my nice life.
Ok, now i want you to leave.

Just cause i said it dont mean i meant it.
Didn't i say i love you?
I said i hate you.

I want to die, but life is so amazing i want to live forever.

Hey! Just cause i said it dont mean i meant it.

I want a love so strong, but dont smother me! I need my space!

I want absolute loyalty, but i cant even stay loyal to my peace of mind.
299 · Aug 2018
It ends.
LERCH Aug 2018
Woah, woah, woe.

What is this thing we are living?

I dunno, but i know we got lucky.

And, oh! Can it get any sweeter?

Only if you would promise to love me.

But, oh! It ends.

It ends!

Yeah, baby all the wonderful
Things always do that.

It ends. It ends!

I suggest you enjoy it my friend.
264 · Jul 2018
I think too much
LERCH Jul 2018
Peace and love to you
Your a stain on existance
Yeah, me too
Im optimistic
But realistic
People ****
Like the baby from the simpsons
Food clothes and shelter
Life is simple
But remember now the world is full of sinners
Ok Lerch man we get it
Can ya rap bout something else now
Ok, thank the lord that im ok
I hope the Gov't dont come thru
With aK's
Ww1 ww2 they say history repeats
They say alotta things
Ima stop listening to what they say
If they come for me then im going
Out like Jesus
Lord willin
But ill prolly feel the urge to fight back and scream obscenities
Lord bless me
To be a good and faithful servant
wrote this 1 a while back. I wanna share it with you guys.
261 · Jul 2018
Motivay Haiku
LERCH Jul 2018
Life is fun. oh yeah
Unless you dont have funds, man
Go get you some then !
247 · Mar 2018
salubrious song
LERCH Mar 2018
Aw yeah, its all right.
We'll be alive for many days.
I've already had a good time any way.

& When the sky lights up with magic,
I wont ask what gives.
I wont ask whats happening.

I'll breath just as easy.
Ill watch it.
Ill be happy as it happens.
What choice do i have kid?

Its life. ill get whats coming to me.
I'd be happy to stay. i'd be happy to leave.

I'd breathe just as easy.
I wanna be so happy and clean, and serene, and supreme.

Ill believe if it'll set me free.
& I'd be happy to stay, I'd be happy to leave.

I'll breath just as easy, I'll manage.
Ill see the brilliance in the sky and won't ask what happened.

I believe, of cource i do.
But does it change anything?
What do you want me to do?

Ill believe if it'll set me free.
& I'd be happy to stay,
But I'd be happy to leave.

Aw yeah it's all right ill be alive for many days, & I've already had a good time anyway.

Ill breath just as easy;
Ill manage.
Ill be happy as it happens
What choice do i have kid

It's life ill get whats coming to me
& I'd be happy to stay
But I'd be happy to leave
234 · May 2018
I love the rain
LERCH May 2018
No really,
I love the rain

So many times i have stared
At it in its strongest form
In awe, i adore

So many times

I have walked in it comfortably


I sang
A song
From my heart

While being pellted with
the life giving substance that falls from the sky

So many times

I have danced in the rain
It really helps with the moonwalk
230 · Apr 2018
In Life II
LERCH Apr 2018
You should
Get yourself a nice girl, but you dont have to.

But really, you should find a nice girl ,
Settle down, and have children.

Become a family.

Or else, you may fall into some sort of depravity.



Aw Yeah, find a nice girl.

Start a family.

You don't have to be lonely.

There is peace.
There, is love.
You can have some.

229 · Apr 2018
I am Wise now
LERCH Apr 2018
Aint no love.
I have just been making love.
& now i realize, i have just been wasting time.

Don't be a nice guy.
Be a wise guy.

Every wise guy knows
You get what you give.

Every wise guy knows

Ah !
226 · May 2018
True Story
LERCH May 2018
I had a vision
& it was so clear and vivid

There was a frog
He wasn't too sure of what was
going on

But he was happy to be alive.

