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Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Found my old suicide note... decided to modify it in poetry form. Don't worry, it's like, five years old. I'm well past that stage of my life*

Put a bullet in me
Straight in the heart
Nobody becomes a vegetable
Bleeding out
I'm done
The devil won my life
Now who wins my soul?
Heaven or hell
I'm coming home
Written 3 March 2016... original note was written in 2012 or 2013 I think.
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Like putting one foot in front of the other;
When you've lost both your legs.

Like inhaling and exhaling air;
When your lungs have collapsed.

Like falling asleep and dreaming sweet dreams;
When you're terrified of sleep because of the nightmares.

Like drinking a glass of water, or eating a meal;
When you're in a desert place, vultures overhead.

Like being warmly embraced by your loving mother;
When your mother is a skeleton in the ground, bottle still in her boney hand.

Like riding a bicycle after years of walking;
When a tire is flat and the brakes are cut.

Like standing on a mountain and breathing the freshness;
When the avalanche comes and wipes you out.

Like falling in love and living happily ever after;
When she doesn't love you one ounce...

Like repeating yourself in so many different ways;
When your repetitive mind drives you over the edge.

Yeah, life is real simple sometimes.
Written 3 March 2016... one of my most popular writes
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
So much satisfaction
So little time
We can do this forever
Because you're all mine
Written 2 March 2016... never titled it
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
If life lies, why do I try?
If death dies, do I fly?
An unanswered question
Actually two of them

My hope is unwavered
My hope is also dying
Contradictions arise
This logic capsules
Written 2 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Abysmal agony
Love stirred to the surface
Hoping for a chance
Written 2 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Caged as a songbird
Love hath placed me in prison
Banished from living
Written 1 March 2016... I got executed
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
We wouldn't light up our passions
And make love til sunrise
We wouldn't explore our bodies
And pleasure each other to new highs
I would just hold you
We would just be
Hollow together
Written 1 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
As long as you wear glasses with mirrored lenses on the inside, you will always be right in the eyes of the person you're talking to.
Written 1 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Only seventeen
Syllables allowed on here?
I'm so breaking the rules of this!
Written 1 March 2016... so stupid.
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Rain falls like wet sand
This spring storm falling on me
Oh, if I could fly!
Written 1 March 2016
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