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Trained for target for gain
In or out of range
I have to cover it up
I see you in my ranges
My focus is timetabled
Checked to those planning to stab me
We live not in peace
Those who surround me wish for my shoes
No one knows how heavy they are
My achievements stained
I plan to cage my inequalities
All my worries stand to my back
soldier lives by power of his tactics
my bullets smell for fresh catch
aiming for the finest
Soon I shall shoot my behind front
Its about to be or not to
Shoot to **** or to hit
Reign for now or eternity
The shot that blew off the mountain cliff
A die hard in softness
Here i stand in admiration of your chances
The possibility of me choosing to be you
To the luck of driving your success.
You stand unfit and roar from an enemies den
Whom will you blame when the thunder of failure traps you,
Your rescue will be a brigade of canes,
Boiling you upon successful failing;
Finding ability with maximum concentration to loose.
Milk shall be bitter and so will wine
Your face shall be a remote of arguement
A case of recall a chain of regret, a jail to paranoid-
Catch the line before it ends
Sip of that at hand than cry for rapture unseen^
Despite wishes, 'who can borrow from tomorrow'.
He spoke not even a word
Face showed danger(hatari)
Enemy in line was his daily bread
Born to fight in the space of time.
Stood in a distance watching closely
they feared to raise their armours
As they sounded their trumpets
Not moved even an inch
when their bravest approached his skin
He fled that the blade couldn't
penetrate his skin
Moved 10 feet back
To the terror of a bold man
Allergic to smiles
With a scourged face
like he had nothing to loose.
His mouth released a word
that scattered the soldiers in attack
they had no pinnacle over him
As their prey was to wild to hunt down
My heart of an amateur
Cant different human behavior.

Soon and after dinning with its hunters,
The naked scars with open sight
The looping mind of wishes and aligned hopes.

I clap in resilience to my bleeding
I cant run for i must win
Beyond yesterday, there is tomorrow.

The hiccups of my breathe
The unforgettable blinds
The crosses i bare
Most of which dont fit my size

I am dead but so Alive in Christ
I blend with fear of God to conquer worries
I am a hidden star shinning for those who care
Karma was child from a humble family whose dream had a spoonful of wishes. She never thought of a hen sitting on her plate for lunch until her body shaped to capture the focus of the community.
Her and hard work were inseparable, and motivation sparked from her deeds. This was short lived by blindfolds of moments.  She then landed in a ditch of blessings which surpassed her baring as paper made solutions to all her faults and soonest laziness took her for a companion.
Yes, she had completely forgotten her path neither could she trace her background, for looks bought her a ticket to a lifestyle and rather failed to resist becoming stingy.
She learnt not the meaning of love for it carried no sense, and the she needed not to learn of true love, oh how could she for to her it was a monster that stole opportunities.
The caterpillar she was grew into a butterfly one seen by many and so touched by those whose hands could afford the beautiful colours of its petals. Souls fell apart over the turned beauty of the wings that went toxic. The meal that went bad before the harvest of a promised yield.
The love to taste of the night shinning sun evolved many to empty pockets and others to bundles of regret to disease and misfortune. It wasn’t her making nor desire, it was the glory of Gods carvings that alerted those near and far to come eco and share of visibility of a living being stationed as nature.
This beauty scorched mens eyes day in and day out as she melted souls and flowers faded in the sun. she glowed on gentle pockets, never invested any seeds for a tomorrow. Time wasn’t her ally, it brought a change in season as the clouds ushered in rain sprouted new and better yields that out competed the market of the former.
Clouds shrinked and a dark tomorrow was born, the wine tasted more bitter than old wine in a new bottle. Then the veterans got and adopted new medals at the cost of the old fades of the butterfly contests.
What was left was a story tale with a bunch of little and innocent ferries whose direction was unfolded but hope set from a single ray through the thickest forest.

