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313 · Oct 2014
A Phase
Tiffany Oct 2014
It was just a lie
When you told me forever
I was just a phase
311 · Feb 2014
Passing Into Legend
Tiffany Feb 2014
See the ship on the horizon
A silhouette against the setting sun
Aboard you know he waits for you
Fight the urge to jump and run

Feel your heart hammer against your ribs
And the soft breeze stroke your cheek
As the ship rests at dock
You hurry along the beach

Sailors pass you right and left
And you feel the panic set in
When suddenly you spy the captain
And his look of sympathetic chagrin

Shake your head as you hear the words
“There was an accident….”
No, no this can’t be!
Though the truth is evident

Stumble down along the sand
The waves lap against the shore
Erasing the footprints of your past
And your hopes for what lied in store

Fall to your knees and cry
Your world ended in a second
With every sob you slowly die
And pass into legend
310 · Mar 2014
When The Time Comes
Tiffany Mar 2014
With not a bang but a whimper
We’ll slowly fade away
We’ll pass from this life
Into a world of grey

It’ll come in the night
Or perhaps in the day
We won’t see it coming
So in this place we will stay

No guards can protect you
Nor can the finest blade
We’re victims of this fate
For the cards we have played

The birds will fall silent
The sun no longer shine
The waters will freeze over
The life inside enshrined

The same will become of us
We are no less affected by the chill
It will wrap its fingers round our hearts
And soon we too will still
And so it’s been told
We’ll slowly freeze till our fates been delivered
As it creeps on....
We are helpless, no choice but to surrender
and so we'll go out
*With not a bang but a whimper
With not a bang but a whimper
303 · Jun 2014
Keep Holding On
Tiffany Jun 2014
Keep holding on
Because even in your darkest hour
You mean something to someone
And that’s an awesome power

Why would you throw that all that away
On a hunch things will only get worse?
Life’s full of ups and downs
It’s a gift, not a curse

Those moments when you want to fall apart
And let your tears wash you away
They’re building you up to face
Anything that may come your way

And those good times that seem so few
Are only that much sweeter
When you’ve tasted the bitter side of living
The meaning behind the little things, becomes so much deeper

So keep holding on*
You have so much to offer the world
To rob the Earth of such a gem
Is on it’s own, a crime too gnarled
303 · Aug 2017
Tiffany Aug 2017
it wasn’t until
i met you
that i believed
in something more
for how could there be
anything less
when someone
like you exists?

there must be something
in the works
beyond the laws
we’ve come to know
like past lives,
the afterlife,
a force beyond
our comprehension

of all these questions
there’s one thing
i know
to be true
a single lifetime
on this earth
is not enough
with you
300 · Oct 2014
The End
Tiffany Oct 2014
When I told you yes
Whoever could have guessed
It would be the end
296 · Aug 2017
what she doesn't know
Tiffany Aug 2017
she speaks of how
he saved her
but little does she know
that while he lifted
her head above water
she saved him
from drowning too
294 · Mar 2014
Tiffany Mar 2014
Tick-tock* goes the clock
You’re running out of time, my dear
Life waits for no one
Wasn’t that made perfectly clear?

Where life is in a rush
Death takes its time
It knows you can’t escape
So it carefully plans your demise

How does that make you feel
Knowing either way you’re ******?
Is it possible for the living to make it through
Without feeling our time is corrupt?
294 · Aug 2017
Tiffany Aug 2017
beauty once vivid and bright
will soon begin to fade
it withers, crumbles, and dries
it loses its brilliant shade
             - *the toll of time
291 · Oct 2014
Can't Compare
Tiffany Oct 2014
The stars in the sky
Can't match the shine in your eyes
When you look at me
291 · May 2014
The World's Design
Tiffany May 2014
There are forces in existence
That keep the universe in balance
Love and Hate, Life and Death
Each charged with their own challenge

It can sometimes be difficult
To understand the flow of power
But once you do it’s crystal clear
Without one, we wouldn’t last an hour

The negative can seem overpowering
But keep this in mind
When things are bad, they’re bound to get better
It’s the way *the world’s designed
285 · Aug 2017
louder than words
Tiffany Aug 2017
the silence
between them
was deafening
        - *what words could never say
280 · Apr 2014
Let's Be Adults
Tiffany Apr 2014
Don’t treat me like a child
Would a child do this?
Make you burn alive inside
Press your skin against my lips?

