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Pauline Morris Aug 2016
Uncle, Uncle, I can't take anymore
Uncle, Uncle, I'm already on the floor

I've already said Uncle,  so give me some slack
Universe please,  stop jumping on my back

Stop with your antics,  your constant attacks
You let me progress,  just to be taken aback

Once again you have left me weeping at the door
Once again you have shaken me to the core

Uncle, Uncle, I can't take anymore
Uncle, Uncle, I'm already on the floor

I've already said Uncle,  so please let me up
I don't want to drink anymore from wrath's flowing cup

I'm tired of being the platypus,  your little joke
Tired of the agonizing feelings,  you leave me here to choke

Once again I'm drowning, as you hold my head under
Why is it my life you choose to plunder

Uncle, Uncle, I can't take anymore
Uncle, Uncle, I'm already on the floor

— The End —