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I am an idiot
I always have been
Now, at least I can see it's true
When I look at
The wrong turns I've taken
It makes me cringe
But, what can I do ?
Forty-five years old
And what do I have ?
No nothing at all
Because I am an idiot
You see, I know it
That is something
Isn't it ?
I feel sorry for the young ones now
Spending all of their time in the house
Sitting playing on their X-Boxes all day
Will these memories sustain them when they're old and grey
Whatever happened to be young, be foolish, be happy
I know I'm old and probably sappy
But I remember the pure rush of youth
Though some of it was awful, to tell you the truth
At least I went out and discovered
Instead of sitting at home with my mother
Playing computer games on a 50" screen
I went out and saw what there was to be seen
Saw girls, took drugs, went out and got drunk
Went to loud gigs, yes I was a punk
It wasn't always healthy, it wasn't always safe
But when I look back, I've got a smile on my face
What will kids now see when they look back
Just computer games and too many snacks
I have started to wake in the middle of the night,
Not knowing the time, in the dark I can't see.
I lie there in the gathering half-light
Reviewing my life and it's inadequacies

Torturing myself, tying my mind up in knots,
Thinking of the problems I've caused for myself.
Agonising over each, and there have been lots
Exercising my poor mental health

As the light grows at the edge of the curtains
And outside in the world, the day it starts
I finish my examinations​, and I am certain
That in every failure, I played the main part

As I hear the neighbour's cars take them away
To work. My mind with nothing learned
Forgets it all for the rest of the day
As my tiredness suddenly returns

The day it passes, my mind is okay
No problems at all, everything is alright
I get ready for bed at the end of the day
Then wake up again in the dead of the night.
I know that's not you
A marble headstone
On a scrubby patch of grass
Trite rhyme chiselled into
Cold, black stone
Always feeling grey and cold
Even the summer sun
Cannot permeate
The ghost of grief
That hangs around
But, I know that's not you
A bag of bones in your sister's dress
Six feet under cold, damp mud
Where's the warmth? the ***
The vitality, the laughter
The love, the insane jealousy
That's what's left of you
That's what lives on, always remains​
Not remains
A piece of meat on a coroner's slab
Or the blue faced ghoul
That I tried to breathe life
Back into
No, I know that's not you
Your spirit, the brightest I've known
Burning with a sweet intensity
All of those beautiful times in bed
Yes, great ***
But not necessarily
Laughter, easy, nothing between us
No need for clothes or self-consciousness​ now
The most relaxed I've ever been
Life had a sheen
A confident glow
So, yes
I cried, almost died
At your funeral
The thought of you rotting
Under *****, black earth
I've almost died a few times since
Struggling to go on
When life's light has gone out
So yes
I'll come to your grave
And leave flowers
A holly wreath at Xmas too
Walking back to the car
I'll stifle a sniffle
Try to stop a sob
The tremors in my chest
But also I know that
None of it matters
Because there in that graveyard
I know that's not you
Drowning myself in cheap liquor
To try to get to that place quicker
The place where words and ideas flow
The place I always long to go
Words flow quickly through my head
The phrases that I want to get
I can't get there with a straight head
I add ingredients to myself instead
The disordering of the senses from Rimbaud
That's where I want to go
To the palace of wisdom, down the road of excess
Is where I want to go to next
But there are so many casualties
Who've tried this way before me
Your senses cannot be saved
If you're six foot in your grave
But it's still the place I want to go
The only inspiration that  I know
When times are hard
When you're almost starved
Your £70 a week dole has gone nowhere
And all of the cupboards​ are bare
And you've only​ got £1 for your electric
You have to go
Into the mystic
Into the mythic
It's time to get
A little bit cosmic
If you only thought about
The here and now
You could easily
Lose your mind somehow
If you only thought about this one plane
You'd be sure to go insane
So you widen your brain
Ignore all the *******
World of authority
The bills, the debts
The license for the T.V.
Send your brain into the stars
Out past Saturn, after flying past Mars
Out into a different reality
Where none of Earth's problems worry me
It's been a while, I'm feeling better
I'll put together a few letters
I have missed my time on this site
I am making my​ return tonight
I know some of my friends have gone
But I must have at least one
Person that is glad to see me again
Back here using my pen
I wake up slowly
Realise I'm at the beach house
The St. Tropez sunlight
Bursting through the blinds
A quick dip in the pool
To wake myself up
Then into my oak panelled
Study/ Library
With my Havana cigars
And my 20 year old scotch
To knock out another
5000 words of
My latest bestseller
As my 21 year old girlfriend
Tries to tempt me
With designer lingerie
And brightly coloured
It's not a bad life