I’m not your little sister
Only a year younger
With the thoughts I have of you
I’ve developed a womanly hunger

Shh…. don’t speak
Just let it go
With the way we’re feeling
Why bother to say no?

You can tell me you don’t want me
But the joke would be on you
Because your body says something different
Showing me what’s really  true

If you’re worried about my brother
What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him
I know he’s your best friend
But we’re not acting on a whim

I know I want you now
But I’ll want you in the future
Don’t you think he’d love
His “bro” to be my suitor?

It really doesn’t matter
What anyone else thinks
I want you and you want me
Now let’s start with a few drinks
Cheers (;
276 · Feb 2014
Force Of Nature
Tiffany Feb 2014
Such beauty at a distance, yet a killer at the core
So full of life, yet the bodies wash ashore
This thing that can't be tamed, this force that can't be named
Luring sailors to it's depths yet feeding nations right and left
Many secrets live at sea, discovered some may never be
What it is she hides from view, is not for those land loving few
274 · Jun 2014
Writer's Block
Tiffany Jun 2014
I don’t write nearly as much as I’d like
Not for lack of wanting
But I can’t seem to find the inspiration
My imagination isn’t corresponding
274 · Apr 2014
Tiffany Apr 2014
It’s really quite amazing
How people can change
You think that you know them
Then BAM! they’re someone strange
271 · Jun 2014
The Right To Rule
Tiffany Jun 2014
From down in the valley
where the grass rolls green
To the tops of the mountains
which in the sunlight gleam

The people wait for their hero
to rise and take the throne
To end this painful suffering
which for too long they have known

What wasn’t expected by anyone
was for this hero to come as a girl
They all looked for burnished steel
never a flawless pearl

As the kingdom grew more restless
and the cry for war grew louder
She used her wit and cunning
to obtain the crown’s power

She ushered in an era
of peace and tranquility
But soon there came the day
when they questioned her ability

A woman is not fit to rule
without a king at the helm
It is the man’s job to govern,
do what’s best for the realm!

She looked upon her subjects
and sadly shook her head
I will not bow down to this folly,
'till it strikes my fancy, I will remain *****

Do you honestly believe
a man could serve you better?
If so, it seems I’ve failed you
I thought you’d learned a woman’s true measure

So she left them pondering
and questioning what they knew
Could she truly rule
as well as a man could do?

What do you believe
in your heart of hearts
Is a woman capable of leading
or is she meant to fail from the start?
269 · Apr 2014
Yours, Now And Forever
Tiffany Apr 2014
You know who you are,
            Although I haven’t known you long
             I feel it’s been an eternity
             Since you’ve waltzed into my life
             Destroying all shapes of conformity

             You turned my world on its ear
             And truly opened my eyes
             For the first time in my life
             I didn’t question my hope on the rise

             You had me drop my guard
             That I’d held up for so long
             And for that I thank you
             You helped me become strong

             You showed me so many wonders
             Even now it’s hard to forget
             The way you took my hand
             And gave your promise to protect

              It hurts me to admit
             That now you’ve come and gone
             But the lessons that you taught me
             Brought my life a new dawn

             So with these words I paint you
             So you might live forever
             And now I’m signing off
             Truly yours, now and forever

                                         *Yours, now and forever
267 · Mar 2014
My Personal Demon
Tiffany Mar 2014
Yes, I’ve been to Hell
I saw the fiery blaze
Stared into Satan’s eyes
And lost myself in his gaze

I remember the screams
Of the ****** and forsaken
I was too late to escape
For my soul had been taken

But what I didn’t see coming
Was that my heart was gone too
Had I fallen in love
Just when life fell through?

The demon for which I fell
Lured me from my path
He brought me to the Underworld
Where I knew merciless wrath

He had the looks of an angel
But it wasn’t until I’d fallen
I saw his black heart
Which was by no means uncommon

He twisted my world
Until I forgot who I was
Until he became my everything
My life's only cause

This demon I speak of
Who changed my world view
Oh what was his name…..
Oh wait, it was you
265 · Feb 2014
Running Out Of Time
Tiffany Feb 2014
Take a step, miss a breath
There's something watching you

