Two things I detest
A disrespectful child
Parent approval
Copious comments
In my mind, I hold my tongue
Lethargic parents
Impugn their motives
Wild child discipline
Capricious children
Inspired song
Evie Brat Music by MattyB Vlogs
YouTube 2021
A Renku is a haiku5-7-5 syllables
Using multiple poets. One poet makes a statement and the next poet will reply and so on…. In this exercise I am the poet on different days with a different mindset?
BLT webster’s Word of the Day
lethargic 8-19-24
Lethargic describes people who feel a lack of energy lack of interest, sluggish.
To watch a child completely out of control with the parents approval is insane. Woke parents without a clue of what to do.
Poem, written, 7–20 2–24, posted 8 – 16–24