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Eric Martin Dec 2016
You are my fantasy
I am drawn by your gravity
I love what your presenting
You are never ending

You are so confident
I hear that your competent
I think about you as I dream
You are more then you seem

You can make my heart wither
I want you to kiss and slither
I can't explain why
You make me want to die

You are extraordinary
I want to be tortured in your purgatory
I want to pay for my sin
You make me crawl out of my skin

You are for ever seen
I want to scream
I want you to be with me
You have no place you would rather be
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I have always bin running
Running to be free
I can feel death hunting
Hunting for me

I run for my friends
But now my friends are no longer mine
I will keep on running until this ends
I know I am close to the end but I just need more time

I feel so alone
I want some one to lend me a hand and tell me its ok
I wish I had a home
I wish I had a place to stay

I can always feel him
Feel him one step behind
I know he's on the brim
He's on the brim and soon he will find

I feel him, I'm at the end
He sticks out his hand like a friend
I asked where my soul would send
And he said "on me that would depend"

I knew all along but I didn't want to see
I saw death coming and ran from his spell
But I was really running because of me
Because I knew if he took me I would go to hell
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Fast times
Fast crimes
All the things I have done
Could last many lifetimes

When your walking and alone
I will get you and crush every bone
They will never see you again
But my spree will never end

I am the one your hating
and your the one I'm baiting
But if your hesitating
Its going to be devastating

I'm hiding where you can see
And for that you must pay the fee
I won't even let you make a sound
As I take you down

You should have bin more superstitious
Or at least suspicious
You would have seen I was vicious
I'm not complaining cause your delicious

I know when your near
I can smell your fear
I like the way you fight
Do you like the way I bite?

No matter how you try I can't be castrated
I'm what your nightmares created
You will be dominated
And your remains desecrated

No matter how you try
I will never die
I will always be free
But just watch out for me
Eric Martin Dec 2016
No one is ever free from the things they do
And for me that is very true
Every time I fail
My skin grows a scale

I feel like the really me is no longer shown
I block people out with a wall
I feel so alone
I as deeper I fall

Some people see some thing reptilian
Some people see a villain
But the one person people no longer see
Is inside to me

I build an building my self a shell
That is escaping me from its hell
But running away from all my fears
Makes so no one is letting me near

I can no longer shout
I can no longer run
I must get out
And pick off every scale one by one
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Over my life I have tried to pay my toll
I have tried to achieve my goal
I have tried to crack the codes
But I decided to sell my soul
Thats why I have come to the cross roads

As I got here
I felt his presence near
I am already going to hell
So I had nothing to fear
Of giving my soul to sell

He appeared in a flame
But before any thing I had to speak his name
I said it with glee
He said I should be saying it with shame
But still I paid my fee
And to him it was all the same

I felt an emptiness inside
But with a tide it turned to pride
He gave me all I wished
But he told me as soon as I died
It would turn to anguish

I knew this was shameless
But I would soon be famous
A bright shining star
But I knew some thing was amiss
As I was hit by a car

What a ***** cheat
But still I was fairly beat
I became a never ending dish
I was famous for my sweet meat
So at least I still got my wish
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I want to be the fuel to light your fire
I want to be the drug that gets you higher
Grab your soul
Make you have no where els to go

I want to slit open your chest
Use you as a test
Use you're heart as a machine
Then blow it up with nitroglycerine

We are all empty
But we need some thing to inspire
Lets start the assembly
Lets explode into a fire
Take what we require
Fill every desire
Let this all conspire
And Get a little higher
Eric Martin Dec 2016
My brain withers away
As my soul slithers out my mouth
My eyes set for another day
As I Fear of wealth
Fear of what to say
Fear of finding another way

Courage to find whats deep inside
Courage to break through the bind
I Prove I don't have hide
From whats in my mind

My heart liquefies
My eyes melt under the sun
My body synthesize and crystallize
As I slowly become one
Eric Martin Dec 2016
When a drug addict is tried of all they of done
Tired of being on the run
Tired of the pain
Tired of hurting every one, and being dirt once again

Your problems are only mortal
Let your heart seize
Shed your mortal coil
And feel the sweet release
I will give you peace

When a little girl realizes she can no longer be a dancer
Tired of not getting an answer
Tired of the pain
And tired of never wanting to hear the word cancer again

Your problems are only mortal
Let your heart seize
Shed your mortal coil
And feel the sweet release
I will give you peace

When some ones lover is gone
Tired of trying to move on
Tired of the pain
Tired of feeling like their heart will never dawn again

Your problems are only mortal
Let your heart seize
Shed your mortal coil
And feel the sweet release
I will give you peace

I promise there is nothing that you will miss
Embrace Deaths kiss
You will only feel bliss
As you sink down the abyss

Your problems are only mortal
Let your heart seize
Shed your mortal coil
And feel the sweet release
I will give you peace
Eric Martin Dec 2016
I am for ever alone, Sailing out at sea
Until I heard a beautiful song and it was directed out at me
I never felt any thing so strong, I wondered who it could be
I slowly saw her sitting on a rock and I was about to pull out my ****
Until she started to flee

I have never seen any one so beautiful and yet so strange
She had a fish tail that helped her get out of range
She was so lovely and frail that it made me feel deranged
Then I saw her bare **** that sent me into a fit
Until she turned around to make an exchange

She sang to me that she would no longer flee
But if I wanted to hear more of her song, she wasn't going to come to me
She wanted to make my **** long but I would have to come with her under the sea
I am not as stupid as I sound, I know I would drowned
But right now there is no where I would rather be

I said we could take it slow as I started to dive
She said you must not know, if you love me down there is a hive
I said lets go, even though I knew I might regret this shrive
She took me down and more swam around
But then they started to eat me alive

As they fead I started to dread
I started to bled and knew I would soon be dead
But then my first mate pulled my out and my wounds he started to med
And slapped me and said "thats what you get for thinking with the wrong head"

For ever after that day I was never the same
I will never for get her song, or her game
I knew she was wrong but my heart she did tame
I feel so defeated and beaten, I would have rather bin eaten
Then to ever have to feel this pain
Eric Martin Dec 2016
We all have dreams
And some times they seem so far
But some times it feels closer then it seems
When you have some one there

The people in your life are pillars who bring you up
And bring you around
But some times their on top
And hold you down

I have dreams but I rely on people who aren't there
Some who give me shove
Some who don't care
Some who give me love
But I still feel despair

As soon as i wrote this poem my heart went in my throat
Because I will always know
It doesn't matter what I do or what I wrote
As long as I am alone I am as high as I am going to go
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