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Britni Ann Aug 2018
I’ve prayed for him to come back,
But coming back wasn’t part of the plan.
I’ve prayed for the cancer to go away,
But the cancer’s plan is to stay.
I’ve prayed for some understanding,
But was too confused to see the point.
I don’t know why things happen
But they do.
I’ve prayed for you to hear me,
But you covered your ears to ignore me.
I don’t have a clue about what is going on,
But I know that there is a plan.  
So I’ll sit tight with my legs crossed,
Maybe someday all these things,
Will have to mean something?
Britni Ann Jul 2018
I have loved you.
And I have hated you.
But I never thought I could feel both at the same time.
How even in the pain,
I can still feel healing.
How even in the storm,
I can see clearly.
Even when I am shattering into a million pieces,
I am falling into something else.
Something that is brand new.
Something that is beautiful.
Something that can set the world on fire.
I am falling into place because you walked away and I decided to make something beautiful out of it.
Britni Ann Jul 2018
In the days when she felt lonely
When she didn’t see the point.
She was reminded to look up at the sun
So the light would hurt her eyes.
And she would remember that she was alive.
The pain was there for a reason.
That’s what kept her going.
And you sit there
Drowning in your own silence
Trying to scream
But your voice didn't reach
The void that you are trying to fill
When he left you in mid-air.

Hang on, you tell yourself
But you know you couldn't hold it anymore
You are losing your grip
To that tiny hope within your heart.

You tried. And tried.
Until you decide to just give up.
Let go. Forgive.
But not forget.

You forgive.
Spared nothing.
But babe, you made the right decision.
Yes, let go.
Cause your heart deserves to be free.
Your heart does not need to be so heavy.

With your brokenness.
You stood up
And made an unbroken wings out of it.
Yes babe.
For the second time.
I'm telling you.
You made the right decision.
With that wings,
Now go and fly.
Britni Ann Jul 2018
"Remember?" She said.

"When you were that small?" As she holds up a photo of you dressed like a fairy for Halloween at 4 years old.

You nod and smile but you don't remember a thing about that night.

The things you remember are not like that.

You remember nightmares you thought were real that wouldn't allow you to sleep without a nightlight to keep the monsters out of your room at night.

You start to remember the way he touched you telling you its a special way that he loves you.

You remember bathing next to your baby sister and not getting a second bath when she peed, or worse in the tub because your parents couldn't afford that much for water.

You remember going on three-hour walks with your anorexic mom who was fading away into skin stretched around bone.

You remember promising yourself that you never want to be that thin.

You remember breaking that promise the first time you threw up that meal.

You remember breaking, and how you are breaking again and again.
Britni Ann Jul 2018
I helped build your walls.
You knocked them down again and again.
I knitted you a blanket to hold you together while you were breaking.
While I was breaking there was no blanket for me.
I gave you all of me
I saved you oh so many times.
I have picked you up with my bare hands and put you back together like glass.
I bled too.
But since your stars didnt seem as bright as mine
You decided to walk away.
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