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Friendship – a seamless sky
Far too complex to gauge or delve.

At times like the early rays of morn
It fills one with joy.

At times like a gentle breeze
It cuddles and cossets.

At times like dark clouds
It overcasts the mind.

At times it comes blowing like a gale
Sweeping us off our feet.

At times it sprouts like a seedling
Growing out into a tree, giving shade.
It blossoms like a Night Queen
Diffusing in the air, a heady scent.

At times like the plaintive notes from a flute
It saddens the soul.
Like a rainbow it may swiftly vanish
Or remain like a beacon
Guiding us when storms rage.

In darkness, it burns like a candle.
In loneliness, a sweet presence.

At times so silent
At times so very eloquent

Finally like an unfinished tale
A fond memory
A lingering scent
Like the life – sustaining breath
It remains…..!
Just brooding over the several shades of friendship and the myriad experiences it gives!

A Happy Friendship Day to all my friends on HP
 Jun 2017 lavendersky
 Jun 2017 lavendersky
we partied in a Chevrolet station wagon
the night we graduated went fast around the devil curves that
uphill gravel laiden course
to the top like we were the best
to the hill west of Rochester
where those acid drop rainfalls fell
into our open eyes
made rainbows kaleidoscopes
out of evergreens and
telephone poles
flashes shone in brief aware
and dreams they spoke out echoing
no one sane was here
found our way safely back
across the street from my house and parked behind the garage where
Hope came up in a tight dress
drunk and quite acting
nervy knowing she had
made all both our heads turn
or all ten of em
and only having one
the backseat turned down
into almost a bed
we gave the pulsing energy
the flashes a go
a right groovy we
said at the time
one at the time impulse
the stars
the moon
the rocking
all night
half the next day
I don't think it was
just my
Edges of shadows
In the corners of eyes
Too fast to see
It might be me

Is it true
What you see?
Is it real?
Is it really me?

You do not hear my voice
Or know the colour of my eyes
You would not know me in the street
Or recognise my accent
Should we meet

And yet
You have seen my soul
In the words I write
And even the spaces between them

Those who care to look
Can know my story
My frailties
My vulnerabilities
My reality

This may be my curse
And my gift to you
Whatever it may be
You know that it is true

                                   By Phil Roberts
I yell; I scream
Yet I go unheard
I sing; I chant
Yet I go unheard

What must I do to become the voice
The voice you will hear
The voice you will listen to

What must I do to become heard
In this world full of noise
What must I do to become peaceful
In this world full of destruction
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