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 May 2013 Tessa F
It's A Shame
 May 2013 Tessa F
How I am so ashamed
Of everything I do
And everything I say
The way I feel is not "okay"
So when you ask me
"How are you?"
A hug, a kiss, a smile or two
You should be worried when I say
"I'm fine, no really, I'm okay"
 May 2013 Tessa F
Come for me at midnight
when the breeze whispers my name
and feel my hands upon you
in the warmth of candle flame
******* lips in raindrops
as they play upon your skin
sweat trailing down your body
touching places where I've bin
let the night caress you
as you give your body or'
to the pleasure of each mem'ry
of those nights we shared before
 May 2013 Tessa F
I'm right here
Ready to forget
Ready to concede
Ready to believe
That all you say is true
And yet
I mean nothing to you
I'm right here
But all you see is dust
As if I've given up on trust
And run away without a word
If only you heard
What God told me
So very different from what you speak
And strong resolve
I can no longer fake it
My hand is right here
**All you have to do is take it
 May 2013 Tessa F
Warm Hands
 May 2013 Tessa F
The color of your hair
So perfectly represented in the warmth of your calloused skin
Your heavy fingers
So briefly intertwined with mine
But at the glances of the herd
And the compaints that go unheard
You let me go
So what's to show?
Except the beating of my heart
And some of your warmth
Left over in my hands
 May 2013 Tessa F
When will this stop?
You stop?
I stop?
I'm tired of fighting
Of trying
To make you understand
God, I beg you
Make us understand
If I'm at fault then let it be
If you at fault, then forgive me
Has my violent love provoked her anger?
Memories of lullabies I sang her?
If there is something I can do
To prove to them Your words are true
That my intentions were of right
And not the coldness of the night
That she claims is in my heart
As if she's not known me all of life
Am I the one who has changed for the better, the worse?
Or is her pain the cause of all this strife?
I know that we are both at wrong
And yet, she only hears her song
 May 2013 Tessa F
What I Can
 May 2013 Tessa F
No matter what they believe
I have done what I can, what You've asked of me
And with your mercy
I can finally know peace
 May 2013 Tessa F
 May 2013 Tessa F
My Sweet Spaceman
where are you now?
Trying to see between
those little glows
that speckle the sky;
similar to those
no longer in your eyes?
I just want to see
the world in which you're lost,
so take me please,
I'll pay the cost;
I'm sure it's less
than the price I pay
for the half-assed smile
you gave today;
I miss you babe,
it's been too long,
so let me save you
from this wrong,
because believe me when I say
I'm alone in this crowded room
while you run around the moon.

*And you said you never wanted to be an astronaut
 May 2013 Tessa F
Dear Friends,,

I have been on Hello since the end of December. Before that I never thought I'd ever have thousands of people read my poems  let alone provide positive reinforcement. Many of you have become very precious to me also. I recently noticed the amount of reads I've gotten, and the number blows my mind. Thank you for supporting my addiction! I love reading yours as much as you have enjoyed mine, maybe more. Keep writing everyone. Thanks for your support. You mean more to me than even a poet can express in words.


I was not intoxicated when I wrote this. Haha
 May 2013 Tessa F
 May 2013 Tessa F
Soil, mulch and flora.
Odors of spring on bodies.
Peonies ripen.
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