I wake up
And look around
At the grimy walls
That really need painting
The pile of ***** clothes
At the side of the bed
Roll myself a cigarette
Think at least I've got
£5 in my bank account
That should get me
A cheap bottle of wine
And an even cheaper
Frozen pizza
I grab a pen and a pad
I write down this poem
It's not a bad life

Who knows ?
Tonight's dream
Might be even better
So this is what it comes down to, it's over
It always eventually comes down to this
Every up has a down, every high a hangover
Sparkling Champagne turns to cloudy yellow ****

And a love, a love I thought was forever
We'd grow old together, age like fine wine
What I thought solid as oak was as changeable as weather
The grapes of our love, they died on the vine

I'm no good at this, I shouldn't have tried
I think I'm destined to end up alone
What we had was stabbed in the back 'til it died
She shrugged it off. Me ?
I was  cut to the bone

And the hurt makes every waking minute a nightmare
Wandering lost in a maze made of guilt and self-hate
She's got someone else and the thrill of a new affair
Alone I shudder when I think of my future, my fate
A poem that is not entirely serious.
I know how tortured some of the similes are.
Corn dogs, burgers, American trash
Chrome, neon lights and huge panes of glass
But they taste amazing, so what can I say ?
American imperialism has once again got its way
Written upon trying corn dogs for the first time.
Just like the setting sun
It's just another one gone
Just one more out of the way
That's what some people say
Just another mother crying at the grave

The gossip said that he'd died
No-one cared and no-one cried
Would it have been any
If it had've been me ?

I never knew his his real name
Just another one in the game
Just a person that you meet
A face you nod at in the street
It could have easily been me

He was some poor mother's son
Now he's just another one gone
Another failure in their eyes
But no big surprise
Just another addict who has died

Just another deleted file
Another one in the pile
The reports​ still get wrote
The methadone still flows
Another homeless ****** is sleeping in his clothes

I don't know what to say
Got no answer​s anyway
All I know is that it's wrong
That I have to sing his song
And think of a person as ' just another one gone'
A tired, street-walker beaten down
From working her beat in this ***** town
It's thirty quid to you or me​
A cheap enough price for dignity
Yours and hers both are lost
Too high a price for me at half the cost
Her back is aching, her feet are sore
As she goes through the motions just once more
Just one more time, for one more score
Then she'll quit, this time for sure
Worriedly waking in the early afternoon
The shivers will be starting soon
Phoning around begging for tick
Cold sweating now and feeling sick
She's got to go and turn one more trick
She's got to go and **** one more ****
Just one more time for one more score
And then she'll give it up for sure
Sadly, the story of what too many women will be doing tonight.
I've got to get up
So early in the morning
But I cannot sleep
When we're lying in your bed
In the dark carnal midnight
I might say that I love you
But in the cold light of morning
When we look at each other
We both know there's nothing
Further from the truth

I know you don't love me
But you could put up with me
At least then your child gets a daddy
I know I don't love you
I don't know why I pretend to
It just seems the polite thing to do

We're not getting any younger
And being alone seems so frightening
So we live this lie and hate each other
More with each day
There's no love, there's no passion
We don't even care about the ***
But we know it's the last chance we might get
This started as a song lyric, but I think it works well on the page too.
Nosy people bring me down
With their condescending frowns
Don't they have lives of their own?
Can't they just ******* and leave me alone?
Yes, I've got problems​. I'm sure they have too
But I don't tell them what to do
Keep your big noses out of my life
I'll cut 'em off, I've got plenty of knives
You really don't want to **** me off
Although I know I look it, I'm not soft
No, I am not a violent man
But I have taken about all I can
I'm so sick of taking people's ****
Why are they bothered about my relationships​
Don't they have lives of their own
Well obviously not, as they have shown
I am sure that we all feel like this sometimes,
Just a bad day
Life is sometimes hard
You have to know what to do
To find your way through
Sometimes life is good
Sometimes it really is ****
We just deal with it
Everything's gone wrong
Love life, career the whole works
Can I recover ?
It's been a bad week.
Let's celebrate the 25th
Try to forget all of the filth
That surrounds this time of year
And all of the things that we hold dear

