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Disha Verma Apr 2014
I rise impalpable
from poked and scattered ash.
Memories from the 20 years I lived
leave a crimson rash

on my skin once as white as snow.
the skin they began to scar
when I was 11, too young to know

that they were not just scars.
they were the marks on the bark
of a green, tender tree-

marks of men (or brutes?)- wild
and untamed.
there was nothing left of innocence,

nothing left of rainbows.
I did not have my days to play-
instead I was being played with.

I, a delicate *****, white,
stripped and whipped and sold.
a love-bit nape, blackened sight,
named the girl of gold.

but no more, no more.
I have risen from the depth
with my soft body rugged

and sour breath
and teeth marks on my collarbone-
like it was only yesterday.

men and their laughs-
tormenting and know-all,
conspiring my fall.

Now that I'm awake,
risen from my grave-
(they were kind to give me one)

I shall give them back the scars
they etched upon my heart,
I shall give them back the pain.

the little purple bruises.
I shall torture them quite insane
and they would die,

they would eventually die with regrets-
regrets not confessed.
I would return to my grave
and smile,

maybe laugh the manly laugh-
tormenting and know-all,
I would be their fall.
My first Plath-inspired.
Amber K Apr 2014
I dreamed of a new grave,
that was now home to a boy
who tried to destroy me,
and caused so much pain.

It was not a normal graveyard,
instead it was near the woods.
There were strange graves surrounding him.
His headstone was so plain.

"You ready?"
Someone spoke to me.
But I didn't have the courage,
to complete what they asked of me.

So without hesitation,
the person approached the grave,
and with a lighter,
they burned and blackened the name.

For a second,
he didn't exist.
His body did not lie in this pit,
because he never existed.

But someone who knew him,
came to visit the grave.
They did not question why the name was gone,
they just nodded and spoke about irrelevant things.

No one would miss him.
No one would find his grave.
With the name burned,
he never even existed.

Till I got a phone call.
How is he still breathing?
He spoke kindly to me,
like he had never done wrong in his life.

I cursed at him,
and told him never to return.
Because he was supposed to be dead,
and his name was burned!

But still he haunted me.
Just in a different way.
That's when I realized,
revenge leaves a bitter taste.
This is about a dream I had last night. Like the poem says, I dreamed that an ex of mine had died, and I was pretty happy just because that meant I never had to deal with him again (he messed me up pretty badly, so I'm not surprised that I was happy in my dream), and in my dream I went to his see his grave with some of my friends. They had apparently convinced me that it would help me get over the past and that I could finally get some sort of revenge. Well while we were at the grave, my friend took out a lighter and told me I should burn the name and it would help me forget that he even existed. I told her I couldn't because it felt wrong, but she did it anyways. That's when one of his relatives showed up and was talking to me about how she understood he done a lot of bad things to me and he probably deserved what happened to him and his grave. Right after that talk, I got a phone call from him. He was telling me to help him with something and he sounded so different. His voice wasn't the same and he sounded genuinely sorry for all of the hurt he had caused so many people, but I couldn't tell him it was okay and I couldn't tell him how to fix it, because I knew that nothing could fix what he had done. He was dead and non-existent to most of the world, yet I still felt the same pain from the past as I did before his death. I think this dream helped me realize I need to stop letting what happened in the past effect me. Whether he says sorry for what he did, or changes his ways, or dies and becomes just another body in the ground, it won't change the past. The only thing I can do is forgive and move on with my life instead of remembering the things he did to me. It's the only way I can remain happy and free from the past.
Harkaran Apr 2014
It takes a second to hurt
A little group of words
A bunch of letters of pain
In random fashion arranged

Meaning so little to the speaker
And to stranger couldn't be bleaker
Like blood drops on butter paper
The image dry and fading weaker

But to someone quiet and concerned
Like a cattle branding iron burn
Like bitter wind on dry flaked cheeks
On cold days through loneliest of weeks

No use then to bend and fall on your feet
No use now to buckle and beg on your knees
Let the silence be answer to those words
In time of freedom we will learn

There is no me, there is no you, instead;
There is only vengeance of deepest red
Jade Apr 2014
Step by wicked step I'm coming for blood,
**** those laughing moments,
**** those social chameleons,
Take a shot even if they were your best friend,
   Launch your own sweet revenge,
"They don't see what I've seen"

I've been drinking like the world is gonna end,
The world let the battle choose us,
The world even let us fight with ourselves,
The victory is contagious
Nobody offers you to be your saviour . Even if they do..well, people change
Be your own saviour then :)
Ceryn Mar 2014
Can you not cry out?
You weren't hurt.
I wasn't either.
None of us seemed to care.
No one around us would even bother.

But I know what not to spare,
not your love that's colder than winter.
And do you know what makes me sadder?
It's when I never saw you there
standing still, shedding tears
asking me to live for years
'cause what you only wanted me to say
is that love has never come our way.
Glad you turned my lips to grey.

You pulled the trigger
and took my breath away,
in another way.

Do not weep on my rock,
or tell lies about man's luck.
'Cause I won't ever leave you alone
Look inside my crevices,
it's where you will be thrown.

Young man, keep calm
Keep your faith real tighter
Wipe my blood and don't seem sober
I won't leave til the very last thunder.
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