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charlotte phifer
Val Ajdari
New York    Lover of All Things Art
Alexis Cook
Ann Arbor, MI    I find much more beauty in the world than is possible for me to contain.
26/F/My Castle    Read the poems and you'll know.
i'm not a happy person and my emotions either contradict themselves or remain unknown
Sommer  Parks-Scott
Michigan    I love life more and more each day. Life; learning to truly accept, understand, and love your process of growth to success. "The first to …
Elizabeth P
Texas    Hello, poetry world! I am Elizabeth. Generally, I am a free verse writer. I write about most anything. My inspiration comes from everywhere: life, my …
Forest    Ink runs through my veins
NC    Life provides the contours, poets provide the shading and color ~ r All rights reserved.
18/th ringz of saturn    i still exist in the moments between your breaths and mine
Alicia Strong
Nova Scotia    Poetry is a HUGE outlet for me, if something's troubling me, I write about it. Officially have a published book of poetry for sale on …
"I shall live badly if I do not write, and I shall write badly if I do not live." - Françoise Sagan
California    words spew out of my mind and fall in my fingers which drip drop them out in black lines of love and lies and magic …
Kansas    mostly saD teenage gIrl on an Excursion to Kansas. writing is who I am, but sometimes I get away from it and that's when I …
Alvira Perdita
20/F/South Africa    i am nobody. i aspire to be somebody.
Devin Asher Corry
Professional giraffe-abortionist. Intense activist, bohemian, urbane androgynous shaman.
NYC    Concrete poetry.
netanya janel
27/F/phx, az   
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