All of the ads we see on T.V.
And all the perfect families
They always have enough money
And have no difficulties

They have no depression or anxiety
No worries at all, life is so easy
All of those perfect white-tooth dreams
Where life is not how it seems

But we have to face reality
Where life isn't so easy
Poverty and mental distress
Are as familiar to us as our address

So what can we do but try to see
How happy  we are supposed to be
Life is hard,. no one said it would be easy
But why is it quite so hard, is the question that bothers me
Xmas is always hard, well so it seems.
My wife's 50th Birthday
We're drinking cocktails
Vermouth, Bols blue
Amaretto and lemonade.
There is a name​ for it, but
I don't know what it is
And I really  don't care

So we're drinking
Smoking cigarettes
And wondering about time.
Wow! I can't believe that
Karen is fifty, and how is it
That I can be forty - five.

It's so ******* weird
Growing older, I don't really
Feel any different from when
I was 25
A little more tired, a little more
But basically still me
Effectively still a child

I always just assumed
That once you hit 35
You'd feel automatically
Grown Up, and know
How to survive
Not only that but
How to thrive
A professional career
And a beautiful wife

Just like the lives you see on T.V.
I expected someone to do that for me
My own stupid naivety

But no, I've got to take​ control
Of my own stupid life
I don't​ know if I can do it
I think it sounds​ difficult
Too much to take at one time.
Yellow crescent moon
High in the pale purple sky
Now my heart is full
Is it fear, or is it surprise
When you find yourself staring into mortality's eyes ?
All invincibility has gone
Repercussions to every action
Sheer terror! No, not me! Not yet!
None of my ambitions​ met
I have never had wealth, rubies or pearls​
Never made my mark upon the world
I really don't care about power or money
Just let me get out what's inside of me
It's not that I am scared of death
Just ashamed of what I haven't done yet
When you peer over the edge of the cliff
And find you're looking into the abyss
Do you see your fears dispelled
Or do you find yourself repelled
By your ruined hopes, dreams even your name
A walking Holocaust of shame
" I could have been, I should have done ?"
If you do, your not alone. I too am one.
I've spent nearly all my adult years
In awful occupations​
Hundreds of jobs, hundreds of tears
Years of sheer frustration
Terrible employment
Cooking sausages, bagging salt
Absolutely no enjoyment
But it wasn't always my fault
Leaving school with no qualifications​
No career to look forward to
You have to take any occupation
What else can you do?
Miserable jobs, minimum wage
Always the first to be ' let go '
Working all night, sleeping all day
But nowhere else to go
Throwing heavy boxes about
Loading massive lorries
On the bottom rung and no way out
I've worked in so many factories
Now I have tried to educate myself
Qualifications of which I'm proud
Training for a job in Mental Health
Yes, that's my way out
And for about 2 1/2 years
I've been working voluntarily
Helping people with their troubles and fears
Now I have found the right job for me
Now I have found the thing I want to do
I have found my real career
It helps me to be be helping you
And I will always be here
I've got to get my strength back
Got to get myself back on track
Recover my vitality
Enough to fight my enemies
Get light enough on my feet
To dance around the people I beat
Step, jab, step, bang! right hook
Before they have time to look
Don't let the ******* grind you down
They don't even deserve a frown
Never mind any of my tears
Because I am years and years
Ahead of all these fools
I'll dance around all your rules
Then jab, step, jab bang!  left cross
You are knocked down on your ***
Taking the 10 count while I take the cheers
Now you're gone, I'll be here for years
It's a curse that affects those of my generation
The constant search for new sensations
New drinks, powders, potions and pills
Feeling better and better until we fell ill

