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In the quiet mirror,
find the scars you’ve hidden,
whisper softly, "You’re enough."

Let the weight fall,
you’re more than the burdens you carry,
love the skin you’re in.

Hold on,
you’re never truly alone.
Self-love is the best love truly.......
"Will I make it?"
the heart cries.

A thousand tries,
yet still, I fall.

"Should I lower my expectations?"
it whispers.

"No, not over until you win,"
the mind insists,
like night cradles the sky;
light will come soon.
To those chasing their dreams, remember: there's always light at the end of the tunnel for those who remain true to their hard work and dedication.
Too lazy to be ambitious,
I let the world take care of itself.
Ten days' worth of rice in my bag;
a bundle of twigs by the fireplace.
Why chatter about delusion and enlightenment?
Listening to the night rain on my roof,
I sit comfortably, with both legs stretched out.
All the time I pray to Buddha
I keep on
killing mosquitoes.
All armies are the same
Publicity is fame
Artillery makes the same old noise
Valor is an attribute of boys
Old soldiers all have tired eyes
All soldiers hear the same old lies
Dead bodies always have drawn flies
People ask me my type to decide who I am
They say sexuality determines identity

However, I believe that who I like isn't what I am
I am pan but that isn't my entire life

That would be like saying I'm a girl because of what I wear
Though I wear a lot of strange things

People tend to make assumptions based on who a person is
I believe you should get to know them

Start by saying hi and go from there
Maybe make a friend

It really is simply that simple
So do not assume
we're not together
but you showed me your favorite band

we're not together
but you spilled your deepest darkest secrets that no one knows

we're not together
but you keep a polaroid of me on your nightstand

we're not together
but god
do I wish we were
and I know you do too
In the empty train
your bracelet peeks out my sleeve
a quiet reminder.
Every criticism Is gladly accepted
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