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Flowers lift their heads
To look at your lovely face
Yellow is this day!
I just wanted to try something new :)
Don't flatter yourself
there was never any romance because there was none in you to give
your mind bubbling up with the backs of naked girls
lying in beds
that you will never have
but you had this one
and oh,
how i wish you hadn't.
It's hard to tell the difference
Between fighting for what
You believe in and fighting
for the sake of causing chaos
 May 2015 Trinity Gage Garcia
I never meant
To fall in love
I never meant
To fall in love
With you

But when you smiled
And called me beautiful
And told me
I was always on your mind
And that we would
Be forever until the end

How could I not?
Then I figured you
You are a liar
You broke
You broke the
Only me
I'd ever

— The End —