It's that old, old story of drugs and addiction
But I thought it was probably 50 % fiction
Peddled by the authorities to scare people straight
I thought I was clever enough to avoid my fate

But I'm not much smarter than any other smackhead
Just enough to avoid jail and not to be dead
The consequences are there for the rest of my days
I have to stay in control of my actions, my ways

It's there all the time and it won't disappear
But I got off lightly, at least I'm still here
I can't say that much for too many of my friends
I've still got a chance to say how my life ends
I miss my grandparents, they lived life their way
They wouldn't even understand life today
They would never accept benefits
Even if they were owed it
They were strong and stoic, they lived through Hell
And came out the other side doing well
The great depression, two World Wars
They lived through it, they lived through more
My grandfather was a wild one in his youth
I loved him for it, and that's the truth
The best people I've ever known
I hope that they are in Heaven, on their thrones
There's no poverty​, no rationing there
No depression in Heaven, they haven't​ a care
Enjoying each other, now the hard times are done
Dancing together, and having​ fun
Yes, I miss my grandparents and their way
They just wouldn't understand life today
They were too level-headed for the way things are now​
They would think that the World had gone crazy somehow
No, I'm not sure, but I think they would be right
They would not understand it, so let them sleep tight
My grandfather was so cool, in his younger days he was a hard-working, hard-living Hell raiser.
I'm glad that I am an older man
Being young was rough
Between the ages of twelve and twenty one
I suffered more than enough

The usual​ petty stuff, like spots and bad hair
With it being ginger as well
To the depths of existential despair
Feeling that I was living in hell

If I could go back to myself during those times
I'd say " In time it passes, really just look "
Young me would say " F#*k you and your trite rhymes
Stuff your platitudes, you make me puke "

The me of back then would hate the me of today
And I'm sure it would be reciprocated
Both of us right and wrong in our own ways
But, to be honest I'm glad I'm antiquated

As you get older you get more mellow
I'm sure some could see it as ''selling out '
But with me now you can always say ' hello '
And know that in return you won't get a shout

As I grow older, I keep feeling better
More and more comfortable in my own skin
I'd love to write the younger me a letter
Saying " You'll get there kid, just keep hanging on in.
On a night like this it feels good to be out
Watching my dog as she scampers about
It's the type of night you need to remember
To help you through the cold December​s
Gulls swooping through the clear blue sky
Sunlight glinting off windows as you pass by
The air is warm and to feast your eyes on
Green melts into blue on the horizon
There's not a cloud to marr the sky
I swear I feel a natural high
The world reveals such beauty before your eyes
I start to wonder : was this devised ?
I don't believe in a creator
But can I really relate to
The theory it's all an accident
Never planned and never meant
I don't know, but I am filled with happiness
And to be alive is to be blessed
On a night like this
Even the council estates
Can be beautiful
I squelch on through the winter
Through puddles, slush and snow
All of my shoes have worn-out soles
My socks get wetter as on I go

I'm sick of being poor, not working
The long years without a wage
I suffer poverty to keep on writing
Avoid the mentality of the slave

To write you must escape the cage
Keep your mind free as a bird
A low grade, low paid ******* job
Can **** off every word

But work is also social engineering
Tired people don't have time to think
Never mind riots or Revolution
Only time for reality T.V. and drink

That's the way that capitalism works
No-one should just sit on their ****
If they did, they just might think
Why we pay for rich oil baron's wars

So many jobs could be done by machines or computers
But no-one can be allowed to sit still
If people sit and think they might just wonder
Why poor people pay the rich man's bills

But enough of that, what about my problems
Smoking dog-ends, drinking the cheapest wine
When i was young thinking about the future
I didn't think that would be mine

