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Tallulah May 2014
You passed me a white lighter
and said, "here's to bad luck"
Tallulah Sep 2014
It was too hot the first day we fought
roasting in a cramped parking lot
“record heat since 1909” they said
those who were smart had already fled

Rain hit the windshield
as if God himself, asked you to appeal
We made love with the windows cracked
love is many things, but mostly abstract

So I held on for as long as I could
not caring if it was just or good
heat can drive a man to do much worse
and love is just a misunderstood curse
Tallulah Oct 2012

I love you
Won’t you climb on down
From your niche in the sky
Wearing your golden crown


Is how I started
& you flew apart
A fleeting piece of art
You left with my heart

                  I love you
Tallulah Jul 2013
A cozy little lot
Our own very spot
With doors and floors
My drawers and yours

There’s a tea ***
For the earl grey I bought
And a French press
For your coffee express

There’s an old stereo
Playing songs from the radio
Peonies hanging in glass jars
In a home we call ours

It’s warm here
I know it will disappear
But maybe if I just believe
I’ll never have to leave
Tallulah Jun 2014
pink roses
dragged themselves
from the linoleum floors
to die plastered against
the black cement of the driveway
Tallulah Aug 2014
First, find yourself being told: “constructive criticism can only help your writing.” Climb on top of the table and scream at the top of your lungs, this will help release some stress and usually insight fear in those who dare to criticize your masterpiece. Sit back down and nod knowingly. If the critic chooses to continue, assume a defensive position such as standing on all fours with your back arced as if to pounce.
Instead of listening to the incessant ramblings of the critic, opt for singing the lyrics to “Dude looks like a lady” in your head while staring at his overly feminine features. Note to yourself that you will write a story about a man who is ridiculously critical as a means to compensate for his lack of masculinity. Smile to yourself. When he asks why you are smiling just say, “Oh, your advice is just soooooo enlightening” and then give a little giggle. Leave the workshop immediately and locate the nearest Starbucks. Buy one latte, nonfat of course, and sit in the corner hoping someone will ask you if you are a writer. No one will. Pout.
You walk to the bar to meet your friend because you are too broke to take a cab. Ignore every word she says; she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. So what she went to Yale and is a well paid, anorexic tax attorney? That’s boring. You are a writer. You’re a poet.  It’s a misunderstood art form. When Shelby suggests you try to get a job in journalism, laugh in her face. Take a cookie and savor it in front of her. Maintain eye contact. Note to yourself to write a story about a woman with a Yale degree that gets so bored filing taxes she dies.
When your father starts to say, “I just can’t pay for you to ***** around in NYC anymore.” Compare him to Osama Bin Laden in hopes of getting the point across that he is about to annihilate your dreams and, probably, the dreams of thousands of girls who have yet to read your unpublished masterpieces. When he says you are being ridiculous, tell him you wish you were adopted.
Tallulah Mar 2014
Today I read I poem
I write next year
about how love gave way to fear,
how goodbye still replayed in my ear.

You called last night
to ask me over.
I warmed in spite of myself
and, by dawn, became your untimely lover.
Tallulah Nov 2013
There’s nothing I’d rather do
Than watch TV with you on my lap
Sleeping the afternoon through
As the raindrops continually tap-tap

There’s nothing I’d rather kiss
Than that hollow of your throat
When your breathings gone amiss
Cuddling under a cashmere coat

There’s nowhere I’d rather be
Than sitting on the roof at midnight
With you and a cup of pepper tea
Carefully tracing dawn’s first light

There’s no other I’d rather
Than you right now, right here
Even when we lose hold of together
I’ll love you long after We disappear
Tallulah Oct 2012
Night plum lips that spread
Smooth like butter across toasted bread
A tongue that tastes of apple pie
Cinnamon spice- an apple sigh

Almond eyes- chocolate brown
Wearing her hair like autumn’s crown
Golden reds her chestnut tower
Absorbs morning’s lighting hour

Blood that flows like dark red wine
Gnarled, twisted like a tree her spine
Her beauty  blooms in the late afternoon
& Sleeps under the harvest moon
Inspired by Autumn
Tallulah Jul 2013
When this life is over
& time has taken its toll
I again will be your lover
When death makes us whole

In the air, in the air
When I fall to the sky
It’s only then that I’d dare
To love you then & there
Tallulah Dec 2012
I care
It´s unfair
To miss
Every kiss
To cry       
About goodbye
                                Do you  r e m e m b e r?

