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Galbraith Frase Jan 2018
Clueless about who is who
Fruitless coos
And disappointed too

You have a bucket catalog of don'ts & dos
Revealing truths,
And vibrant cues, of a fake doll

Once in the clouds, you'll eventually float
Unless you sugarcoat,
In an area,
Of the seas and the boats

Your lips should not deny
It's obvious in a blink of an eye
Crack the arms attached to a wall clock

Thy surroundings may whistle
Because you're a crossword and a riddle
Hijacked footprints sizzle

Cloning faces ain't your thing
Cloning personas ain't your thing
Inaudibly ridiculed, yes, I owe you this

Lit lavender candles matter
Saccharine firecrackers don't
I am slowly typing your documentary.
Still halting for a sidehill, plot twist
I can't believe I wrote a 'roast' made out of poem towards someone that is really important to me. Honestly, this is quite peripheral to actually define (her) but there's definitely something that has to be rebuked in letters instead of being unspoken/unwritten.

— The End —