Breaking news!
Breaking news!
They say life is what you make it
"You there!"
By the news stand,
Stop reading that fake ****
Opinions on papers
Contradicting the facts
Sending minds into spasms
And hypocritical attacks
Breaking news!
Breaking news!
They say life is what you make it
So get out into the world
And start creating your matrix
You can’t let the others
Tell you how it is
Life has no set teacher
But will always give you a quiz
Breaking news!
Breaking news!
They say life is what you make it
The world is full sinners
That try and achieve bliss
They’ll build up their churches
On indian grounds
So they can pray at night
For their sins to sleep sound
Breaking News!
Breaking News!
They say life is what you make it
So pick your poison and choose,
The thoughts you want remit