Thomas Bron Mukama
Your fair smile
Shuts the sun and creates
Artificial light in me
Love so young but
Growing intimately time
After time with joy

The sparkle in your eyes
My body is nourished with
Your tears from your sailing eyes
You gave liberty to my heart
And the beats it makes
Is the much I miss you

Who am I
Not to sing Hallelujah
The Angelic gift I posses
Half a litre a heavenly being
Am even with the saints
We are all slaves to something
‘Especially fear’
Fear of being less than we are known for
Loosing people we are attached too, work
Fear of starting all over
That of uncertainties and insecurities
Fear of leaving a great status behind
Mostly the fear of death

But if costs your peace, think it over
Make a marginal steps
You were raised to beat the odds and find you for there is more about you that isn’t yet discovered
And there is always better on the other side of life
Take a leap of faith and hope in God
One step at a time …..there is more to life
Here I am
in a place out of thoughts
Never in my immaginary
quarter of arrival

Tiny would defame
But small is more applicable
I now entered directly
And sat down on a bench
Confussion covered the all
place as people waved their
armpits to get attention.

so I stood awaiting for service
and went beyond vain.
more people poured in
like they were hired to gather
or ready for a show.
patiently I bore the pain
And my time came when
I was served.

Down I went eating with hunger
bit by bit
From the start I was impatient
and now couldnt stand having
a plate defeat Me.
soon forth I began to juggle
and the taste was private
for me to tell......
The food projected the value
of the place, tiny with value
no wonder people merged to be here

By my departure I appreciated
sweetness in the small nature
and now live to tell the wonders born
in that direction.
A smile costs nothing but adds alot to you.
Asmile is stronger than fear,
And produces memories of eternity
A smile so priceless
But a treatment for sorrow
My mother taught me how to always smile no matter the storm,
no tear is payment for what you go through.
So then smile and smile more

If you cant control the world dont try stopping it, only live , hope and pray

Day will come and so will night
And when you make it through, the Lord shall provide.
Your dreams are waiting for you on the other side of hustle.
When i am sober i think of love and affection
I want to marry
And make us new rules to love moon and back beyond the stars
Apples for cherries, kisses for hugs and wine over glassee
Drowning in you every minute every bit

But then i toss a bottle
I remember what love did to me
So i strike and run
Break the rules of love, wine in a cup and day walks
The marry idea over music sips, the aroma of food to **** any desire arising
so now i baptise you sunshine (mine)
To lighten my dark days and brighten my night
Like the french whisper it soleil
The sun that cant be buried for it carriee the future
If the moon should sleep the sun shall rise and if the rain wets me the sun shall dry me up
Mama told me you a blue moon
I was only used to the white one
I succumbed to failure
When I listened to what others thought of me
I am not a warrior, I am exceptional says his Grace
But the stubbornness of my head doubts his ways
When I grow up I want be like them
Them that bare fear as a weapon to see greater things
Them that dive into every closed door and find opportunity
Them that surround themselves with competence and dine on positivity
Those that find the tunnel end as a new way to progress.

Then my mama said you failed me
For tears then flowed past my checks as I felt sorry for victimizing my love
No I didn't seat back
I am far away from giving up at this time no more tears
I am composed and straight with my back bag of blessings, see how I knock through walls to find my future
My mama told me it awaits for me on the other side
Shame to those that sham my efforts for they can't stand a quarter of what my strive    aims at
Past the rivers of hard work, I am in the ocean of progress
If you loose my catch not even a plane can find me
I am a miracle seated on the finest blessing
Exploding with breakthrough to meet destiny
I feel lost in the deepest lines
When my thoughts cant climb one inch positive
Even a memory of the greatest times
My vains lay breathless
No blood to flow with a few heart beats
Am an after man living for progress
My brain is nailed with illusions
Those that have imprisoned all my dreams
Though i still believe am a star in my own life
Have lost alot and fear not to loose more
Wait for the one time i step foot off locked doors surrounding me
I remember the childhood days
We played and hanged out
With thousand of future promises
Watched you from crawling to walking
Off you ran away to find you dreams.

Chance came and you flew as well
High in metallic birds
Far from your own origin
I kept thinking I would ever meet you
And remind you of the diamond days

As I planned for the better
Sorrow planned for the worst
I hadn’t ignored my thoughts,
As I never saw the bullet that
Came and borrowed your life from me.

