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ThePoet Jul 14
So many voices
but no one is talking

Sounds of footsteps
but no one is walking

Too many noises
but no one can hear

The deafening whispers
telling me to disappear

ThePoet Jun 2
I lie asleep in my own world

I remain unconscious
in the dead roots of my tree,
forgotten by my present essence

I lie dormant in my own world

I remain subconscious
in the lost innocence of me,
corrupted by my current presence

ThePoet May 5
I spend
my days
in sinful errors
and my nights
in painful regret,
with an in between
of terrors at which
path I will

ThePoet May 4
Your heart
is the gun

Your love
is the bullet

Your touch
is the trigger

And I continue 
to pull it

ThePoet May 3
I'm bleached of
colour and I watched it fade

I’m guilty of my
murde*r and I birthed my blade

The retribution
I face has been justly made

But my dues
in life have never been paid

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