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 Jul 2016 timothy
Pauline Morris
He took the drugs to ease his physical pain
He took the drugs to deal with all the strain
He took the drugs now it's in his brain
He took the drugs now he's stuck in the sick and twisted game

You'll find him there within his room
You'll find him there with the needle and the spoon
You'll find him there where the darkness looms
You'll find him there for the pain always resumes

I'm scared one day I'll find him there............that awful shade of blue
 Jul 2016 timothy
I find time
Equals age lines
Curving across
Swerving under
Eyes and open pores

Time equals
With the lack of
Speed and clarity
Of my thought
Killing my creativity

Time equals
Dying flesh
Shiny black coffins
And dusty grey stone

Time equals
Wisdom gain
Knowledge lost
In forgetting
In letting
The one inevitable

Time equals life
But mostly death
 Jul 2016 timothy
~|•|~ Blessings  ~|•|~*

For the Grace of GOD go I

All Good things
In Love &  Light
GOD is Life
Life is the journey of Change
May your Metamorphosis be Great
I have been Gone to Long
Shall return with new Life and much Love :-)
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