It went straight to the heart
And I was absent to give you comfort
Or even ask you to stay with me
I never said goodbye
So I now live as a slave of regrets.
The sound of the clouds
The noise of the winds
Yes they have a great message for me
Its the bell of change for the better
If you doubt me my actions will defend me
If you stick with me we are better than them
And if assist me my father above will pay back
Am tickled by hardwork laid in strength of progress
We got not to fight to get them, take a step each moment each time
Great minds listen to ideas rather than chucks for fan.
Clouds hearts Tomorrow
I have read a number of books
And I seen the sunset all my life
its all uncomparable to how
Much I feel for you.

The wind blows in all sides of life
washes away the weak, and turns
their dust to mud
But I still stand champion
In loving you.

Am digging a tunnel  
so that I keep progress
in finding more of your love.
Your body earns as well as spends
You take alot of time to earn the little
Though in no time you sepnd more.
Really do you seat and earn but spending has no position,
Many alike can influence you to spend than to earn,
When you spend what you earn you know how to replace it
When you're given to spend, you spend to gather glory of others pain
World has variety of easy spending ventures than stabily earning ones
Spend wise as you plant elsewhere.
Who is near to hold me
Any that may be concerned
Am sinking in a heart i dont belong
Taken by a nother but open to me
Dreams go missing every night
Even though i bare a great bed
Thoughts of fear had intruded my thinking
Fear of loosing what i havenot.
Little it looks though taken my attention
The shortest distance but hard to travel
When night falls i stand far from my bed
Afraid to meet the same thoughts about her
Engraved my liberty to rest seating on my courage
Am under an umbrella of a stagnant life.
The battalion that once crashed the pillar of servitum lies in deep sea, sinking low. The generals have abandoned their call casting their nets to fish out a chain to history.
The binoculars has lost focus and so have the guns, they lay pointed at the commander with bullets intact. Who knows the pain the child gives when he bites the hand that feeds it, just like to dance to the tunes of the beat you made but duplicated.
The bells failed to make enough sound to alert about the time zone. The sweetness of the power has stripped many off their understanding, forgeting however much the bone is tasty soon crashed to pieces.
Why should one wait For a vine yard to turn bitter, the peace preacher who lives a life of torture to others, a said speech written by the crowd.
Hello Captain, am worried for your sinking ship your trainees sail better than you For your lack of visibility. Your self esteem bigger than your ego.
In the very beginning, the river so strong along fertile soils, rejuvenation goes with sprouting crops but the later the senility of the river, to worse the season to bear fruits.
Yes the old broom knows all corners of the house, now with the new times the swept area turns dirtier
You are a star
Even amidst
its the best way
to launch your thoughts
Its how you prove your

To her they proposed a rich man
Capable of all transformations
Her love was laid in jokes
Lady that only talked
With the walkways
The man with a small heart
A large pocket
He wanted her for property
her desire just to please parents
The heart mended by sorrow
At the helm of its wishes
The pain to depart from family
she wants to go
To another side
Traded will, a covered thinking
Now its the man by the roadside
he ever watches through the window
Says nothing to fights or joy
He desired her for a long journey
one to carry him fruits
She too admired the light in his eyes
The time spent together
in distant admiration
they gazed at each other
As her legs faced-parted
Payment for her growing
selling her pride
waking up in a foreign bed
on a hungry stomach
you start wondering how; got in
2. you got hungry
lets offend the clouds so you can rain on me
lets obey the sun so you can burn me with your hotness
my heart was molded from your smile
brightening every breathe with chuckles

cant wait for morrow when i have you today
for with you is spring and you away is winter
your vibes are streams of flowing waters a sip for lifetime glory

reminisce with me
out of my addiction for you
you are the drug that drained me and one that healed me
love passion kindness
        Taking it as the most outdated wont be my concern but rather the data once mastered all shall be well. I stand on strong grounds not to convince you into such an engagement but to give you another reason to be gladly happy.
Putting into consideration that I am neither a lost sheep nor the provider of my future, rather I am patient not to promise but make each day a memory unforgettable.
    Whoever I am and I want to be God knows well but am sure he has prepared the best. I should call my self a hero to have you and yet a miserable man cause having you is seeing physical love and how I fear that I may loose you to the terrible world.
Not even for a second should you take me for an angel cause am not, but one thing am sure about is I am myself in all conditions.