That dark December
Cuddled together
In rainy weather
How it felt
Made me  m

                                                            ­           You said
                                                              “Come back to bed”

                     I ran away                                                             ­                     Into the gray

In the middle of winter
Plucked like a splinter

I fell    
         Into a spell
                    ­                          I cared
                                                              I love
                                                            ­               …Kind of
For J.P
Tallulah Nov 2012
The smell of smoke
Invades me-I choke
The smell of alcohol
Drowns my soul

For it smells of your breath
& Reminds me of an untimely death
At 3am heading for the door
The gut explodes on the floor

How could I have let you leave?
Stay till the morning to hear your mother grieve
Phone call-so curt- what did they say?
That her son was splattered across a highway?

They said “instant upon impact”
How long is an instant? Long enough to react?
Did you see the windshield shatter- the pavement fly?
In that instant did you have the time to say goodbye?
Tallulah Oct 2013
I lit a cigarette
& saw the end in the flame
I haven't told you yet
But it's probably all the same

So I smoked 'till dawn
& thought about pearly gates
Nothing left to dwell on
I need a touch of grace

I lit a cigarette
& I saw how I'd die
I haven't told you yet
But I'm no good with "goodbye"
Tallulah Jan 2014
Mix hormones, sprouting hair, and teenage angst  in melting ***

Add 2 cups of Varsity Sports

Blend in at least 3 leadership positions

Sprinkle AP & Honors classes liberally

Acquire obscure talent such as playing a Theremin

Add long-term anxiety disease

Brag constantly about how you helped Jakito, a small African child, on a mission trip

Drain all traces of possible love connection

Substitute sleep for academia

Bring stress to boil

Add spoonful of “legacy”

Separately mix “White Guilt” with a cup of diversity (Native American if available)

Marinate in SAT classes

Spread 2300mg of SAT on top

Shake Well

Ice decoratively with essays about Jakito

Most batches must be rejected
Recipe Poem

(I've been playing around with different styles)
Tallulah Jun 2013
You swallowed
And I swear I went down
Your throat

You gulped
And I swear you guzzled
Me up

You drank
And I swear every drop
Of me

You quit
And you swore to God,
To me

You relapsed
And I swear I’m trapped in
Your bottle
Tallulah Jan 2014
Tick tick
I hear your teeth click
time's going
and gone too soon

Ballerina tip
embittered lip
Degenerating mentality
rippling morality

Love tipping
fraying and ripping
asking quietly,
"did you Ever love me?"
Tallulah Mar 2013
You were my ice tea
On a lemonade day
Honey from a bumblebee
On the patio of your cafe

You were the green grass
We smoked at dawn
The freshly mowed grass
We stretched our limbs on

You were my summer drink
Those strawberry lips
A raspberry pink distinct
With those cool iced hips
Tallulah Nov 2012
I’m hanging up my winter coat
Tea to soothe my aching throat
Slowly I’ll start to de-thaw
& Let this reality withdraw

I’m sparkling next to the lights
In my snowy white tights
Singing out a melody
About a warmth so velvety

I’ll carefully sit you
Underneath a Christmas tree
Just to make it crystal clear
You’re my present this year
Tallulah Jan 2015
New Years fell
like an alarm clock on my head
Sparkling champagne clinked
I swallowed down the ennui

Some drunkard stumbles
on cobblestone preaching the
apocalypse I ask him for a light  
he scolds my disinterest

