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Feb 2016 · 1.2k
taylor roff Feb 2016
intimacy dwells not within words
but within darkness
hiding on the inside of your eyelids
passion dwells not within the past
but within the unreachable future
sliding just beyond your fingers
love dwells not within truth
but within lustful lies
ridding down
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
taylor roff Dec 2014
I've been stuck in 9:44 A.M. for thirty minutes
Surrounded by digital clocks
The soft embrace of analog hands escapes me
Nov 2014 · 810
taylor roff Nov 2014
All the Kings horses and all the Kings men
Stood and looked at humptys body
And thought of there wife's and children

They tryed to fix his porcelain colored skin
Butchers and cobblers came from far away lands
With faint cinnamon smells following past silky tanned skin

His bulbous body was kept in a small locked room
From time to time the king would visit the oddly shaped man
Thinking that he had herd him breathing in his sleep

Years later the king lost his mind
Some think it was because of the egg shaped man
No one ever came for him
Nov 2014 · 696
Get out
taylor roff Nov 2014
Held together with a strand of pearls
Unimportant whispering is common place
Practices laughing
Will touch your hand at the end of a conversation to show she is listening
Running for pleasure on a sunless day
Stuck in
Pulled out
Jul 2014 · 2.1k
taylor roff Jul 2014
cut the ****
your getting old
its not time to quit
dont be what your told
the skills are there
im quit certin of that
lungs fill with air
You know it's not an act
filter fake failures from familiar fixations
Jul 2014 · 853
Tea time
taylor roff Jul 2014
Aggressively inverse algorithms
Unpleasantly traverse towns  
within them
(Sideways symbology stains soulless surroundings)
An uninheritable playground
Dangles in sustaining silence
Passable problems pretending that perhaps a passer by plans on picking the winner
Jun 2014 · 546
taylor roff Jun 2014
Your smell saturates my surroundings
Small memories unknowingly attached to insignificant items
Gliding threw this fog
I find them
May 2014 · 755
Nice happy
taylor roff May 2014
Deceitful dealings bring
discreetly fearfully beings
from under
crumbling ceiling
To intellectual meetings

Tightly griping your thighs
Afraid of falling
Trained to stray from crawling
Unable to commit to staling
May 2014 · 1.1k
taylor roff May 2014
See evil
Hear evil
Speak evil
Aggressive regression brings me suspenseful intentions of regrettable perplexion
Tense houses with tin roofs
Fill soundless with an itchy noose
Mar 2014 · 845
taylor roff Mar 2014
As traces of methane gasses are exposed in places the earth has chosen to reveal in manners that are hazardous
My scars are revealed in a way that has less passion than two lovers fighting for a last glimpse of each other as time passes
Fragments of ashes fall faster as massive blasts create matter in dances that hold the fragrance of eminent disaster
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Seeing is believing
taylor roff Mar 2014
I can see you
We can see you
Setting suns do distract delinquent dealings
But we see you
I see you
And if your lucky
Someone will remember you
Someone will remember the sins you committed
They will provide color to your story
And if your lucky
Someone will remember your failures
They will ad rigidity to your pages
But I see you
I know you
I know you've cried
I know you will cry
I know you are crying
And if you are lucky
Someone will save these tears
They will make the ink of your story
We see you
And if you are truly lucky
No one will listen to a single cognitive thought you have
And you will never be blamed for something
Asked to explain yourself
Thought of for advise that was followed and regretted
Daydreamed about
I see you
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
taylor roff Mar 2014
Pragmatic incantations
Of incandescent situations
Changing tributaries
of rearranging  
                         (Grin stricken
                  Hands poised to choke
                 Plans to spread the yoke
                    There flaming arms
    Your deepest thoughts they will invoke)
Poised to take the fibers of your being
Tie them up with a festive greeting
And hang you high to watch the bleeding
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
taylor roff Mar 2014
You are never around when I need you
And always around when I don't
The things that bring me peace
I know to you they won't
The taste I know you feel from my lips
Is shared from distant spaces
And all your struggles to grasp my attention
I can only see the traces
But please don't stray from your endeavor
For i am but a student in your class
With lifetimes of lessons in passion
And no need to learn to fast
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
taylor roff Mar 2014
Alphabetically articulated habitats
For unsophisticated acrobats
Tilt sideways to the beat of the drum
Stuck in a fine daze at the bottom of a bottle of ***
Fast crying circus barkers warn of long winded fortunes
As slant eyed on lookers BOO and gnash there teeth
"Gentle men, Gentle men", the filthy little man cries
"Let me dine with your daughters for just one night
And I promise you eternal fortune"
Mar 2014 · 1.8k
Ticklish tigers
taylor roff Mar 2014
Lightly threw a forest made from deflated goose down pillows
Spying on pray made from thrown away stuffed animals
Children's dreams create clouds that have there own setting suns
Spun tightly around cast aside lolly pop sticks
Mar 2014 · 635
taylor roff Mar 2014
I have a feeling that someone is watching me
An almost effervescent watchfulness
Clumsy at times but quick to disappear
Not quit self aware
Like looking at yourself in the mirror
Is your reflection there when your not looking?
Feb 2014 · 599
Small roof
taylor roff Feb 2014
Dreaming of woman from increasingly distant spaces
Breathing their faintly fading pheromones
Cleverly placed upon my pillow
While I am away fighting the battles of great men's children
Clear visions of life times spent with women outlined in millions of withering suns
All balanced on a thin wire waxing and waning between unexplainable happiness and impenetrable sadness
Feelings so strong that upon awakening
Eyelash size bits of me are left behind