Recalling the time I put you on the scale of my heart to gauge you in my life as more than an important activity and project worth all my endeavors. I can bear the pain of sharing your sorrow and climbing with you to the heights of your worries. i

We've been friends but i am sure you’re now more than sweet dream to me, there have been lots of laughter between us that have made me closer to you. The love you so desperately seek is here in my arms ….now I'm telling you that you are the one for me.

I've kept my feelings for you contained for as long as I could, and true, honest love shouldn't be contained and kept for this long, others only see it in halves; they see your body but what I feel for you is way more than a skin on your body, so deep in the veins, growing more and more every day, and growing deeper than the deepest and more everlasting every passing minute.
You mean so much to me, Just seeing your smiling face or hearing your heart-melting voice just brightens me up. I don’t wish for a lot but for God to keep in me the hope of me being more than my thoughts to you and your family.
God made success different
That even your enemies will compromise with you
The deaf can hear your name
And the lame dance to your blossom

The wind sounds in your favor
For success speaks louder than sound
Travels faster than planes for to be known successful you don’t need to travel

Success is a destination
Day was in as was out
The fresh sun brought vomitings that meant I was to exist
She hampered the moment as started her daily cravings
The pain was the hustle let no peace be hers
What she needed she only got less

The months run faster than the days to nine of which she needed a push
November as slatted she waited, the weight extreme but her hopes of meeting me

Push was the song of lament down in a banana I lay
So soft and innocent I looked to heavens and shade my first tear to the world

It’s then that she reached for her breast and lashes it to my mouth, I then forgot my tears and grabbed a sip of warmth and comfort
Then was the moment I learnt to suckle.
And days run against me to when she said I couldn’t have it no more
I had gathered experience and qualified for much
Like the hustle, diving into hard times, winning in all pursuits, and craving for success

She told me now you have tasted of this world so you must conquer it
I grew to that strength and lioned over my prey
She walked behind me and scavenged my hunters like a snipper of a watch tower

I now walk alone in person though never forgot the skill of suckling. Such a touch over it braces my strength and each suckle I clutter I come back stronger
For I am a certified hustler
She is fine and heaven is jealous
Earth clamped my toes each time I bent my heart to hers
So am a stranger of my thoughts
Sick of beauty that I lack
The light off her smile shrieked the night moon
The ambiguity of the  iota in her heart made me heist for heed
I am the suspect and culprit
I stand a beggar of fortune to the unfounded brand of all times

A day to offer franchise
As well as vociferate about
your maker.

A day to smile and clean our robs
dress to the fullest
and forget yesterday

A day to prosper as the sunny day
brightens our thinking
families together and husbands home
children off school and mother's
serving care to all in her presence

A day for the house of the lord to shine
with believers
all voices combined to sing Alleluia
Genesis rested him in such a day
And so we rest our troubles to him

A day that smells extraordinary
looks more beautiful than any other
breeze so calm with the
atmosphere sounding peacefully

A day that seems perfect to rest a soul!
Born beautiful but turned ridiculous
Her mother said to her,
I didn't produce you with pierced eyes
You're now worth a surgery.
But she knows that the man
She loved never minded
Soon a bride but your
Hair flies like tree leaves
Your innocence is buried
If I knew I wouldn't have delivered
The cries of a mother
For the love of her daughter.
Before the alarm sings to me,
‘Wake up its the day of Love’
My heart already ached
For I smelt the roses scented from your own breathe
Achii the goosebumps as my hair turns feathery

My heads buzzes like the bees search for nectar. Oh what’s sweeter than your voice and gentle as her fingers
Sush if you have not tasted a sip of her lips, sinking your heart to a well of wishes
Oh Mamito I am drowning, can I hold unto your ******* as I strike my chest

The spirit leads me, for she lives in the spirit, the spirit of love
And hers is a body a temple, my dwelling place shall be
Her eyes are a cun for I can see no other
And her life is a journey I too must follow
I needn’t any evidence to prove this
Like lawyers say Res Ipsa Loquitor
To mean facts speak for themselves
Steadily sited on the driving wheel.
And my hands widely open in glorification it was a time boom that had enslaved my feelings
The blast that left my white shirt colored with artistic pictures
In bits of red, pink-scented with lip like marks.