In the vision i was God

The Frog looked up to me
With curiosity &

& He wanted to leap
into my arms, but
He could not
Because of the Decision
He made.

I could see through his heart
There was Euphoria and contentment smothered in fog
There was fearfulness , and greed
& the need for Love

I could see that he
Vaguely understood our
Bond, but he was still confused and angry.

& he was happy to be alive
218 · May 2018
LERCH May 2018
Who knows
Where we will go


What we will endure
In this life
217 · May 2018
Who AM I
LERCH May 2018
I am not Lerch.
There is no Lerch.
I AM in Lerch's body.
I AM living Lerch's life.

I just am what I AM

210 · Apr 2018
Modern Day Optimist
LERCH Apr 2018
Move Forward !
Go Forward ! Never, ever stop, as long as you breathe!
Life, A tremendous
Endless wave
Of confrontations,
Disappointments, and elations.
Plans go wrong.
Safe thing to do is not plan at all.
set your attitude to awesome, and leave it on like auto pilot.
Ya mans aint yours,
Ya girl aint yours. 
Go away, get lost.
We each belong to our own adventure.
It seems as if we are all just
Bit parts in a humungous script.
We are Playing parts
That are swift to end.
But, we feel
like heroic 
Bound for a tremendous victory.
Or, at least i do.
I dunno about you.
Aw yeah this epic, tremendous
Awesome adventure feels like it will ever end, but it will !
Do what you will, it matters.
Suffer all to yourself if it makes you feel better.
But me, ill go do it! Ill go get her.
I discovered no one really cares.
Oh really? How freeing! Im gone now, believe me.
You are what you eat, gimme crap & ill throw it up like bulimics.
I mean, some feed you vicious lies to eat. They live lives of evil telling lies to people
With a smile so genuine.
They'd bully me ?
All right then ill fight them
And gritt my teeth.
I need, i want. i dont want to need.
I dont want to want.
I go on because i must go on, but i do not feel it to be anything in particular.
Ill stay to watch the ship go down, kuz
Suicide is not my style. and besides, i have fun sometimes.
Ill do whatever i want to.
I honestly, Genuinely love people
Like a brother.
So how could i lose ?
I cant!
203 · Aug 2019
LERCH Aug 2019
I’d like to live
Not bothered by ideologies, doctrines,
isms, the truth, or lies

I am a good natured man
I’d like to say I’m a good man, but I know only time will tell (I’ll be a good man)

I found myself sticking my head up my ***
And chewing at my insides over some relatively minor moral conundrum

God’s punishment, his disappointment with me, even the fear of hell could not convince me to do the right thing.

But lo, I decided to do the Good thing only for the sake of Goodness itself. Only for the magical aura of a boisterous laugh unashamed. For that goofy, naive, beautiful, innocent smile.

I decided I’ll always fight with all that is right within me to do the right thing, only for righteousness sake, for the love of people and desiring the greatest for us all

God’s wrath can’t convince me
Hellfire can’t convince me

It’s the beauty!
The beauty of life!
The goodness! THE GREATNESS!
I want to see it in all in full bloom
I want to contribute to it, and not harm it in even the slightest way

I don’t mean to offend!
How can I help you?
I love you

Aw yea, I’d like to live unbothered by the truth, & I’d like to live by it, but only cause I love it.
202 · May 2018
You Should Play
LERCH May 2018


Piano & Guitar



    A bike


  Drive a car.

  I would recommend it.

   It could ease the pain.

Passes the time.
197 · Apr 2018
I feel this way
LERCH Apr 2018
If i could go back in time
I'd tell my dad to wrap it up.

Aw yeah, life is awesome.
But really though, I 'VE HAD ENOHGH.

But then I'll pray, & feel ok.

A placebo ?
Is that what my faith is ?
****.... Ill take it.

But, oh God i want you to come out of the sky and save my life.

Oh God, i want you to come out of the sky and save the world !

But honestly i dont think you are in the sky.

