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I do not want to speak of death
or time's unyielding sting.

I do not want a wasted breath
on such a pointless thing.

Right now I see no greater sin
than making passion dead.

So let me breathe your fragrant skin...
Come, crawl inside my bed.
I hope you know that I'll always hold you;

always catch you when you fall.

You're so strong, with your proud chin hoisted upwards.

No one would ever see the slouch in your shoulders,

unless you wanted them to.

The tiredness of your eyes;

deep purple smudges on your eyelids.

Your smile may settle in a delightful curve

but it doesn't set in your eyes like the sun.

I will catch you, I promise;

If you should choose to fall, do not be wary.

You won't hit the hard ground, the cold earth.

But you will hit my arms.

And you can just rest there.

Rest there, my dear.

And don't worry about anything.

You don't have to speak;

I will listen to the way your voice sounds,

sincere or not;

I will catch you, darling.

If you should ever fall.
Forever and always.
The promise we made,
but who would have known that forever had an end?

I won't say I hate you.
Truth is I don't.
Why do we promise what we can't do?

"I love you forever and always (while it lasts)."
The phrase was there, but left untold.
Now I know this is as far as it goes.

Now go. Don't look back.
After all it was you who decided on this.
I won't stop you. I couldn't even if I tried.

I'm fine. Don't you worry about me.
I'm still there if you need me.
Just call my name.

No hard feelings. No regrets.
I really did love you forever and always...
while it lasted.
Wake up again.
Sleep in my eyes, empty bottles beside me.
Memory fails.
Girl, remind me, what's your name again.
Last night was fun,
but why do I still feel this pain inside me?
I can't go on
living this life outside myself.

Tear up this place
built upon layers of hurt and agony.
Burn it away.
Leave no traces of it ever being there.
Break out from here.
Roam and wander for a better place for me.
Got to be free.
Break me free from this chain.

Press the knife against my skin.
Pull the trigger.
Kick the chair I'm standing in.
Air gets thinner.

Can't keep on living this hell.
Gotta end it before it turns unreal.
**** me now before I go insane.
It's time to throw this life away.

Since you've been gone
I've been getting closer to insanity.
This ****** love
kept me far away from reality.
More ***** and drugs.
I need to find my fantasy again.
***, rock and roll
should be the life for me.

Press the knife against my skin.
Pull the trigger.
Kick the chair I'm standing in.
Air gets thinner.

Can't keep on living this hell.
Gotta end it before it turns unreal.
**** me now before I go insane.
It's time to throw this life away.
This is a very rough draft of a song I'm working on. It will be updated as I keep on working on it, and also, can anyone help me with a better title? I don't like this one.
If you think your is pain great,

And your anguish is too strong.

If you think you don't have

What you need to go on.

If you think the dark

Is way past you knees,

Or you don't have the strength

To do what need.

If you think the fire in your heart

Is slowly diminishing.

Let me tell you what I know

With hopes to soothe your soul.

I know that you can do it.

I know you can go on.

I know that in the end

You'll still be standing strong.

I know the pain is bad,

But I know that you are great.

I know you won't give in

Too a little heartache.

I know that out the dark

You'll soon see the light.

You just have to stay strong

And make it through the night.
I remember the taste of your chapstick
original flavor plain as you were, a taste insipidly vapid
I remember everything up until our last kiss
that fades into the smoke of memories I burned with your box of letters
cut with the strings of you that had me tethered
disappointment doesn't hold a flame to the fire burning inside me now
I'd wail and cry aloud
but the ocean cares not of the downfall of man
knees dug into the sand
arms outstretched, a shameless attempt at holding the sky
as close as you once held my
body more rigid than it's fragile contents
I remember the taste of your chapstick and I never knew what that meant...
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