My heart pumped like ‘I dare you for more’.
“Relax and keep calm,” were the words from her lips.
Later………I mean later,
Those around us only saw shadows that fought in a distance
Changing positions like salsa dancers.
And at this time I read her lips.
Theses two chapters seemed like a thousand pages
So short in terms of pages but enjoyable to read trust me when I tell you
A full composition settled into two, all that you know be it French
You can never get bored while you read these pages.
The smiles gave me more comfort to keep going
I wouldn’t mind reading them again and again
And even ask for extras time.
Eyes closed in deep meditation and not to absorb shyness from the surrounding
A little closer was my whisper
For it was an intensified moment.

I think I have something better for you, she claimed.
Oh yes say it before I burn with flameless fire,
Am your chef and so I make the menu
Sit back let me cook  a mighty dish for you.
And when she served, my taste buds swore
Bleeding with saliva.
I was completely drowned into her
Shallow as a bottle top but a ladder needed to climb out
I was fed with apples, berries, and nuts
Then she added, belch not before sunrise
I have got extra of what you haven’t tasted.
I became a whisperer soon as she tamed me
Like a little pet i was to her
I grew feathers rather than fur with a mind blowing marginary focus
The days were shorter 24hours for each timed i winked in her presence was a dozen of days
Weeks were a mere meditation of a moment for i had befallen what i never saw coming
And so i turned into my own victim overthrown by my desire
She always said none to me but found myself bumbling to give her maze

Take me bites and cuddles i am not for a ride
I have lived today a tomorrow many have dreamt to live
My arms together have tangled
And blessings have overflown to harvest the least of where i sawed

If non knows not my story they shall die as wonderers
My sweat tastes like whisky for i have dreamt in day light and sipped overnight
I am the deemest light in the tunnel, a sight of eternity
Tap on those blessings your friends have, yes it is a personal journey but we all need a hand up the ladder
I loved you by your lies
They tasted so sweet that
I couldn't resist your utter
Now that you smocked me in the cold
I can melt you when it shines
If it hadn't rained
I wouldn't have joined you in bed.
I wouldn't have smelt your skin
I wouldn't have moved closer
There would be no touches no skin looping no embracing and no xoxo.
Tear the laughter
So by now many and more days had passed, that all was left right of my shoulder facing the back of my head though clinged to my mind in space and in within me.
I perfectly knew it’s only a smile that could make the journey a venture amidst the turmoil.
The moment was on for me, all eyes straight on my face and the voices loud in shimmer, yes I do. The applause was so high that I lost a couple of tears to the flow; the cheeks couldn’t hold them as the head faced straight to the ground
While the tears discussed their downfall, bullion of configuration hit me so hard and she was right there. I had it all, though I didn’t have her, and so I watched my thoughts move with handcuffs enslaved as the master gazed on unbothered about the scorching sun. it was for a minute I remember, a couple of seconds therein.
I then made my first foot step and the applause was louder than a quark, the moment was right on sight but a pain on the inside. It was her that I carried in my arms that gave me courage. She totally gave rest to my heart beat. Nonetheless, my assurance was vested in the heavenly applause where most of my worry was set - Peace on earth and Glory in heaven for I am certain Angels rejoice in her company.
Dilemma, dilemma my friend. Regrets and setbacks surrounding my victory, if I am to hold on the future I must set the past free. The past is heavy and grew a clot on my chest over time and I was seeing a dark shade in front of my face with a small hole protruding with light towards my palm. It was quite a ray, a ray of hope. I was personally very ready to turn it into a beam, a beam that would turn my darkness into light. Light that doesn’t erase but juggles brightness with shade, a light of so much endurance.
Let’s hop off the walk, chuckles in bits for if we set the tear of laughter to our backs, then with high chests we can chase a dream or two or even more. By now the sky isn’t the limit, the start is only a price tag.
So I tell a tell of a man,
a man am told-  
told a tell -
a tell I can’t as a teller tell the told
That time when my eyes
Are restless
My tongue keeps
rolling and saliva flowing
Down my gut