But still I try to be a writer
Put down the true, tough line
I"ll continue as long as i have a cigarette
And the next and next after bottle of wine
Reading a slim book of poetry
Of life and it's mutability
Poems from inside of
A safe, cosy middle class cocoon
The words have no sharp edges
To burst the balloon
Poems about flowers
To while away the hours
Between the visit of the vicar
And the next *** of tea
Not poetry for you and me
Or anything like reality
Poetry as a gentle hobby
Like baking
Or flower arranging
Not poetry from the gut
That comes​ raging
Like fists planted upon the page
Poems of love or loss or rage
But tenderly placing
Each word on the page
Like a delicate flower to be arranged
I don't hate the woman
Who wrote this stuff
For her this obviously is enough
I envy her easy life
It's lack of struggle
It's lack of strife
Perhaps one day it will be me
Writing of such superficialities
When I'm fat, well fatter
Rich and content
And all of my life- force has been spent
I will sit in my garden and smell the flowers
Then while away my hours
On my hobby, writing poetry
Between the visit of the vicar
And my next *** of tea
Standing in the hospital
Hungover, feeling jittery
Ward  93
Drug and Alcohol Dependency Unit
I finger the squeezy lemon bottle
Hidden inside my boxer shorts
Full of second-hand ****

Ward 93 operates as a strict regime
3 strikes and you're out
That means that every time
You give a positive sample
They give you a warning
More than 3 and your
Methadone is stopped
I'd had all 3

After a phone call to my
( only) clean friend
I met him in the pub
3 or 4 beers later
I hit him with it
He took it reasonably well
It not being every day
A friend asks you to ****
Into a bottle for him

There I was, hungover nervous
With a squeezy lemon of
Someone elses​ **** in my shorts
Hidden just behind my *****
To keep it at body temperature
If you handed over the sample
Bottle and it was cold
The Nurse might become suspicious
Or think that you were dead

This required sleight of hand
And nerve
The Nurse would stand right behind you
In the cubicle to watch you
It worked
This time
The next time I couldn't
Get in touch with my friend
So I had to resort to
Trying it with tea
Amazingly they said
That this sample contained
And I was thrown off the programme

Either their equipment was faulty
The bottle was contaminated
Or something
But just in case
I started to
Drink a lot of tea
Well, you never know
And I guess
They've got to keep
Sales up
Don't do it for the acclaim
Don't do it for cheers
Just do it to try to stop the ringing in your ears

Don't anticipate awards
Or search for some big prize
Just try to make the world make a bit more sense in your eyes

You won't get the fortune
You'll never have the fame
The most that you could hope for is to feel a bit more sane

You can use your laptop
Or grab a pen and pad
When the last line's been laid out, the world won't seem so bad
Just a few hours ago, I felt so good to see sun instead of rain
Now the wet, grey skies bring melancholia back again
This winter has felt eternal, blizzards from Siberia
Is it any wonder that the sun brings on hysteria ?
We are not a nocturnal species, we need to see sunlight
We need at least occasionally it's glow to feel alright
If there was a sunshine drug, I'm sure that I'd be hooked
I am ginger I do not tan. It's not about how I look
It just feels so good to feel that warm, orange glow
With being British it's not something that I have had much time to know
I'm cold turkeying for sunshine, I'm rattling like ****
I wish my celestial dealer would sort it out, so I can get a hit
I can't wait for summer !
Well, it's my birthday on Monday
Then I will hit the big 45
And what, in my own way
Have I learned about this life

Stay away from drugs and their dealers
They will bring you nothing but strife
I know it's not much, but I feel that
It's an important lesson in life

As for women, I don't know
Just try your best to find
One that won't leave you feeling low
Try to get one who is kind

I know this isn't​ a lot to know
But it will have to do for now
Hopefully I've a lot more years to go
To work out the rest, somehow
As once again the time clock strikes
As people leave, in cars, on bikes
We walk to our assignations
With busses that take us to our destinations

Where warm beds and central heated homes
Wait to take our weary bones
We pound the cold, dark wintery streets
Like policemen on our daily beat

Then one will speak, the breath will rise
Before our work - ****** weary eyes
" Well, one more night done, it wasn't too bad "
Not even realising that

This endless play of bravado
Is how the rest of our lives will go
I feel like screaming " This is hell,
At school while young and fit and well

This wasn't how I thought my life would be
All work and toil and misery "
But... No. I simply, sadly reply
" It wasn't too bad." As once more slips by

Another day, another 24 hours
Lost to work and sleep and showers
I hold back my scream and silently pray
There will be an end to this someday
Don't talk to me about religion
I just don't want to know
All of the species and their origin
Who goes upstairs and who below

In a pantheistic universe
I don't know which God is true
Which one is better, which one worse ?
Who's God is better than whose ?

