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Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
God, is there no end to addiction in our lifetime?
Why does fickle flesh still hold power over us?
I know I can't understand Your marvelous way,
But God, why do we fight against Your Heart?
Your love is sufficient to sustain us;
We cast it aside for a mirage of dust.

We are Your Children, adopted by Your Design,
But we so often choose Your enemy to dine with.
Abba, save our rebellious hearts.
Abba, save my rebellious heart...
Turn us away from what You hate.
Turn me away from what You hate.

I feel like I'm knowing You less and less,
Can You give me more faith?
Forgive us.
Forgive me.
Written 31 March 2016...
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
My worn and weary heart,
Is made alive by your side,
In your presence I feel good,
You make me so happy.

How could I tell you how I feel?
Would you feel the same thing?
I know my love is the real deal,
I don't want a superficial fling.

I would climb into your ear,
Get inside that pretty head,
Know if your heart is here,
In this river of love I tread.

Could you give me a sign?
A signal?
Show me what you're feeling?
Don't be scared.

Maybe on second thought,
We should lock it all up.
After all time, still be aught,
It's best not to drink this cup.

We shouldn't ruin something this good,
I'm scared of pushing this too far,
If we could be in love I think we would,
This is confusing to me, so bizarre.
Written 31 March 2016... in the end I lost it all...
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Can't you see,
These blood stains,
From my heart,
To your heart?

Are you blind,
To my love,
That's not subtle,
Only for you?

How do I,
Make you fall,
In love with,
My poor self?

Can it be,
That you would,
Fall for me?
I love you.

It's true.
Written 30 March 2016... one of my favorite poems
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Disputed heartstrings,
Vie for ******* now,
Choking each other
Written 30 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
I want to run;
Run away,
Far away,
To distant places.

Planets in space,
Worlds away,
World's apart,
To start anew.

Refreshing change,
From the mundane,
And the monotonous,
Worthy of champagne.

Mountains tall and wide,
Little hills their children.
Deserts of vast expanse,
Oceans surrounding sand.

Fields of green and corn,
Rocky oasis, huge waterfall.
Somewhere to go,
Anywhere but here.
Written 30 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Feeling helpless like,
A spiraling canoe,
Freefalling down,
A giant waterfall.
Written 30 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
The air is so still
Wait for lightning's start'ling strike
Flashes, cracks, and gone
Written 30 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Deep in me, there's this cardboard box,
It's all closed up, put away in a corner,
And I'm afraid to open it up, show it to you,
Because I put my heart in it, sealed it tightly.

I want you to have it, but you can't yet.
Its a fragile thing, yours is too,
I wouldn't want it to be dropped,
Shattered away. It's already cracked up.

My heart is too big for the box,
Bulging at the top, held down by tape.
But it's starting to bleed through,
I'm worried you'll start to see it.
Written 29 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
When the voices claw at your ears,
And the footsteps creep behind you,
Turn and see nothing is there,
Hear the silence of nobody there.

I'll hug you,
I'll hold you,
I'll protect you,
Until the very end.
Written 29 March 2016... for one of the dearest friends I've had
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Feather wants to fly
Falls of bird's flying body
Gently drifts to ground
Written 29 March 2016
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