(With the dropping grains of sand in a hour glass
So to one day my entire being will be left behind)
Jan 2014 · 774
taylor roff Jan 2014
le fantôme d'un rêve, est ce ce qu'elle était à lui. un nuage très dense rempli de toucher scandaleusement mal interprété des mains fines
taylor roff Jan 2014
sounds slide slowly
past palaces pitted
against aggressive
farmers franticly falling
towards towers
endless eroding
pillars piled
with intentions of a sinister nature
built only to lead fools to die in a room with no light
Dec 2013 · 470
Everyday Alzheimer's
taylor roff Dec 2013
There is a coat on my door
To whom it belongs to at this point is uncertain
But it is there
There is room here
How much can be put in this space is unknown
But there is room
There is words on pages in books on shelfs in my room
I am not too clear on how they got there
There is a certain sweetness to salt
But I can't quit describe it
Nov 2013 · 1.6k
Slam poetry
taylor roff Nov 2013
Slam poetry makes me sick
Literature is the art of the unwashed masses for the simple fact that all you need to have to unlock the magic in a string of words was two eyes and the power to read
Then some selfish ******* decided that he needed more attention
So he created poetry that had to be listened to
And had to be spoken by the author to ensure all attention was pointed his way
Of course once the attention grabbing power of this cookie cutter poetry was revealed to every intellectually overcompensating , coffee drinking, moped riding, fashion statement making *******
Ever coffee shop, book store, street corner and city park was full of pointing fingers and raised voices and whispering
Stomping feet and any other gimmick to keep onlookers from noticing that everything they were hearing was recycled compost
Punctuation was flying everywhere
And the worst part is this brain killing monster ***** good free-thinking poets into its sinister grips
It is time for a revolution
A revolt
A Renaissance
Stop listening to slam poetry
Slap anyone who try's to make it
Tell strangers doing it to shut the **** up
Thank you
Sep 2013 · 703
Just an idea
taylor roff Sep 2013
Stiff tasting lopsided residual panic attacks
Violate coarsely woven wool safety blankets
The tingling sensation of being alive filters through but does not touch The tops of smoke-filled trenches Built not for protection but for inspection
Aug 2013 · 966
Out side a bar at 6:41 PM
taylor roff Aug 2013
Woman with run in her stockings
Man in straw hat
Too many dogs
Homeless woman crosses street three times
Cigarets get smaller
Beers seem to be endless
Doll dropped by child is not recovered
Over dressed
Under social pressure
Man asks me to return his girlfriends tampons
Aggressively decline
7:32 drunk
Aug 2013 · 763
taylor roff Aug 2013
Silence is dangerous
Imagination is fear driven
Waiting is second to anxiety
I hate you
Aug 2013 · 2.9k
taylor roff Aug 2013
Red tinted windows and satin flow from imaginary holes in skin that show all impurities
Its ok to look
Lift eyes from your book
Money is greatly appreciated
But can be over looked
Jul 2013 · 602
taylor roff Jul 2013
We have other
cowboys in the
dining room
**** the
Jul 2013 · 679
taylor roff Jul 2013
One day you will learn not to dream at all
In two days the bliss of stupidity will wrap you in blankets fresh out of the dryer
The third day will bring hunger
Brief hunger
For things just out of reach
You won't make it to a week
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
Cheese sandie
taylor roff Jun 2013
Arguing with disenchanted fractions of lust
Conserved in tributaries of fickle vestibules
Tactical pin ****** tranquilly distribute the crux of all misunderstood and demoralized charlatans
The levee enveloped in a felt like fabric
Dense and coarse
It had a mnemonic quality
Crafting a picture of my childhood bedroom
Mother would be oh so proud
May 2013 · 664
taylor roff May 2013
She always runs
While lovers walk
Hearing the all to frequent clicks of the
Standing high on heels to catch a glimps over the                  
­Most people wouldn't notice the comings and goings of drunks
May 2013 · 584
taylor roff May 2013
"Most poetry books are a waste of paper"
(I know)
May 2013 · 526
The tin man
taylor roff May 2013
I met a man
He was eating his own heart
I asked him if it tasted good
He only looked at me for a second
And continued to eat
He paused half way threw and said
"Blood and only blood turned the wheels of time, and I am a master of my own."
Waste of a good heart if you ask me
May 2013 · 506
Sir or ma'am
taylor roff May 2013
All lives end
All hearts are broken
All dreams are touched
All questions answered
Every angel
Every secret
Every idea
Put in its place
The wheel turns
Nothing is ever new
May 2013 · 2.3k
Pillow helmet
taylor roff May 2013
At night my arms become yours
Not so much in a physical way
More in a viral way
You force me to push my pillow over my head
Like a helmet
Preparing for battle
You know my dreams could **** me
We battle on threw miles of dream
Years go by
Life times are spent
Loving and hating
Whispering and screaming
Planing our escape
Then I awaken
Pull my helmet off
And realize that you are somewhere els
Dreaming too
It is a saddening thought
But a sobering one as well
As I regain full control of my arms
I think to myself
Did people sleep on there sides before pillows?
Apr 2013 · 605
Intermission (10w)
taylor roff Apr 2013
Apr 2013 · 581
Blind fly
taylor roff Apr 2013
It's difficult to say
But you will hear it
Sooner or later
Which ever comes first