At midnight lovers kiss like
its some sort of last minute promise
I toast to what I know as fate
and dawn rises just the same
Tallulah Jan 2013
Mostly depressed
Slightly undressed
Pink lingerie
Egg white souffle

She stares, unaware
Of herself
But does not spare

From that agonizing beauty
Awe-striking allure
Of something so utterly
p u r e .
Tallulah Nov 2012
Her skin
Was like almond milk
Wearing chocolate lace silk
She glistened on the shoreline
In moonlit gaze she made a sign
Asking me to come join her in the sea
She couldn’t possibly mean me
This Siren in full pursuit
I wasn’t in a swimsuit
But then again
Tallulah Nov 2012
Everything I touch
Anything close to I clutch
Inevitable will crinkle
Adding another wrinkle
To my crooked heart
Tallulah Jan 2014
Like me in the morning
Holdin’ on to the phone
while the message’s recording  
Just so I don’t feel so alone

It’s you silent and fuming
about a fight I lost last week
Late night questioning, assuming
nothing I want to say I can speak

I want more of you
but I tell you I need to be apart.
I hold you to another view
but never let you see the art.

So I’m drunk on a Sunday night
in a shroud of darkness, color hidden
Trying not to start another fight
Sometimes I wish we didn’t

But I wake up in bed
to that freckle on your lip
and rise like a doughy bread
only to fall back into love’s trip
Tallulah Oct 2012
I’ll shatter another wishbone
If it means you’ll answer the phone
I’ll scour for pennies on this deserted street
If I’ll be lucky enough for us to meet

I’ll stay up all night gazing for a shooting star
If I can rest my feet on the dash of your car
I’ll pluck every eyelash from my eyes
If it means I can wish away all the lies

But the dandelions won’t work
You’re throat is sealed with a cork
I’ll still wish for one more kiss
Don’t you see? It’s you I miss.
Tallulah Apr 2014
I take glances
away from my existence
by pulling back to a distance
I can see the whole picture,
so I can touch the texture
of waxy goodbye petals
that rotted on my counter,
or melt the cool metal
of your tepid indifference
to me taking off to the city.

Your made up mind
about leaving any trace of us behind
because even if the stars aligned
for us to be together
you’d just feel confined
by me, wouldn’t you?

Mama once told me
if he loves you, he’ll wait
I know she was talking about ***
and I know we’re past ***
but isn’t this suppose to last?
Or are we as fated as a soggy cigarette
that has just another puff left
before it’s smothered against concrete
and left to itself in the street
Tallulah Oct 2012
A shadow of a man ******* up space
Pressed suits & cufflinks without a face
No emotion just a ghost of a man
Hovering closer to an empty plan

A wife at home with a hot dinner
Ignorant she is feeding a sinner
She ignores the smell of perfume
For fidelity is what she’d rather assume

Stuck in this vacuum space
Tangled in work and ***** lace
He never looks up from his plate
So consumed in cold hate

A shadow of a man- what a pity
Washed down the gutter in the city
The only one who will miss
Is the daughter he forgot to kiss
Tallulah Dec 2012
Walking on egg shells
Quietly falling through
A woman who never tells
Of her melancholy blue
for my mother
Tallulah Oct 2012
I used to lavish the heat
& Cursed the coming of fall
When winter was taking her seat
& Life slowed to a crawl

But now I’ve seen enough of hate
That the first snow I gladly await
For the winter to finally sedate
& Leave me in an unfeeling state
Tallulah Apr 2014
Tomorrow, the phrase
“I love you”
will belong to yesterday’s lips
my feelings for you
will belong to yesterday’s words.
Soon I won’t remember the chords
of your madness
or the taste of your sadness
sitting on my tongue like chocolate mints.
So in these last few weeks
we pull at the strings to rip
at the seams of us with ****** fingertips
cause in a slice of time
your name won’t belong in my rhyme.
You’ll be another past lover
that lives at the bottom of a shoebox
shuffled together with the love letters
of other men who swore themselves to me.
When my daughter fingers through
the pages dedicated to your eyes
I’ll softly remember you
throwing rocks at crooked pottery
from ceramics class. I’ll remember
that dark December and
your flimsy reflection through tinted glass.
I’ll remember what it felt
to be young, naïve,
and madly in love.
Tallulah Nov 2012