Turn around, make no sound
There's nothing in your view

Quicken your step, one ragged breath
There's something after you

Whirl around, none to be found
There's this feeling you can't shake

All alone, the light is gone
When you feel a breath on your neck

Hands over your eyes, scream but you can't find, the breath you once held

It has finally caught you
261 · May 2014
Carpe Diem
Tiffany May 2014
Just live with me in the moment
For once don’t think of the future
Or what tomorrow will bring
Let go of your inhibitions
And let your desires take wing

I know you better than myself
I know you’ll work your fingers to the bone
But life is far too short
So let it go and just relax
Don’t make me a last resort

Come with me and take my hand
I’ll show you things you’ve long forgotten
Things we discovered together
When the world was far more simplier
And every second was a new adventure

The point I’m trying to make
Is you’re letting life pass you bye
And though I love you with all my heart
I can’t take living with a zombie
So make a choice, don’t let this tear us apart
257 · Feb 2014
The First Step In Living
Tiffany Feb 2014
Put on a brave mask, and face the sun
But inside you know you're done

You're like a ticking time bomb and you push us all away
It hurts to barely breath and the tears flow everyday

"No one understands what it is I'm going through."
But what you're saying now is really nothing new

The feeling you're all alone, and the blade of pain stabs through
Surrounded by the ones you love, but none of them ever knew

I've lived that way for far too long and I'm coming back into the light
I've traveled through the darkness and am here to say: it gets better over time

Once upon a time, I hated myself too
The thought of ending it all, kept me up the whole night through
The knife pressed to my skin, I used it as a crutch
and dreaded to see the return of the sun's golden touch

Often was the time I'd lie alone
Dreaming of a world to call my own
Until one day it hit me, like an icy blast
You can't let your future be controlled by your past

Your life is yours to live and no one can take that power
Let yourself soar above the highest reaching tower
Take that pain and use it, transform it into a muse
Take that hurt and turn it, leave behind the abuse

I know it seems hard now, but trust me you'll get through it
You and me, we're just the same and we're strong enough to do it
Believe me, Love, you're worth it, and you know what to do
The first step in living is deciding that it's true
256 · Oct 2014
What It's Like
Tiffany Oct 2014
Can you imagine
What it's like to die inside
With no one to know
255 · Apr 2014
I'm Sorry
Tiffany Apr 2014
I’m sorry  this is who I am
And I’m sorry you don’t understand
I’m sorry for the way life works
And I’m sorry for the way you’ve hurt

Forgive me for the many wrongs
Found on this forsaken earth
Forgive me for the suffering
And for those who’ve never known comforting

I apologize for the millions of deaths
Of those who were too young
And I apologize for the way you felt
When you realized the hand you’d been dealt

I’ve come to terms and understand
These things are not my fault
But for you I’ll take the blame
And bare the weight of your horrendous pain
246 · Mar 2014
Hiding Inside
Tiffany Mar 2014
She curls her hair everyday
and paints her green eyes black
She sports a bright, plastic smile
so the others won’t see what she lacks

She hides it all with make-up and charm
so you’d never know what she’s feeling
She’s keeping it all bottled inside
her mind constantly reeling

Her friends adore her and her family’s proud
she has so much to live up to
But what if with, a few pills and a swig
she removed herself from view?

Daily life is a struggle
and her fears are dragging her down
What if shes not strong enough
to face the current and not drown?

She tells herself it’ll be okay
take it one day at a time
But far too quickly, the years will slip by
and leave her as proof of its crime
246 · Aug 2017
Tiffany Aug 2017
by learning to love you
i learned to love myself

for in your eyes
i could see reflected
everything i am
that makes up my being
that you came to love

and while i fell for you
i fell for myself too
244 · Apr 2014
Suicidal Tendencies
Tiffany Apr 2014
See I’ve got these suicidal tendencies
and they’ve gotten me in trouble
I’m not allowed to be alone
It’s like I’m trapped inside a bubble

I had this habit of carving my skin
and they think that’s not okay
I can’t play with sharp things
They’ve taken them all away

I once played with fire and you can guess what happened
it got a little out of hand and I burned myself and others
So now I’m forced to sit and shiver
For my flame they did smother

I liked to tie knots in this old dusty rope
and when one day I tried to see if it’d catch me
They took my rope and hid my belts
So now my pants hang to my knee

One time I took some pills
to see what they would do
But they pumped my system clean
And stole my bottle of gin too

I always was a fan of heights
and when I tried to see if I could fly
They locked my in this padded room
Where I can’t even see the sky