I am so dead
Living at the expense of
The great looks tear
down my ego
I choose to sponsor
The moment to avoid
Splitting into anxiety
I can't stay any longer
For I have a belonging
Her behaviors were gentle
An Impala in model
She preferred to be walked
Side by side
She spoke less in fear of stammering
Short steps in walking
Bribing God for a longer life
Movements covered distances
Without complaint
she finds her destination
Being broke hurts but
worse in planting seeds
on a metallic surface
And proudly expecting
a great harvest.

one can always draw a picture
of the future
Though not a draw of how
fortunate you will be.

we watch and criticize
yet our lives are filmed
with drama.
we grow to see a bright tomorrow
but usually loose focus on the past
much as a tortoise feeds poorly
it lasts for ages even without care.
while I sat down
for a cup of coffee,
my calculations were focused
on how to make a dear future.

we are all born with solutions
But unless you think of one
There is no sight of revelation
you could have moved
an inch in your life,
unaware of of how much
distance you're left to move.
Have you ever thought
with an iced mind
its worse than swimming
in shallow water.

A coin received in hard days
Is like a cactus plant in the desert
An open mind Is bearable
like the leaves of a tree
useful to man and the soil

The days when you make a mistake
And your achievements sunk
to the existence of a zombie
among the living.
That am still alive
Am healthy and strong
Loved and blessed
Working and progressing
Am peaceful and kind
Single to be married
New and fresh in christ
Happy and dependable
Lucky and prosperous
Am glad indeed
That I shall see a brighter tomorrow
You feel a champion of your own ignorance
And gladly boast about it
You've managed to climb and trespass other's rights
Neglecting how they feel
Creating your own scenes and contradicting in the movie.
How happy can you keep having many people you hurt
That much to feel ontop of the world when you don't even know your true self
So forgetful given your age, you dig to hide in a burrow
The road is wide
expand to a size worth your control
Too much excitement kills visions
When your mind is at work
Walking in illusions of reality
Lying down sleepless
Thinking hard into a headache
Remembering what you didnt forget
Seeking for what you see though out of your reach.

You travel long distances unnoticed
Being hauted by the spirit of hardwork
Holding back anything that causes pain.

Look at how far i stand, forget my name but have a stand
You're not to see me soon
Efforts shall overspeak my actions
Afar within
I spread my legs
Right high the walls with a low chest amidst the twists of the corner
Catching the breathe of careless whispers

I am on heights of finding myself in the depth of sinking beneath what I ought to become
Starring at edge of darkness blinking for a sight of light

So I sweat the dirt of my hustle
Coughing and choking on my dreams
Holding to my heads-up of what needs not to done
In the field of martial arts
The lesson i was taught is to love
No anger can win a war but a determination of sympathy
The kicks of passion and the blows of carresses
Soft tender punches to a painful-less action
All to a triumph of victory.
To keep the calm is to stop the war, ablaze of cover fired seized in touches of shouts
Who is it that i have never met, one who loves to surrender
Effectivenes can buy a surrender rather than a story of words of sympathy in tears
They only make a good story and buy temporary times
Now see what the future has not on your side laying by the successful' pillow
How nany of chances can you blow to have a series of a hit goal
You nail your opportunities to the wall and cry for desires of dreams under rehabilitation
Thats the way to say the insane are brighter than your conscious
You live in a poverty of deep thinking while the answer swims by the surface floor
And why wish to step too high before you can walk on the possibles(captioned seeable & achievable Things)
How ignorance has made you ran a race to the start line as life drives to the finish line.
Which color do you paint life.
Dreams, possibilities, extraordinary, father-mother cry, run of hustle.
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