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its almost midnight
when she heard they whisper in her ears
she almost fall a sleep
when she know there something happening
they scream out loud
she close her eyes
they cant control
she try to run
theyre in anger
she desperated but she still stay

when the day is come
they couldn't take it back
the women run but the man try to reach
but he didnt said anything he try to calm
but the women being wild
it was like a drama but it feel real
he said "im trying to change , can you give more times?"
but she said "its over baby, you running out of times."
the little girl in there just watching
wondering whats happening
can the master of time pause this time?
because the girl feel the pain between them

the people who know them whisper in her ears
"why you stay away when he doesnt have anything else?"
"why you run, after he change his look about anger"
can this women oppose them?
sure she can, she always think she's right
she's right about everything
she never think about the little girl in there
she just look at her and pretend theres nothing to worry about
but the little girl know its only a trick
and she wish she never be with them.

— The End —