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Abraham Esang Aug 21
We danced in the moonlight, our footsteps a gentle hush
By the river's whisper, where shadows play and rush
I wore a mask of laughter, a disguise so bright
But you, my love, saw through the cracks, into the dark of night

You never wore a mask, your face a canvas of truth
A beauty so unflinching, it cut through my youth
I searched for solace in the hiding places of my heart
But you, my love, were the seeker, tearing us apart

For to you, love was a test, a game to be won
A prize to be claimed, a trophy to be shown
But I, my love, was the prize, the one to be sought
A mystery to be unraveled, a heart to be caught

In your eyes, I saw a glimmer of a love so true
But it was a fleeting moment, a spark that flew
For in the end, it was just a game, a play to amuse
Leaving me with just a whisper, a haunting muse

— The End —