It's right up in your face
Like blood on your **** floor
But you are dumb to chase
Me who is a chore
Are you that desperate
I love my instrument
And my little masked men
More than anything else
My hype fixations
Take me away from you
Open up your eyes
I'm bright red flag
Scratch out all my lies
I make your mind lag
When I tell you that
I love you baby
It's a total gag
I just might maybe
Love all my special
interests and talents
And love Nu metal
A bit way too much
I have no balance
Left for a true love
like you
I said to my face that I prioritize band over him. It's true that band is my passion and I yap too much about it. If he feels that way then why hasn't he left knowing that I'm a busy nerodivergent band kid with hyperfixations. He knows band is a demanding program that takes up 90% of my daily life.