It doesn't really matter which is real
We are all responsible for ourselves
For what we think, for what we feel
We can't blame it on anyone else

I think that the only need for religion
Is to back up those who are weak
Who don't allow themselves an opinion
Rely on an authority for how they dare speak

All the wars over all​ of the years
From the Crusades, right up until now
All of the deaths and all of the tears
Surely could have been avoided somehow
OK, so I guess that I'm a poet
I'm told that it gives me responsibilities
I don't even want to know it
The only person I write with in mind is me
People should just look out for themselves
No! That makes me sound like a Tory
I'm a Socialist, that's important to me

But, art is different, it's not life
I could never write for someone else
I've only got time for my own struggles and strife
If you want to, pick someone​ else off the shelf
Just for today
I have to admit
That I am scared
******* scared
Perhaps I am being
Trump in the White House
Trouble as ever
In the middle East
England as poverty stricken
As I have ever seen it
And after the early 90's
I didn't think I would
See it worse
But now it is much
Much, much worse

As I say
Perhaps it's me
As people get older
They begin to think
That the world
Is going downhill
Looking back through
Rose coloured glasses
At their perfect past

I hope that this is
What this is
I really hope
That is what this is

But 10 years ago I had
Never seen
Food banks before
Not in my time anyway
I'd seen pictures of them
Back in the '30's
The times​ of the
Hunger Marches
But I never thought
I would've had to use them
Myself, relying on the
Charity of strangers,
When the Government
Has become too vicious
To feed the people who
Pay their wages

And yet, progress
Rolls on and on
The gap between
Rich and poor
Grows wider and wider

Before too long
They will just
**** the poor
And make
Uncomplaining robots
Too cater to the rich
People's every whim

Unless they don't have to
Unless they don't have to.....
I hope I am wrong.
I hope I am wrong
Sometimes I think it's  best to  be alone
Other people just bring you down
When their intelligence doesn't match my own
But what's the point in being the leader of a one man town ?

Anger and frustration, if it was just my nation
At least things would be done right
But even in my mathematical equation
I would be alone tonight

And if I am so clever, how come I am alone ?
The drink and drugs are an illusion
My thoughts turn themselves into stone
And become an endless confusion

What can I say? What can I do ?
Don't ask me I just don't know I'm all alone just an old fool
Who has nowhere to go

All I have is my poetry
To keep me​ warm tonight
At least it's something that I believe
And in which I know I am right
Hard Times
When the night starts falling all too soon
And by 4'0'Clock you can see the moon
And the depression that wracks you to the depths of your soul
Rolls over all of your hope and takes full control
When you just hold your head in your hands
You don't have the strength to take a stand
When you feel like you're at the end of your rope
And you've got nowhere to place your hope
What is there left to keep you strong ?
What is there left to help you get along ?

Well I don't know about you, but I sing a song
Shout Strummer* at the sky as I stroll along
Mutter Dylan under my breath
It gives me strength with every step
These masters of the art of song
Through the years they keep me strong
You can choose your own artists to help you keep going
But to my mind these are the ones you should be knowing
Joe Strummer- singer/songwriter from The Clash.
Dylan should need no introduction
My God! I just love smoking
I just can't get enough
Lighting up that pure white tube
And having that first  puff

There's nothing quite as satisfying
As when your lungs begin to fill
With that sweet, fragrant smoke
Who cares if it makes you ill

We've all got to go soon enough
So don't forget the rule
No matter what the health freaks say
Smoking makes you look cool

Forget the coughing in the morning
Choking up your lungs
We've all got to die someday
You might as well die young

Yes, I just love smoking
With a pack you're never alone
And when I die I want
A 20  pack as my headstone
I sit and watch the walls
Of loneliness slowly closing in
Drawing in like a cold
Windy, rain-filled night
I can't ever remember feeling
So utterly alone
So completely adrift
From everything
And everybody
I think of all
The opportunities untaken
The abilities wasted
People shrugged off, blanked
With all the flaming arrogance
Of one who thinks that
He is born lucky
To whom the rules do​ not apply
The kind who thinks he will
Win the lottery
Without even buying a ticket

