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Shalini Jain May 2015
Oh thy sea,
Perched on damp rocks beside you,
Rocks slightly drier than my heart
Captivated, I come to you seeking solace.
Listening to music you are a maestro of,
Talking to the waves,
Revealing them all my,
Joys and sorrows,
Fears and inhibitions.

Prattling together like old pals lost in chat
Meeting o'er a cup of serenity
The cool breeze ruffles my hair,
Almost whispering "Hey, you are not alone";
The waves send my way slight splashes,
Waking me up from my daydreams,
All say I am lost,
I say I am searching.

As I lay by your shore,
With a heart pretty sore
You fill it with your wisdom,
I see you,
Clashing, chasing, fighting the rocks
You too do fall,
Only to come back again stronger
Not letting their strength,
O'erpower your will to rise higher
I see you strive o'er and o'er again
Cautioning me to not be hopeless
But to get up and try again.

- Shalini Jain

#Please post your comments if you like it or even dislike it. Would love to hear your views.
thank you.

— The End —