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Jackie Mead Jul 2017
My dad Joe, was a gift from heaven, put on this earth to love only one woman.

To have their children and love them true, each day with my dad was one in which you grew.

He loved and cherished each one of us three, Philip, Jacqueline & Christopher - with Hilda, his love, by his side the family was complete.

Riding a bike, driving a car, hiking up cliffs, hitting a ball, roller skating, skate boarding, travelling far, our Dad was always there to catch us lest we should fall.

Sunday trips to the beach or river, climbing Kit Hill, trips to Morwelham Quay, treks on Dartmoor, ice cream treats, and Callard & Bowser toffee
Swimming, body surfing, Phil learning to drive on the beach, French cricket played on the shore, all of these outings gave us fond memories we still adore.

Traveling with Chris and Mum on sunny days, staying in B&B's while they were away, Chris long jumping into the pit with Dad by his side was as good as it could get.

Dad gave us each the tools to live our lives, independently, confident and worldly wise.

He gave to me a love of the three P's -  people, politics, and poetry.

To my brothers, he gave a love of all sports but mostly his beloved Cricket along with Rugby and Athletics.

When each of us married he was there by our sides, smiling with pride, accepting our partners into the fold.
To us all he advised don't do as I say or as you are told; seek out what or who makes you happy until you grow old.

As our families expanded and grew he became a Grandad, first Michael came then Simon, Jason, Robert, Sophie, Danny, Sammy, Lola, and Jonah, he encouraged them in all that they did whether sports, drawing, dancing, work choices - 9 Grandchildren kept him busy as you can imagine.

Then later in life as  Great Grandchildren were added Tansy, Alfie & Roman, life remained busy.

My Dad was one in a million of that I am sure, I feel his presence every day, when out walking I feel he's not far away.

When I'm playing with the grandchildren I know he's there too, smiling with pride in everything they do.

When the family get together he's never forgotten and all of his grandchildren have their own stories to share; of Grandad and his sense of humour, his love, support, and care.

We miss you, Joe ***
First anniversary of my dad's death next Wednesday, he had a long and happy life and gave us such happy childhood memories, he was our rock until he needed us and then we were his rock.
I miss him every day and can't believe that he hasn't been here to meet his great grandchild number 3 Roman, he is a fighter and his great grandad would have been so proud of him

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