It's difficult to hear
But you'll say it
Slimy syllables slipping under and over
Threw your teeth
Past your lips
Falling fast to the ground
Apr 2013 · 2.5k
Pan fried
taylor roff Apr 2013
I don't remember
Transcendental journeys
I do remember
Unintended sarcastic remarks
Apr 2013 · 712
Silver bullet
taylor roff Apr 2013
Coffee stains on my thumb
Nicotine stains on my ring finger
Tied down to an
                                    Fear driven
Cycle of
The griping madness of losing taste and smell has
But my sight seems to have improved
As I scour over every mole on my body
             I think of my parents
Apr 2013 · 631
taylor roff Apr 2013
Do you ever tire of the endless days of stress less path ways that only lead to in·cred·u·lous stays at a perfect place
Your body is cold and brittle with beauty
A seemingly confident struggle to blossom
Faded gold is still gold
Jaded only by dust
Weighted down by lust
Created in sound that must
Parade around and rust
Your future seems bright
But don't be too sure
A lesser present is not yet out of sight
Apr 2013 · 601
taylor roff Apr 2013
If you spend more time listening
And less time talking
You'll spend less time running
And more time walking
Looking in the mirror is bad for your health
Look to the world for true beauty and wealth
Mar 2013 · 6.3k
taylor roff Mar 2013
I bite my nails
But I clip my toe nails
I've seen two men get hit by cars
Both by women drivers
I have a problem dreaming
I have never been late
but I rarely want to be on time
Cleanliness is a low priority
I've only kissed 7 women
I've been intimate with 3
I could have lost my only love
Being alone is the most fulfilling part of my day
I read a book by Edouard Levé called AUTOPORTRAIT. And I'm just trying to write like him for fun.
Mar 2013 · 924
taylor roff Mar 2013
You are a dream
Not even a dream
You are a dream before a dream
A subsection of a line of thought to put me to   sleep
And some nights you aren't even there
Which means you can't be real
But as lines fall in a quickening pace
Hands begin to form
Hands and thighs
I see you
I've seen you
Or maybe you are just a fail safe
A way for my mind to sober up when life gets to easy
taylor roff Mar 2013
My mother was everything beautiful
                        Raising in the morning
                        Setting in the evening
                      Changing with the seasons
My father was the knowledge of the universe
                       No sugar coating
                         Bitter and unwilling to
They told me I was given a gift
A gift that made the whole world turn
My mother described it as a wonderful transition
Returning all you are back to the earth to be reborn                
                                    a new
My father described it as a horribly dark thing that needed to happen in order to sustain life
I liked my mothers version better
When I was put upon the earth to share my gift
I was alone
No living thing would give quarter to DEATH
I had trouble seeing my gift as good
I felt cursed
Spit on
Yelled at
Looked upon as ugly
But time has past and I still have my gift
I've come to accept the fact that I am not liked
My parents told me I had a gift when I was born
What they didn't know was that my gift was not one of death but one of everything beautiful in the world and all the knowledge of the universe
Mar 2013 · 972
taylor roff Mar 2013
Rapid eye movements
Tantric thigh twitches
A badly lit room
Surrounded by four walls
Clocks on walls and floor.
                   The hands on the clock retain there form
But play a part more reminiscent of legs
Long and slender
Woman's legs I would imagine
Dripping wet
Smooth to the touch
Still dangerous
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Reading dirty poems
taylor roff Mar 2013
I like to read ***** poems
In a clean pair of slacks
Dead sober
On my hands and knees

