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Eric Martin Dec 2016



Eric Martin Dec 2016
Unannounced she appeared
I could tell some thing was wrong
Her make up was smeared
She is normally so strong

I sat her down inside
I asked if she was alright
She just cried
So I held her tight

I stroked her hair
Told her it would be ok
I would always be there
But she had nothing to say

I looked her in the eye
Asked her what happened
She wouldn't tell me why
But her eye was blackened

She gave me a sharp stare
One with so much pain
I could tell she had bin through a nightmare
She didn't need to explain

I held her close to me
And kissed her on the cheek
I was going to make her see
That things weren't that bleak

I was going to help her through this
Show here there was nothing to fear
I was going to give her bliss
But right now I am going to help just by being here
Eric Martin Dec 2016
No one around for as far as the eye can see
So alone
But this how we want it, just you and me

Deep black sky with stars never ending
I kiss you as you lovingly moan
I feel my self extending

I asked if she was in the mood from the stars above
And said I would take her to the 'Bone Zone"
But she laughed and said lets just call it making love

Our hearts beat as one
She is the most beautiful girl I have ever known
We both come with the rise of the sun

Never have I felt this before
She is my best friend, lover, with her I am home
She transcends every thing and so much more

We are both united by this flame she lighted
Our love has grown
I hope in the future I will be delighted but with her I am always excited
Eric Martin Dec 2016
She begs me for mercy
But I don't hear her pleas
She sees I am blood thirsty
She falls to her knees

I love to watch them squirm
I love the way they are dominated
She wants it and it will be on my term
I love how much I am hated

In her mouth outlined with tears a put my ****
She looked so hungry that I just had to let her start feeding
But she must of bin because she Chomped down on my stock
All I saw when I looked down was a stub that was bleeding

The End
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Thump thump
The blood flows
To all the places it goes
Clearing out this toxic waste dump
And trying to turning it into a rose

Breath in, breath out
Air fills each lung
Comes out to the tongue
Uses is to scream and shout
But so perfect and on point it feels like its bin sung

Back and forth goes the eyes
Trying to regain focus
Almost like hypnosis
But it still cries
Hopefully one one will notice

Bang bang
The brutality of the fist
They are ******
A two man gang
But you are lucky, they purposely missed

What the **** thought the brain
Is this who you are?
Pushing people away and running so far
Why are you causing pain
And leaving a scar

Putting her in a jar
Then breaking it like you are insane
This blood on your hands is now a stain
Its who you are
No one will ever love you again
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Never see
Never be seen
Never be free
Never know what it means

Never touch
Never feel
Never know too much
Never know whats real

Never ****
Never make war
Never let blood spill
Never have a fire burn to your core

Never listen
Never hear
Never know whats missing
Never know who's near

Never ending
Never let some one close
Never start mending
Never know who loves you most

Never be good
Never be bad
Never reach adulthood
Never be sad

Never Cry
Never die
Never ask why
Never say good bye

Never ever
Never ever again
Never ever forever
Never ever forever again, let Never End
Eric Martin Dec 2016
Time slows and warps
Every thing becomes lucid but clearly defined
I felt my body turn into a corpse
As I slipped into my mind

Where to go was not clear
It was black but with a never ending pattern
An infinit mirror
But I still moved on into this cavern

Voices echoed through my head
But I couldn't tell if it was coming from some one els
Or if it was some thing I said
Or if they were both parallels

I felt light lightly touch me
And wither up my spine
I turned around to see
But I was blinded by the light so divine

What I saw I could never describe
Some thing that could and never be
Impossible to transcribe
But undoubtedly a part of me

My vision unable to look away
A spinning sun of my sanity, soul, humanity, who I was as a whole
I was stuck and had to obey
I was lost and out of control

The more I looked the more I saw into me
The more answers I did find
The more I looked the more I couldn't get free
The more I became stuck in my mind

In infinity I became lost
I wish I could go back to who I used to be
I saw inside but at what cost
Will I ever again be free
Eric Martin Dec 2016
My eyes open
Pierce through the dark
I crawl into my skin
Its time to pretend to be a monarch

A dead black heart
Rotting flesh that surounds
Completely torn apart
Held together by a mask that bounds

Youthful and spry
Confidence amplified
If only they knew it was lie
And I was really dead inside

The anxiety that some one will see
Inside to the real me
Would I be killed if I was detected
Or would I be accepted

This black heart still has hopes and dreams
That life is more then it seems
That this mask is a cocoon
And I will be some thing beautiful soon
Eric Martin Dec 2016
You stole my heart
And lit a fire inside
It soon tore me apart
And burnt me alive

My love for you was immense
But I could not take it no more
You are not the person I should adore
Every thing is starting to make sense

My heart is week and my body sore
Your too vicious to love any more
It is calm but every thing is tence
This means war
Let it commence

You were are my love
But all you brought was pain
So I am going to make it rain
Death from above

You better run you better hide
I'm going to be you're cyanide
I'm going to drop the nukes
Scorch the land
I'll bring death and it'll be grand

You will regret aggravating
You were underestimating
That I wasn't concentrating and calculating
Soon I will be dominating and you will be suffocating
I promise it will be devastating
Eric Martin Dec 2016
My heart has become a hollow shell
It is some thing that makes me dwell
I look for some thing to put inside
To make my heart swell

You are a muse
You take me out of my blues
You make me feel alive
Your my light and my fuse

In my empty heart you reload
You put me in a creative mode
You give me drive
And make my heart explode
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