           Over your thoughts of me

                                                             ­                          Follow the trail

                                               Swim until you’re free

Carved Marble

                                             Shaped by the water’s stress

                      You choked, garbled

                                                               ­                    When I took off my dress

              With salty fingertips

                                                  ­             You stood at the shore

          Your eyes traced my hips
                                                                ­            Cool water licked your feet, you swore

       I laughed & laughed
Missing Mono Lake.
Tallulah Dec 2012
You’re a puzzle
Thousands of missing pieces
When I reach to hold you
I touch the missing spaces

You’re going nowhere
Awfully fast
Pedal to the metal
Hope this high will last

“Do you see me?”
Your mother snaps.
Can’t hear.  Ears
overflowing with schnapps

Addiction coded in genes.
Father to son it passes
The pattern continues
Passed along in ***** glasses
Tallulah Jan 2013
If we only have a second
That’s all I’ll ever

To kiss you on the mouth
& stalk your light
as if a moth

If we only have a minute
That’s all I’ll ever

To murmur in your ear
a melody
of why I love you dear

If we only have an hour
That’s all I’ll ever

To pull you in to dance
& teach you
of romance

If we only have a day
That’s all I’ll ever

To sweep you off your feet
& parade
you down the street

If we only have a lifetime
That’s all I’ll ever

To cherish you day by day
we’re old and grey
Tallulah Dec 2014
“There’s a museum of *** around the corner”
“A what?”
“A museum of ***.”

A lady hums a melody on the bus to Queens, I lean in and listen to her quietly, but don’t say a word.

Crowds choke avenues as protestors call out the police. The police surround them. The irony of being protected by the same force that destroys is not lost.

Rain puddles on the black cement, I notice how soft the yellow water is in contrast with the harsh taxis.

A stray glove sits lonely on the subway stairs, useless without its other half.

“This entire factory used to be covered in graffiti, the city keeps painting over the art”

A snotty waiter recommends watery wine that costs an arm and a leg, he snorts when I don’t tip.

At a flea market a lady assures me this moonstone will “cleanse me,” I lost it rushing off to midtown.

The lights twinkle like flecks of gold against black stone and I realize night is never night here.

My guy tells me he doesn’t like me in the city, I tell him I’ve never liked myself anyways.
Tallulah Jan 2014
Old pub
Out in the suburb
Broken men
talk about way back then

Cigarette stained fingers
amber residue lingers
a record scratches
about way back when

I’m swaying
As night pools on

My lover grips my hips
Calloused fingertips
I lean in closer
“I just need some closure”
Tallulah Nov 2012
Let’s sleep out
And eat in
Quietly shout
Get mad and grin

