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 Feb 2019 Jdeebs
cold weather
 Feb 2019 Jdeebs
i adore cold weather.
But not for the fires,
Or the warmth of another person.
I find something beautiful about it,
And maybe even a bit lonely.
It reminds me of bittersweet loss,
And finding the strength to move on.
 Aug 2018 Jdeebs
Mellow waves
 Aug 2018 Jdeebs
Mellow waves
Trust is a golden key to one’s heart
It is so strong yet easily shattered,
It is so pure yet easily blemished,
It is as strong as the howling of the wind,
It is truly, the craving that everyone seeks.
 Aug 2018 Jdeebs
 Aug 2018 Jdeebs
A bad memory is like a nightmare
Totally unexpected
A distasteful virtual abyss
It is the good memories
With which we overcome
Randomly welcomed and savored
It is like a soulmate for life
A helpless dove
Sleeps through the storm.
Thunder. Lightening. Wind gust.
And yet he sleeps—
Even through the flood watch.

Peace. God is peace.
He speaks to my storm
And by the authority of his voice
Calm be my life.
I rest in him.
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