The final straw was when I had this gun
and I held it to my temple
The trigger wouldn’t ******* squeeze
And now they treat me like I’m mental

Cause I’ve got these suicidal tendencies
people have started to judge
I’m just like you, only I don’t care
If I’m alive or cold to the touch
242 · Aug 2017
no longer
Tiffany Aug 2017
i won't allow you this
power over me to twist
my mind to believe
i was in the wrong

when you were the
one to treat me
like a play toy
picking me up when
it was fun
throwing me away when
it stopped

i am a woman
not a trinket
for your amusement
and i refuse to
stand by while the cycle
241 · May 2014
Tiffany May 2014
To be honest I was desperate for love
So when you came along I gave thanks to the gods above
But what once filled my thoughts with joy to while away the hours
Has now turned my heart into something twisted and sour
234 · Feb 2014
Whose Sorry Now
Tiffany Feb 2014
Drowning in a sea of disbelief
Just can't conceive what you've done to me
What did I do to earn such grief
It's breaking me apart, I'm tearing at the seams

Nothing hurts me more
Than seeing you in the arms of that stupid *****
What the hell was I thinking when I thought you cared
You never gave a **** about the memories we shared

I gave you all I could but I guess that didn't cut it
What more do you want from me you greedy little nitwit

What was first a numbing pain, is now a raging fire
You think that little ***** will quench your desire?

Trust me, love, you'll miss me, and this is how I know
You love the thrill of the hunt and the prize at the end of the show

She'll sneak around behind your back, like you did mine
She'll give you lists and excuses till her story is a web of lies

Haven't you heard, karma's a *****?
Keep that in mind for the next girl you ditch
Sorry for the language, but it was the only way to capture what I was feeling
234 · Mar 2014
The Power Of Religion
Tiffany Mar 2014
In this forsaken
This land of the taken
These memories shaken
Why have I awakened?

The time has come now
For you all to bow down
To the new leader now
Will this be allowed?

We hungry and lonely
The ****** and the lowly
Forced to worship the holy
The one and the only

This god who forbade us
Who made us and changed us

Is it just me
Who is dying to see
What it means to be free
To choose what to believe

Will someone explain
If in this new reign
Will life be the same
Can we even blame?

The ones who allowed it
Are those who endowed it
They saw it befit
To make us commit

Now to doubt is a crime
It’s no better with time
We must rely on these rhymes
To break the confines

So in these words I impart
The plagues of my heart
So you may take part
When this order falls apart...
233 · Feb 2014
Tiffany Feb 2014
Moonlight shines high above the trees
Feeling the gentle swaying breeze
Silent tears stream down my face
As I think of the choices that you made

On the edge, I'm looking down
The waves below, the crashing sound

I feel in my heart it's time to go
As I close my eyes I just know
When they open again, you'll be beside me
One last step and I know we'll be
Together forever, you and me
231 · Apr 2014
What To Do? (10W)
Tiffany Apr 2014
What do I do....
                   .... when my heart stops loving you?
230 · Jul 2014
Tiffany Jul 2014
He makes me feel perfect
Which is far from how you do
I feel loved and cherished
Something with you I never knew

He tells me that I’m beautiful
And I could almost believe it’s true
If it weren’t for those years
You spent convincing me your view

If only you were a nightmare
I could wake from in the morning
And find him there instead
My perfect prince charming

But the nightmare is my life
And he is just a dream
I escape to in the night
When the world is not what it seems
219 · Mar 2014
I Dreamt A Dream
Tiffany Mar 2014
I dreamt a dream so perfect
That I nearly wept
The world as I knew it
Held beauty I won’t soon forget

The sky was a velvet black
Marked with the pinprick of stars
The earth green and lush
Bearing no man-made scars

Rivers flowed lazily
Without a care in the world
The animals played so happily
Wild and undisturbed

I walked amongst them, hesitantly
Yet they showed no fear
I was taken in and accepted
When I saw something appear

A man so unique
Unlike any other
With inky locks and a charming smile
My knees turned to rubber

He approached and took my hand
Leading me into a clearing
Where we danced beneath the stars
I nearly forgot I was dreaming

But as the sun rose over the far horizon
I awoke to find myself alone
Longing for the vision
I had so briefly been shown
219 · Feb 2014
Forget My Memory
Tiffany Feb 2014
He tells me that I’m gorgeous
But the words slide off my skin
I can barely feel his touch
I’ve traveled too far within

He holds me in his arms
And says he’ll leave me never
But can I put him through this,
When I may be lost forever?

