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Jean Lin Feb 2017
It's wet and cold
But the world is run on gold
So you'd betta get out of the door
And work your *** off

And at the end of the day
You'd be disappointed at your pay
What you get isn't what you expect
Plain dough is all that you collect

"It's not even enough for dope!"
You take it up with your boss

"Listen, kid. You gotta be patient.
I guarantee one day you'll own gold,
maybe when you get to this old
like me. But not now, kid, not now."
That's what he told.
Jean Lin Jan 2017
We have guava at the rooftop
I am diva in the bath tub
My brother has a panda called Bob
Dad drinks ***** with a plastic cup
Mom does yoga and listens to hip-hop
warm in the Summer, cold in the Winter
Welcome to my humble casa blanca
Only the guava part is true.
Jean Lin Jan 2017
Take a shower
Before you touch a flower
For there's nothing holier
Than the fruit of the Nature
This comes in mind while I was taking a shower just now
Jean Lin Jan 2017
Turn on the light
Let the room be bright
Hold each other tight
Everything's gonna be alright

— The End —