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Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
You don't see the light
until you're plunged
into the darkness.

You don't feel the calm
until you're in
the tempest.

You don't feel whole
until you're
Written 26 February 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Somehow I've stopped writing to be me
I tried to be a better writer and I lost myself
Tried to drown out all the pain and love
Tried to replace it with form and correctness
I got a bit out of whack with my muse
No longer will that happen, I promise
Guess this is all I got right now. Glad to be back.
Written 26 February 2016... I think I was wrong
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
For someone who craves darkness
For someone who lives in shadows
I sure am terrified of the dark...
Written 26 February 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
My dear big sis! How I love you so much!
Your words always bring warmth to my heart
Your care always brings a smile to my face
Even in my tears, you hold me up
Even with my fears, you show me the light at the end of the tunnel

You're always here when I need you, and I'm so blessed you're in my life
I know you're hurting right now, but you aren't alone
We all love you so so much, and we'll never let you stay down
No matter what your sorrows, you'll never walk them alone.

Plus, it can always be worse. You could always end up being a ****** thermometer tester... (yes, that's a real job) :)
Written 26 February 2016... still love you my big sis... hope you're okay wherever you are.
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
A little pink flower is laid down
Its pedals kissing the stone above
It's her grave, the woman he loved
The only woman he could ever love

If but death could be bargained with
He would trade a million souls for hers alone
How he holds her pillow to his chest every night
And watches their wedding video every day she's gone

And every year that passes him by
He leaves a little pink flower at her grave
And holds their precious daughter close
As they remember the woman who was their life
Written 25 February 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
I love being an insomniac
Because I get to see so much
That sleeping people never see
Meet people from across the world
See so many different perspectives
Perhaps not sleeping is a blessing
Written 25 February 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
I care too much
I suffocate people
I have so much family
I never let them close

Even with so many people
Surrounding my heart
Its stone walls are a mile high
Its stone walls are a mile thick

All the kings horses
All the kings men
Couldn't break this wall
With all the might they had
Written 25 February 2016... feels like I didn't finish this poem
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Pump the trumpet
Wait that's a trombone
Put it to a phone
Call up my clone
I want him to groan
But wait! There's more!
Time to settle the score
Before I become a bore
And you're on the floor
Declaring a war on me
When I just want to be free
And be happily glee
Like a flea on a dog
Hot dog!
I'm going to eat a hot dog
In the middle of this city's smog
Maybe share it with a frog
On second thought I'll just hog
Like cog in the machine
God save the Queen
Written 25 February 2016... stupid gibberish
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
I have this amazing ability
To smile through the pain
And laugh through the torture
While my heart is carved like turkey

You never know when I'm dying inside
Or when I'm standing on the edge
The thoughts I have seeing sharp objects
You'd think I was the happiest guy alive

Everyone says how good I am
How much I help them up
Nobody sees the pain I cause
Or the damage I inflict
Written 24 February 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Seventeen syllables
Five seven five
I want to be different
Written 24 February 2016
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