Hold tight
To loose morals
Wake up at night
Fall asleep and fight

Shiver in June
Warm in December
Believe a cartoon
Grasp a hot ember

Let’s bloom from above
Speak what we cannot say
Let’s fall in love
*And stay that way
Tallulah Jan 2013
You don’t think the day you are going to get diagnosed with cancer is going to be a beautiful one. One that makes you want to sprint across the sand and dive under crystal water. You think maybe, as the sun envelopes your room, that you don’t have to go to the hospital today, everything’s perfect. That is until you stand up and nausea forces you to the floor and soon you are folded up into a car and shipped off to a giant white building with white doctors and white walls and white floors and white instruments. You don’t think you can be diagnosed with cancer, not today.
Tallulah Nov 2012
You said,
“Let’s get out of this joint”
I didn’t move
You took me by wobbly joints
Into the cold November air
& We lit a pregnant joint
Tallulah Mar 2014
I clattered into the room still reeking of cologne and tonic when he caught me. He rolled his head back and yawned, identifying me as the menace of his perfect Sunday morning. He was sprawled across the bed and had probably waited there all night for my belated arrival. In daylight, his eyes were almost human, a shade of blue usually reserved for smoothed sea-glass or a Montana sky, but I remember there was something particularly startling about the way he looked at me that morning: as if he had stood witness to my actions and disapproved. I shook off the feeling; what use is judgment to an animal? I closed the curtains and pulled him close to me, “I’m glad you have no voice to tell my secrets.” His tail twitched.
Tallulah Dec 2012
I’ll never be your lover
Just a visitor in cold covers
Ask me to spend the night
& by morning I’ll take flight

I’ll never be yours
Racing through revolving doors
Trapped in a loveless paradigm
I’m afraid you’re out of time
Tallulah Jan 2013
Rain kisses the pavement
Cigarette burnt fingertips
Your warmth is god sent
I taste the salt on your lips

Black umbrellas line the streets
Clam chowder and baguette air
Like a child tucked beneath crisp sheets
Adoration the only stitch I wear

Pacific Ocean’s salt
Rain soaked cheeks
Coy, loving, exalted
We could’ve survived like this for weeks
Tallulah Sep 2013
I laughed and thought, 'you should just kiss me already."
Tallulah Oct 2012
Wetting your whistle
Tooting his horn
Using your body like a loaded pistol
Girl, aren’t you ashamed to be born?
Short & Not So Sweet
Tallulah Jan 2014
The smell of forest lives in the tangles
of her hair. She smells of thrift store candles.
I can taste strawberry jam on her lips
her low rise jeans hang too loose on her hips

She wraps herself around my existence
and sways me back and forth in dance
Counting the freckles on each of her fingers
she leaves her lips on mine and lingers

She smells of a burnt sun
Her skin’s golden when her shirt’s undone
When she sleeps I listen to her heart
and silently remember, she’s just a piece of art
Tallulah Oct 2012
What kind of a man am I really voting for?
I just watched a debate where two men shouted over each other to get a point across. Snide remarks, smirking all the things that children were taught not to do. I would not be happy with either of these men representing me to the world.
Tallulah Apr 2013
On calle ocho
A cuban man with guitar
Saw us stumble out of a bar
& beckoned us to dance
...but we never stopped

Laughing, you were always laughing
We spun around and around
& I knew we were bound
to fall out of orbit
...but we spun on

Spanish sweet nothings
Murmured in my hair
A sweet lullaby- a prayer
I held on to each syllable
...but I never *understood
Tallulah Jan 2015
She left traces of herself
in the air.
The oil she dabbed on her wrists
smelt of wind through trees.

And sometimes when I inhale,
I can breathe her back in
until I can’t hold it anymore
and let her go.
Tallulah Apr 2013
My mother is a shell
Fragile- it's not hard to tell
That her voice trembles in fear
When he yells for her to grab a beer

My own daughter
Thinks I'm fragile- weak
I'm not brave enough to tell her
His hands are too heavy to speak
Tallulah Dec 2013
I sing along to the radio
tapping at the gas pedal,
as you finger-paint murals
on the foggy windows.
Tallulah Mar 2014
Moloch and I made a fort last winter
with fallen branches and broken splinters.
It started to rain and he cried
said, “this is what it’s like on the other side.”

The sky shattered and the pieces
fell to Earth. The empty spaces
poked holes into the ground.
He was weeping, but there was no sound.

Fallen angels in notorious graces
rose from the mist to kiss our faces
lightly they tugged us by the wrists
towards empty spaces and grey mists.

He followed them, he floated down
wore roses and thorns fashioned in a crown
I watched him die and started weeping
my mother found me alone in the forest sleeping.
Tallulah Mar 2013
I daydreamed my way to the sea
                                                             ­   and made a sandcastle my home.
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