          I think you are in our hearts.              
  In our minds,
In our SPINE!
196 · Mar 2018
196 · Apr 2018
Internal Dialogue
LERCH Apr 2018
Really, not sure how or why we here.

I know, wont be long till we disappear.

I think, this is just an experiance.

I've been working ******* my fearlessness.

I dont back down, but fight dont mean fist.

Im not too sure but i get the gist.

& ill get a swift gust of wind
Ill ride it to oblivion.

Nobody knows everybody just thinks.

But as for me, ill love all.
Just cuz.

Just Cuz life is wonderful.
194 · Apr 2018
Why Do I write?
LERCH Apr 2018
To amuse, and inform, and infuse young souls with enthusiasm. Ya know, thats how you change the future.

To express the distress, and attempt to illustrate the awesomeness of the epicness, but words are futile devices.
193 · May 2018
LERCH May 2018
I got 10 fingers!
10 toes!
That **** is on purpose!

Who wrote this?

Who do i thank?
Who do i blame?

Just wonderin who
Started it
187 · Mar 2018
What is a myth ?
LERCH Mar 2018
If you would like

To live truly

In perfection and bliss,

Realize this; perfection is a myth !
186 · Apr 2018
LERCH Apr 2018
Take a breath of that fresh air.
Look at how blue the sky seems.

Let the ants crawling onto the basket live. Imagine their elation at the greatest feast they will ever see.

Throw the frisby.
Catch, throw.
Try not think in between,
Just breathe.

The day.
185 · Apr 2018
Some people got it made
LERCH Apr 2018
Life is awesome,
Awe inspiring.

But also,

Life is terrible.
Life is terror.

But you, you say life is wonderful.
You say life is slendid.

That's just  becuase you are wonderful, and you are having fun
Wandering, feeling so free.

Some have been defeated, still breathin. Just takin the punches to the chin, and with a grimace.

They'd say "life *****; its just too much."

But you, you say life is wonderful.
Your beautiful, they want you.
They want to hear you speak, and any word you utter is headed.

Aw Yeah, you are splendid.

Your gonna die laughing.
182 · Apr 2018
Internal Dialogue II
LERCH Apr 2018
Im so sorry.
I was a militant Christian.
With honest intentions
Of delivering friends
From the folliez of youth which lead to depression.

we just wanna be free from reproof or suggestion from another man as we give our best effort to a life of perfection in our opinion with what we have been given.

& now i see that in a way, my friends were the ones saving me. They would say things like "Lerch take it easy man." & "You could learn from it but dont go crazy"

On campus at college i was trippin i got the chance to walk amongst salicious  cuties but i thought it best to convince em with scriptures because i thought their behavior could lead them to daner.

& now i $ee that i excluded myself from awesome adventures  
& i read the book too much
But thankfully it has taught me much
& it has left a bright shiny stain on my soul

I cant read it anymore. But i always notice when its around.
& i think i see signs sometimes.
Somtimes their so obvious ya cant deny em. But isn't all in your mind?

So many times i imagine God coming out of the sky. Will he ever come? Ah shadap & Get a job ya ***. If he comes at least he'll find you working ya ***.

Aw yeah just pray every morning & every night before bed, Aha. & when you eat too. That'll make you feel better. Give great thanks. & maybe your god wont be so mad at you when he comes out of the sky.
181 · Mar 2018
Carpe Diem
LERCH Mar 2018
Just livin,
Getting older
But im just kidding.

I dont want to stick around to be a minion.

I want to Jump into the sky like a superhero
& just look down
At all the little people
Doing good and evil.

I dont want to be normal.
Ill be a rouge man, an uknown man
A classic man.

Hold me back
I need moderance.

I know the truth of life !
To me it's obvious
But ill be nonchalant with this knowledge i was given. My genious will be apparant by the way i live.
178 · Apr 2018
In Life
LERCH Apr 2018
Somebody is always shining, and somebody is always suffering.

Those who shine sometimes suffer,
But those who really suffer would prefer their suffering.