I like to read ***** poems
In brail
Fingers like travelers
Searching for mounds of filth

I like to read ***** poems
In church
Battling old women
In there Sunday war garments

But most of all
I love reading ***** poems naked
With hands  raised high
Screaming loudly
In hopes that some filth rubs off on my life
Mar 2013 · 414
Little boy
taylor roff Mar 2013
Young and blind
Only tall enough to see over your own nose
Under wet blankets covered in 2- D stars

Down and out
Only strong enough to get out of bed
Nothing will stop you now
Tread lightly on patches of untouched grass

**** them all if you have to
Nothing will stop you now
Only weak enough to feel
Wondering wildly with little intention

Still has faith in love
Holding on two… three… four…
Inside frail bars made of rose buds
Timid enough to survive (nothing can stop you)
Can you find the secret note?
Mar 2013 · 754
In some nea
taylor roff Mar 2013
A seemingly
Free drug
Slow mition
Moving slower
Distorted moths
Spew unrecognizabl
Spew unrecognizabl
Distorted moths
Moving slower
Slow motion
Free drug
A seemingly
Mar 2013 · 573
taylor roff Mar 2013
What flowers beauty
Holds my attention
The shadows
Of lovers
Left aside
For hearts are beating
And need not hide
I need not look
To sky or sea
For beauty sits
In front of me
Mar 2013 · 2.4k
taylor roff Mar 2013
I have no words to describe the depth and vastness of lust. You try.
Mar 2013 · 1.6k
The man in 2B
taylor roff Mar 2013
I saw the man that lived in 2B a few times
At least that's what I tell anyone that asks about him
He was a well groomed man
Medium length black and grey hair
I use to imagin that he had a grey hair for every rusty nail he had pulled from his boot heel
Looked like he was in good shap at one time or another
I herd once that he could recall every drop of rain he'd ever herd
Didn't know any jokes
Had no real opinions on religion or politics
Mabey that's why he never came to the building picnics
Checked his mail everyday
He was waiting for something
I don't think it ever came
After some time had past
People stopped talking about him
I never saw him again
Mar 2013 · 1.8k
taylor roff Mar 2013
One two three four five
One two three four five six seven
One two three for five

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