But I wasn't born lucky
And I'm not special
Failure hits me just as hard
As anyone else
And it keeps on hitting
I'm like the boy who cried wolf
I pushed people away
Not thinking that one day
They would take me at my word

And now it's like I'm on a ship
Condemned to drift
Upon a sea of nothingness
Unable to dock at any port
Whilst food and fresh water
Steadily run out
Holes appear in the sails
Water slowly seeps into the hull

I have to choose, either
A sad slow lingering starvation
Or swiftly and sadly
Walk the plank

I sit and pray
Up in the crow's nest
I keep watch and hope
Someone please calls
The coastguard
An old poem, but I think that it's a good one.
As the night it falls
And the  bright streetlights turn on
My heart lights up too
I stand in my garden and look around
Who knows what happens in these small towns​
Behind the curtains in suburbia
Who knows what really happens there?

The mild-mannered man you meet on your stroll
Could have 5 Japanese, plastic *** dolls
Behind the curtains in suburbia
Who knows what could happen here?

The fat, jolly woman to whom you say ' hello '
Her husband could be under the patio
Middle class suburbia
Anything can happen here

My next door neighbour's curtains twitch
In her back room she is a witch
Pentagrams​ in blood on the laminate floor
As she chats to the woman next door
She leaves a note out for the milk-man
Then she sells her soul to Satan

Behind the curtains in suburbia
Who knows what happens here?

It's not like the rough council estates​
Where people are driven by need and hate
The sheer boredom of suburbia
Breeds evil things that happen here
Sunlight glinting, reflecting off a car's chrome
White clouds gliding across the pale blue dome
The smell of cut grass on the evening breeze
Leaves and flowers fill the trees

Teenage girls are hardly dressed
Which keeps the teenage boys impressed
Hormones and emotions mixed with summer sweat
Teenage summer nights can be hard to forget

Us older ones just sit and smile
Drink and enjoy ourselves for a while
Remember summers in our past
Yes they were great but they never last

Because soon enough comes Autumn's breeze
Blowing leaves and flowers from the trees
And a summer is just blown away
To be remembered another day
It's the sweet sundown of a a summer's night
Children finish their games in the last of the light
I'm alone, I'm lonely nothing feels right

The air is full of birds on the wing
Or nesting in the treetops you can hear them sing
But I'm oblivious to it, I don't hear a thing

The sky is growing darker, the night starts to unwind
The stars are beautiful, see how they shimmer and shine
But I don't see them, I might as well be blind

Courting couples wander, walking hand in hand
Strolling through the park, kiss under the empty bandstand
I'm lonely and I feel like a poor excuse for a man

I need that special someone, who can make my sun shine
I need to find a woman who'll be happy to be mine
Until then there's only ugly winter thoughts in my mind
I don't want to come across as a luddite
But I have to say that I don't like
Supermarkets, they're too much for me
Too much to buy, too much to see

Just entering the frozen aisle
Is enough to freeze me for a while
Too many meals, too many choices
Too many people, too many voices

I start to have a panic attack
By the frozen, minted lamb rack
Don't even start me on the ice creams
Well it's enough to make me​ .....

Surely you get the drift by now and you'll see
That Asda has nothing for me.
I'm glad I'm not that guy anymore
I'm glad that I've rejected
The guy who thought that fun
Could only be inhaled or injected
I'm glad that now I'm
The kind of guy
Who can be respected
Yes, I'm a punk rock poet
An angry young man of the page
Well, not young, I'm 45 and know it
But it's attitude that's important, not age
I still feel the same as at 18
No matter how much I learn
I still feel the inequalities
The anger, it still burns
I understand the way that the world works more now
But it makes less and less sense
And instead of mellowing out
I  feel more wound up and tense
More innocent victims in their wars
More women and children die
Still the bombs drop more and more
I still don't understand why
I cannot be the only one
Who sees what is going wrong
Who will read this, write their own version
Whose voices will join my song ?
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