Those who suffer much in life sometimes get to shine, or see the light.
But, those who really shine see and say to themselves or, perhaps to an associate: "That aint no shine, that aint no light."

I'd like to be blinded by the light.
I'd like to be the light,
And suffer minimally.

And shine.

I think i could be so lucky.
178 · Apr 2018
Internal Dialogue III
LERCH Apr 2018
Living & Giving.
Who would be livid
If ya dont keep brother?

Liver & Kidney
Be askin for respite,
But how would mind cope?

Mind soaped, aw yeah brain washed
By America

Now you want to be a star.

Its ok If you fail, just by being born you won.

The time is now
The past is Gone
& we'll be the past

Give all ya have
Or, man what a waste.
176 · Apr 2018
LERCH Apr 2018
No time for flashbackin
He's blastin into
The future
Aint askin no one to back em
They say they've got his back
So he watch his back
Other than that
He'd have no reason to fear
Sharp as a tack even if he
drank ten bears
& smoked sharks
Tell em ya hopes
& folks laugh
Is hope slashed?
Never! He knows his work is great.
Its just a matter of time.
Its just a matter of rhymes
Reaching the minds
Of young Greats
Who will perpetuate
The elevated notion of thinkin
& higher consciousness
Is becoming common sense
The commom man is left behind
Unless he gets his mind right
I wont insult my worst enemy
Cause i dont want that energy to come to me. Matter fact whenever i speak to any man i just pretend its me.
That's the secret
174 · Apr 2018
At least, i think so
LERCH Apr 2018
How can there be two?
There could never be two.
Only a derivative of the 1.

How could there be a loss? Where would it go?

Back to the 1!

I am Lerch.
If you say "I am bob", is not the same "I" personified with a different heart, body, and mind?

Thats just you!
Thats just me!
Thats Just us!
Everybody you see

Theres not two.
Theres Just 1.
Im just you, and you are me.
168 · Mar 2018
Intended To motivate
LERCH Mar 2018
Oh, brother
Talent is a myth.

Within every field,
There are literally countless drills one does to
perfect the skill.

The best
are only
Passionate, and obsessed.

without fear.

If you could do it, i could do it better !

That is the attitude each should have
towards each other.

But then again,

                                    AH !
166 · May 2018
LERCH May 2018

You could woo her, subdue her.
But, she may look at you once and deem you unworthy.


She wants a real man.
She wants to get slapped on the ***.
She wants to be owned.
She wants to kneel.


She has witnessed it all. She has seen the righteous man cheated by evil, and she agreed to go along. Her hands only embrace the stronger arm.

166 · Apr 2018
Wed. Apr 18th 2018
LERCH Apr 2018
Another day in the life
& i got a crook in my neck
Cause i slept funny.

I've been massaging and stretching it
But only time will heal it.

I've got this ******* my mind
We had *** 1 time, but now she hardly replies.

I'd think im being too thirsty, but then she'll send me heart eyes concerning one of my selfies.

I've got a shot at a job at my High School alma mater as a substitute teacher.

I hope the kids learn something from me about how to be.

But ill take it easy, i aint here to teach.

I've got real sense of peace, because i really believe i can attain my dream.

I got a dream Job in mind, a ladder to climb, skills to hone.

I want to be an audio engineer! A music producer!

After i sit to create ill hear THANK YOU SIR.

& now im living in the mean time.
Learning, and practicing with all of my "me time".

If my life is a movie, now is the training montage.

& i am Greatful for the opportunity

Ill make music to bring more unity to the universe.

Thank you Lerch

Thank you Lerch !

They'll say "Thank you Lerch"
162 · Mar 2018
LERCH Mar 2018
If my heart stopped beating
Would your heart skip a beat ?

Would your eyes swell up with tears
If you could never see me again ?

Would you deny the fact
With fury, and passion
And wait for me to come home ?

I want you to
Look around at all the people
And feel so ****** alone.

Because none have the love i have for you.

And what else?

life goes on.

So life goes on !

— The End —