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Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Solemn ceremony
Death now resides overhead
This summer graveyard
Written 12 April 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
How can I love you with all my heart,
When there's only a fragment of it left?

Why were you always so scared to fall?
My promises weren't enough for you?

My heart has been broken so many times by you,
Yet with this remaining fragment I still love you?

How can this be?

I know there's no water in this pool of love,
But I'm still going to jump off the high board.

Someone please tell me they can set a broken leg.
Written 8 April 2016
Eric Martin Dec 2016
He is my star
Our ever lasting Inferno
His heat travels so far
But its always a fair dispersal

I can see that every one is infatuated with his ways
But I know that every one is jealous
because it is I alone that holds his gaze

Looking at the stars
We stay up all night
He thinks this make him not special
But no one else shares his light

His heart is so full but not of me alone
But that's why I love him
Because he cares for every one in his home

Over the years planets were gone
But in him I saw the biggest change
He couldn't help all of them
So he increased his Range

Over time he burnt me
But I could stand the heat
I was with some one who could preform an extraordinary feat

Soon his eyes started sinking
His body started to collapse
But he never made a whim
He would not let him self relapse

If only will power was all he would need
But soon he was a Black Hole
And he needed to feed

I was the first to go
And I saw it in his eye
That it destroyed him
It was hard to see him cry

He killed us all and even though it sounds sad
He shined his light upon us
And made our lives not so bad
This was a poem where a bunch of people gave me different topics to write about and I had to combine them into a poem. It was my most liked poem on that site but also I think it might of bin because so many people where involved in the game.
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Your my little comfort object
That I need to keep near
When I'm scared of being alone
When I don't like what I see in the mirror

Your my little comfort object
You soften all of my fears
You never play with my emotions
And for me you will always be here

Your my little comfort object
I'm the apple of your eye
You always give me a shoulder
When I need to have a cry

Your my little comfort object
No one knows me like you do
But the only thing that makes you not special
Is that you aren't some one new

Your my little comfort object
But to say I love you is a laugh
As soon as I find a better one
I'll leave you in the trash
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Your leaving?
But why?
I said I was sorry for hurting you
and I didn't mean to make you cry

Remember all the good times we had
Even if they were few
Don't remember times you were sad
And I thought we agreed, those were all because of you

I didn't do any thing wrong
That never seemed like we couldn't fix
I thought you loved that we were like two different songs
That never really mixed

Your mad I don't let you go out
And be with all your friends
But there might be guys there
Your my property that I must defend

You want me to trust you
But look at what you do And how you dress
The only reason I would trust you
Is because no other guy would want such a mess

Your friends must of put you up this
I want to know which on said which
You may say I am a Monster
But your a little *****
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I feel the grounds dispersal
Jump every hurdle
Keep on running
This is infernal

How is it possible
How can life be so fertile
A reappearing obstacle
I'm running in a perfect circle

Here comes another rehearsal
But nothing comes out verbal
I don't under stand
I am just a mere mortal

How can it be possible
There is no reversal
Its all so universal
I just keep running, in a perfect circle

I slip inside
I have a place to confide
A place I can hide
A place I can enjoy the ride

How is it possible
That no one see the portal
We are all standing on a marble
In a perfect circle
Eric Martin Dec 2016
My heart stops

You are so sure of what you say
Why are you making me pay?
When did you stop loving me?
I want to know the day

I'm Sinking

I have never felt so alone
We used to share a home
I want to to know what you were thinking
You wont even answer your phone

I'm Sinking ever deeper

What do I have left
My life is a mess
I pray for the reaper
Or at least a little rest

She is Sinking

He woos me with his Charm
How could any one do him harm
I love what he's thinking
In his arms I am sinking
**** what the **** does the last line mean, I forget my own narrative of my poem. Is this poem from a girls perspective or a guys perspective. I think its from a guys prospective and his ex is with her new lover but any ones guess is as good as mine. (LATER) ok so this is really bothering me, I am about to edit some thing to make it make sense in the way I want to it to now but I now I think that the last line if from a new girl who is with the narrator. I am big on punchy endings so I know this ending is probably punchy some how but in what way who knows.
Eric Martin Dec 2016
My heart is a seed
Does that sound cliche?
But if you don't water it with love
It will die and wither away

My **** is a branch
Does that sound absurd?
But on a sunny day
It comes out for all the birds

My fist is a leaf
Does it make sense what I said?
But when i get ******
It'll fall on your head

My mind is a stump
Does that sound ok?
With a little thought
It grows and sprouts away

We are all trees
Does that sound dense?
Love, Fight and ****
But use your mind to make sense
Eric Martin Dec 2016
He looks in my eye
I see his beautiful smile
I forget he made me cry
I hope this lasts more then awhile

If only he knew what he did to me
He makes me go so crazy
For him I would pay any fee
Even for a love so hazy

He looks me in the eye
I haven't seen this look in awhile
Don't let him see you cry
or els he will destroy your beautiful smile

Does he even know what he just did to me
After he go's so hazy
He'll never set me free
But its not him
Because I drive him crazy
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Your depression is so becoming
I feel my heart humming
Death looks good on you too
But just a tint will do

Your misery is a gown
It drives me crazy when your around
You must think I am a fool
For being so in love with you

Anxiety is a lace
I can see it on your face
It pierces your heart
But my heart is where it starts

You are so beautiful and meek
One every man must seek
I want to prance you around
For more flaws to build you're gown
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