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 Apr 2013 thevagabondking
Your worth
Every tear
Every fight
And every
We are bent, but not
Our bodies are old
tree stumps cut
down long ago,
but our hearts and
minds will stretch like
branches, reach towards the
stars that we'll
wear like late
cherry blossoms.
We are dried and
withered from years of
harsh words against our
skin, and battered
fists into our guts.
But, you and I, will
join together our
hands and intertwine our
fingers into limbs
a hundred strong.
We will stand taller than
they, upon hills and
mountain tops, higher than the
clouds that once blocked
our eyes.
We are the underdogs,
while they sit among their
riches and animosity.
But we are the ones who
will change this
world, dig up the
soil and plant the
remains of what little
good is
left in the
palm of
our hands.
How can you expect me to accept my own skin?
It left  when I started to sin
Ran from the remains of my childhood parts
Gave them to you in the silence of the dark
Let me tell you there is no drug that will dull this pain
Yet I would do it again
As you traced the freckles that cross my back
Like small ants hunting for grub
I felt special and pretty and small
I have never experienced that feeling since
Kisses that made me weak
I never felt robbed of my youth
That was how you manipulated me so
I made such a good wife in your make belief
I carry the burden for two
These bones of mine with no core left
My search for love is so unfair
Lust is all I knew
But you took it with you
These scars that line my face tell a story
A story of the horror I have seen
The tears that have fallen
The cries that have escaped
The memories I try to bury
And the thoughts I wish I could erase
I just want to crawl into a hole
And wish that everything was okay
That the world wasn't crashing down on me
Why do I have self control
Because all I want to do is die
But instead I cut my flesh
Burn until I feel numb
Drink until I can't see straight
Smoke until my lungs burn
Cry until I fall asleep
Keep it all bottled up until I heal
And start it all over again

~July 15, 2012~
I fell into your arms
After tripping over stone cold fact
You held me for a moment until the shock wore off a bit
Giggling warmly at my clumsiness
and I couldn't help but share the laugh
Just then I realized how long it had been
Since someone reminded me to do that
 Apr 2013 thevagabondking
Dag J
parallel motions
aligned in asymmetrical
      symmetry of the
subconscious eyes seeing
abductees of the mind
     gathering in blind

opening to the silent sound of
fingers painted in rainbows

        touching the innermost
    honesty of every verbal

mending hearts
                 in no time at all
         needing nothing but
© MMXIII by Day J
Unspoken syllables still saying the story
that I can't comprehend with an earlobe
and an ear-drum,
with a bass-drop, ego sum, meticulous amour.

Hand dancing
Prancing like Bambi as she creates
assorted laughter and the stars control.

How beautiful,
with a bass-drop, ego sum, meticulous amour,
the language is a mountain of another planet Earth
all spoken in

Sign language
again, written with kyran.
The crows spent the entire night on your roof.

They have swallowed the moon, and rested on the curtain. Soil and death lingered on their feet, as if ready to take their final clutch.

I flinched as you lifted the lid. You can almost imagine me down here, I suppose, yellowed by the hanging street light which warmth had abandoned after fireflies found a sanctuary in its suspended cold feet. I'm afraid I can only last until morning, but I will still love you until then.

Please, leave a gap on your window.

Let the breeze enter; I will part the wind
and I will slip past your curtain.

I will lie with you
and we will exchange battered whispers.

I will alter the stars
and we will dismember the hours.
We will defy infinity.

**We will disappear.
 Apr 2013 thevagabondking
And each day you think it will get better
And each day you rip off a feather
A feather that helped you fly.
Once upon a time I was able to soar
Soar through the darkness and fly
Fly through the haze
Now it's pretty foggy
and this high plummets,
Plummets into a blurry daze.
Hurt by words,
the impact was too heavy.
I'm the survivor who made it
but your water broke my levee,
and I can't escape.
My wings don't work anymore.
All my feathers are gone.
I plucked them all
Indirectly, because of you
but, nonetheless, it happened
and I don't know what to do.
You were disappointed

I said I believed in “God”

there may have been air quotes

I don’t know what it means

I can’t die into blackness

my carbon has science

I think it does

I might melt into the earth

she is cozy, warm in the center

I will save myself 

and only look to you for comfort

I tried to show you my confusion 

you had no response

the pain of silence reeks

your judgment is unforgiving

let’s not speak of this again
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