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Creep Dec 2014
My dear midnight flower,
You are such a fighter (for good things)...
You're too good to me,
to everyone.
You always have been,
and you deserve more.

You deserve more poetry to be written about you,
you deserve more kisses and hugs,
you deserve less hurt...

But I guess you're "used" to all the **** that's in your life.
I hope one day you'll find your sun,
and you'll be their cherished moon.

You mean a lot to me,
and I hold you dear to my heart...
for you to get hurt,
I will hurt the person whom hurt you with a force over nine-thousand times stronger than what they did to you,
after consoling and tending to you first, of course.

The way you smile,
makes me smile, just knowing that you're happy.
The way you hurt,
it's a blow to the gut,
I couldn't protect you,
and you're hurt...

I'm sorry this poem is all over the place and I couldn't bring you enough justice,
for you're too good to describe in just mere words.
Only actions like
a swift kick to the head,
a hare burrowing into the ground,
and maybe a fisherman releasing his fish,
can describe you.

Or maybe
You're more like a skyscraper,
Literally and figuratively.
I'll always look up to you, senpai.
I will always try to take brilliant pictures of you, to capture the essence of you.
But I'll always fail,
'Cause you're best seen in real life and not in photos.

But no matter what, I'll always be here for you,
The bizarre Hanji sidekick
To your sugoi, very interesting

- Love, your crazy, over-protective and psychotic kohai,
Paul ^^
An early christmas gift to a very close friend of mine, mr right. Hope he likes this :) merry christams and thank you so much for keeping up with my insanity and being too good to me, more than i deserve, as well as always just being there for me. Cheers to late nights/all nighter talks ;)

— The End —