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LERCH Jun 2018
For all of you so eager to call it quits and throw in the towel on your addiction because everything isn’t “perfect” is some food for thought: Lifelong commitment is not what most people think it is. It's not waking up every morning to crack a case and slam a breakfast beer. It's not cuddling in bed until you spill your brew, peacefully, at night. It's not a clean home filled with laughter and *******, everyday. It's someone who steals all the Busch Light. It's slammed shots and a few skunked beers at times. It’s stubbornly disagreeing and giving each other the devils nectar until your hearts heal...and then...THE 12 STEPS! It’s coming home to the same brand, everyday, that you know LOVES and CARES about you in spite of (and because of) your crippling addiction. It's laughing about the one time you accidentally ****** yourself in a Denny’s waiting area. It’s about ***** laundry and unmade beds. It's about helping each other with the hard liquor in life! It's about swallowing the nasty *** chata instead of spitting it out. It's about meeting the cheapest and easiest ****** you can find in Lehigh and sitting down together late to drink afterwards because you BOTH had a crazy day. It's when you have a refrigerator breakdown and your cooler lays with you and holds your beer and tells you everything is going to be okay...and you BELIEVE that cooler. It's about still loving alcohol even though, sometimes, it makes you absolutely text exes that are now worthless skin sacks. Living with alcoholism is not perfect
...sometimes it's hard; but it's amazing and comforting and one of the BEST things you'll ever experience!

Kaitlin Jan Minteer
This is a satire poem. Alcohol can devastate lives. Please drink responsibly.
LERCH Jun 2018
Time apart
Makes time together
Even better.

But if i never see ya,
Even better.
LERCH May 2018
Who knows
Where we will go


What we will endure
In this life
LERCH May 2018
I had a vision
& it was so clear and vivid

There was a frog
He wasn't too sure of what was
going on

But he was happy to be alive.

In the vision i was God

The Frog looked up to me
With curiosity &

& He wanted to leap
into my arms, but
He could not
Because of the Decision
He made.

I could see through his heart
There was Euphoria and contentment smothered in fog
There was fearfulness , and greed
& the need for Love

I could see that he
Vaguely understood our
Bond, but he was still confused and angry.

& he was happy to be alive
LERCH May 2018
No really,
I love the rain

So many times i have stared
At it in its strongest form
In awe, i adore

So many times

I have walked in it comfortably


I sang
A song
From my heart

While being pellted with
the life giving substance that falls from the sky

So many times

I have danced in the rain
It really helps with the moonwalk
  May 2018 LERCH
Charles Bukowski
there is always that space there
just before they get to us
that space
that fine relaxer
the breather
while say
flopping on a bed
thinking of nothing
or say
pouring a glass of water from the
while entranced by

gentle pure

it's worth

centuries of


just to scratch your neck
while looking out the window at
a bare branch

that space
before they get to us
when they do
they won't
get it all

  May 2018 LERCH
Charles Bukowski
when God created love he didn't help most
when God created dogs He didn't help dogs
when God created plants that was average
when God created hate we had a standard utility
when God created me He created me
when God created the monkey He was asleep
when He created the giraffe He was drunk
when He created narcotics He was high
and when He created suicide He was low

when He created you lying in bed
He knew what He was doing
He was drunk and He was high
and He created the mountians and the sea and fire at the same time

He made some mistakes
but when He created you lying in bed
He came all over His Blessed Universe.
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