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I know/that place you've been going,
That land where your dreams/were once ample and growing,
Yet lately it seems a darker life you are sowing.
Father I know/that place you've been going.


Shadows of Angels sure do amuse...
Each week that passes my hope dies a little too,
Now I'm heading south/headed straight down with you.
Father I know/that place you've been going.
Father I know that place you are going.

Father! -father,
father, father
father, father
-crushing you to pieces
father, father
father, father
-grinded into dust
father, father
father, father
Mortar/pestle if you must
father, father
father, father
To ashes with your trust
father, father
father, father
A man of morosity,
and I'm in your dust.

A man of morosity,
and I'm in your dust.

You're a man of morosity and I'm in your dust.

s h a t t e r e d

— The End —