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Tint Sep 2018
I am the twig, you are the house
I am the body of the boy,
you are the angel that sang
Never meant to be one still,
I hoped that our stars align

Broken friendly vows
and here I am in cries
of how I cannot make it stop,
how it insentifies
I knew what was not meant to be
still, I have lost the fight

For I was embraced with
warmth and laughter
and now I won't wish for it to stop
I will never mean to hurt you
and I am not supposed to love
What will me, the caretaker
What is supposed of me now?

From a distance I will stare at you
like a fallen shooting star
I have lost the chance to be a defender
to show how I cared, a lot
That you were meant to be with me
and that yes, I liked you back.

— The End —