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 Mar 2014 Tamurray
I chose
 Mar 2014 Tamurray
I wish I could sing better, as rooms
would crowd up just for my voice to fill
in the last possible spots and space. But
it's not my choice, envying those who

seem vocally perfect. I'll sing for myself
in corners of the world and I'll enjoy it
but the feeling that no one will ever
like the sound as much as a star's, breaks

more of my insides than my voice does
other people's ears. I'm not made
to sing, enchant your hearing, make you ling-
er, make you stare, make you dazzled with

His voice, or hers, it makes me feel
these tingling sensations allover
the skin of my back, all my hairs rise.
I want to do that to the necks of listeners.

I lost so much, even this, even though
I never had it.
Make me humble again, return it.

I'll be lonely on my school ball,
I'll cry and watch some streams, making
their way wherever they want to.
But I can enjoy the sadness, I'm
getting used to being useless.
Do you wanna build a snowman?
The cold does bother me...
we should share our love with each and everyone
send it round the world to make our love go on
share it with the people where ever they maybe
over every ocean over land and sea
reach in to your heart and use the love thats there
show the world you love them that you really care
give it the universe give your love for free
what a better place the world would always be
 Mar 2014 Tamurray
g clair
A riddle
 Mar 2014 Tamurray
g clair
juicy, plump and sweet and cold
black and blue and red and gold
one is not at all the same
and never meant for human gain....

what is it?

It's Corn. The body can make it no clearer.
 Mar 2014 Tamurray
Either you stoke the fire or you freeze to death.
It's called a controlled explosion, and it happens in a little glass jar on your bedside table at 3 o'clock in the morning.
It rattles the bottle of herbal sleeping pills you need to believe
Will keep you under all night,
And plops the water in your little white cup,
And good morning to you, you've got a choice.
It's not a great time, true.
But really, what's a good time for a private apocalypse?
No matter how much advance notice you get,
You never know quite what to wear to the end of your world.
You turn over and twist the lid, and it's okay,
Because black is fine for every occasion,
And if this goes well the only witness is the mirror.
Good morning.
It's not a great time.
But great times are really set-ups in disguise, for jokes you can't pretend to laugh at forever,
And embers aren't so bad if you chase them with water and get it over with.
Because you've got a choice, but...
Between sliding down that ***** and swallowing your medicine with a little grimace like a good girl?
Honestly, what kind of choice is that?
And maybe after, you can turn over and set your sheets on fire trying to sleep,
And there will be scorch marks on your walls
When you rise
You shine,
And that engine just below your ribcage throws heat all ******* day
It gets you places.
You've got a choice,
And yeah, it's not the best choice-
It's the fight inside or the loss out there, but...
Nobody likes to lose.
Not even lovers.
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