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Jordan May 2020
i dont know what to write
i dont want to go through and fix all the mistakes
it is tiring
and i am tired
i dont care if i don't capitalize ireland
i dont care to punctuate my platonic sentences
i do not care
i could care less that i cant think of a better synonym for "good"
nor do i care to put an apostrophe in my cant and dont
i am done with mistakes
and focusing on them
who cares?
i dont
i dont want to
but i do
just not tonight
not in my angry fit of writing
because tonight
those mistakes
cannot touch me
it is just me
and my writers mistakes
I did not know what was on my mind when writing this. This truly is an awful first draft full of mistakes, for that my apologies. But it is authentic and reminded me, good things come from mistakes ( sometimes).
Skye Feb 2019
i dont know what to write
i never learned to feel
i cant think the same
recently ive learned
to just write sloppy
like ink just spilling facts onto a page
that might work for the essays i write in school
but it doesnt work to escape the demons of my mind
i write to help myself cope
but when these demons keep me from writting
i start to feel defeated
maybe they finally won
with these thoughts ive lost
i never thought i wouild lose passion for writting
until i was blocked
Jesibell arz Mar 2015
I somehow forget how to write with a simple pen or pencil to express my feelings delight

I sometimes realize I'm not really a poetic rhythm to ring the ears of the people while being under hypno-tizum.

I see how people use their imaginations and creativity to create the fondest stories in history.

I can relate to the angry/hapiness/sadness that i read that sometimes makes my wrists bleed purposely.

Either way poem/poems are one of a kind  that people cannot duplicate unless we have similar minds.

                            sealed with a kiss
We are different in everyway, in the things we say. Be yourself and no-one else

— The End —