My beautiful, my sweet
Much too good for me
I know you’ll keep your faith
In what I used to be

But people change, my love
And I hope soon you’ll see
I’m not the woman I once was
Maybe then you can be free
203 · Feb 2014
Tiffany Feb 2014
Can someone tell me how
Life came to be?
I don’t want a religious tale
That one with Adam and Eve

I could use a few answers
I’m just curious you see
Am I in charge of my fate
Or a victim of destiny?

What’s below the surface?
Far below the tide
What’s out in space?
Where not a soul can hide

And what is the soul?
A figment of our creation?
Or is it the energy of our life
Left in permanent migration?

This is what I think of
When you see me staring off
I’m searching for some answers
So don’t roll your eyes and scoff
Might make some alterations
198 · Aug 2017
Tiffany Aug 2017
there’s a hunger
in the soul
that aches
for something
than what we are
      - *soul mates
198 · Aug 2017
Tiffany Aug 2017
they say
if you love something
set it free
and if it comes back
it’s meant to be
and though this may
be true
we didn’t rely
on faith alone
to make our dreams
a reality
195 · Aug 2017
falling in love
Tiffany Aug 2017
it didn't happen suddenly,
but i realized it all at once.
         - *falling in love
194 · Feb 2014
So This Is What It's Like
Tiffany Feb 2014
So this is what its like
To feel like I belong
To be held in his arms
Protected from all wrong

So this is what it’s like
To have a trying day
But when I see his face
I know it’ll all be okay

So this is what it’s like
To be part of another
To know his every thought and dream
And long for no other

So this is what it’s like
To no longer feel the pain
With his touch he soothed it
Like a cleansing rain

I’ll remember what it’s like
When there comes a day
When he’s no longer with me
And I’ll keep the ache at bay
192 · Aug 2017
Tiffany Aug 2017
what lucky star did
i wish upon to deserve
a lover like you
192 · Aug 2017
Tiffany Aug 2017
i had convinced myself
i couldn't live without you
that i was incomplete

it wasn't until you left
that i realized
you were a puzzle piece
i never needed
179 · Feb 2014
Inside The Fire
Tiffany Feb 2014
Here is where the devil lies
Where darkness brings your fears to life

You can't undo what has been done
There's no escape, nowhere to run

Leave the life you've known behind
Let the flames consume your mind

The gates of Hell are open wide
Here the drums, nowhere to hide

Don't you scream from the pain you've earned
You played with fire, and darling you've been burned
173 · Aug 2017
your name
Tiffany Aug 2017
your name echoes
through the caverns
of my mind
the vibrations bringing
light to my darkest
parts creating a
symphony of color
and sound that
has given me
a new
for the simple things
in life
166 · Aug 2017
call to worship
Tiffany Aug 2017
he calls me goddess
prayers dripping from his lips like sweet nectar
as he sinks between my legs
and shows me how he worships
Tiffany Aug 2017
If seeing his face still makes your heart skip a beat, no matter when or where you are...

If you get lost in her eyes and realize there's no where else you'd rather be...

If the sound of his voice relaxes and excites you at the same time, and you realize you could listen to him speak until the day comes when the sun no longer shines...

If the sound of her name brings a smile to your lips, and you know there's no sweeter combination of syllables on this earth...

If you find he's the first thing on your mind when you wake up...

If she's the last thing you think of as you fall asleep...

If he can make you laugh so hard you forget your troubles and just live in the moment for once...

If she can gift you with a sense of wonder and happiness much like the bliss and simplicity of childhood...

If you'd share the last slice of pizza or make a late night munchie run...

If the time comes when you realize there's no coming back from how they've changed you and there's no one else you'd rather spend your life with...

You've undeniably...
fallen in love.
161 · Aug 2017
Tiffany Aug 2017
there is no shame
in asking for help*
but the obligation instilled
by a society that dismisses
mental health
forces me to remain silent
149 · Aug 2017
Tiffany Aug 2017
you were taught your body
was a tool
so when they came to use it
you laid it down
your mind be ******
and allowed them to abuse it
146 · Aug 2017
70 days
Tiffany Aug 2017
i count down the days
until your embrace
the days pass s l o w l y
like the leaves that fall
announcing autumns arrival
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