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Jenny Gordon Jan 19
Not me, certainly.


As if a spell's been broken when t'avail
We'd had our visit, I am free fr'intents,
And happy too, the sweet hours like defense
For long lost joys I'd quite forgot in frail
'Scuse, like what? Griefs were buried, no detail
Remembered lest I too be lost from thence
In joys' destruction.  Grandma Drysdale's sense
The dining room, yes, I'd obliv'on's bail.
Twas so good, we were up late in a tour
Of such discussions only fam'ly knew.
Back home, with eggnog in Mum's glasses, her
Sense oer us kids, twas all a whirl, yet true.
Thy mercies, LORD, prevail: I thank Thee fer
All and rejoice.  Come.  For we wait for You.

It was too good hanging out again together with my cousin and her husband and my aunt and uncle, so good we stayed up later than intended. And there's a bit of a private joke about the title: at the dinner table I told them all how I both am a poetess, and also post my work online-- they teased me about what I'd title this.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
Congratulate me?!


Let morning trickle in sans voice to fence
The light of day, if only to avail
Me of dear rest, the circles whose detail
Does NOT enhance my hazel orbs what thence
Abet that hopeful thought, likeas defense,
Unless, of course, being death warmed oer is bail
For 'bove ground life whose plans stress shall derail,
Or curse with notes to highlight sheer pretense.
I'll feign tis cool being off on Monday, fer
The first time in a week of sev'n which threw
My mind out by their madness I'll demur
To yield to, til twas nigh complete.  Calm to
Effect upon noon's finish, LORD, bestir
Thy mercies and redeem me now, won't You?

Finally, the day long expected and earnestly desired, which cost me a little since, well, nevermind.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
...won't you trip?


So, dream of crafting eggnog, like'd avail
If only I did.  Shortbread too, from hence,
But Scottish shortbread, as the re'pe thence
I used within my father's house.  In frail
Reply, though, seems I've lost all that and fail.
They swear the latter's served with tea for sense,
Which I have yet to try, since brie fr'intents
Is all I'll take with Barry's--oh bewail?
I've ***, ne bourbon nor the money fer
Th'expense, and all the rest 'cept nutmeg to
Grate up, else I misguess.  I'll try in tour
Twa rec'pes for each, likeas that will do,
If Thou will't, LORD.  Please give me in lo, Your
Grace to be faithful in all things, won't You?

For the record, I've not yet crafted eggnog since several years ago when I first bought *** for the project. Dream while you're stuck on the clock and...ya.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
A thousand things, frankly.  After that, while tempted with the thought of picking out Mr. Mouse by his long tail, I left him to scramble while choosing what I needed, and he proved he could jump straight up and out, saving me the trouble.


Rain pours like t'would be sweet to bide fr'intents
Safe tucked awa' indoors.  I maunt avail
Me, sadly, yet what after that detail?
How Grampa's fruitcake's fin'lly baking hence,
My cousin liking that suggestion, whence
I had to make this treat, as if twas bail
For her, the fun we've planned, if Thou will't, frail
As lo, the wreck of mine, tomorrow's sense.
A mouse. An actual grey, live, fluffy fer
The chill, erm: mouse. He's in my food like to
Partake is thus allowed, out on in tour
My deck, until I come, that is.  In poor
'Scuse, now he's had some mango, left tae rue
His feast now I want foodstuffs.  Jump as t'were
Three feet straight up and I'm left with the view.

Oh, Grampa Drysdale's fruitcake! My brothers and I used to beg Mom to make several batches, and she used to cut the slices tissue thin. Bringing it to the event was the winner since my uncle had been craving it.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
So there. [What's with a gigantic motorhome the other day, and today a semi, literally driving out of their lane to push me off the road when I speed ahead on the ramp, then going back into their lane on the interstate as I try to figure out who's trying to **** me????? I didn't believe in PTSD until now.]


From semis with an urge to **** sans bail,
To nary sleep 'cept two nights all week, whence?
No less than three sites Friday:  if my sense
Is badly *******, thank all the madness.  Frail,
Yet trying to stay atop, oh LORD, avail
Me, for despite my efforts, all's pretense.
I'm begging for dear sleep, recov'ry hence
In mind, if only, fearing to ask'd fail.
Thanks, thanks for all Thy mercies which in tour,
New ev'ry morning, never fail.  I knew
Ere this week t'would be tough, and feared for sure,
Yet Thou art my God and all is of You.
Tis Saturday; I'm fragile.  Come, bestir
Thy mercies, save me now.  I wait anew.

So, yeah, PTSD....I mean, I've been afraid of semis since I was knee high to a grasshopper, but this beats all, now I'm truly terrified.
Jenny Gordon Jan 19
Walker's shortbread cookies, to be precise; then memories of the Scottich cookbook my parents had resurfaced, whose recipe for shortbread sported a long essay the upshot of which ****** me as "...only a BAD COOK will add things: shortbread ONLY HAS 3 INGREDIENTS." or somesuch. And I used to make that recipe way too many years ago.


Mull groc'ry shopping til I'm wanting thence
Lo, Sco'ish shortbread.  Craft it to avail
Me, all myself?! The antique cookbook, frail
As dreams, is not mine to use 'gin fr'intents,
So Google rec'pes with the ling'ring sense
Of that page whose keen warning yet'd detail
Aught finds: "...bad cooks will add stuff." t'will derail
Some, but I know where I am headed hence.
I knew twas only three ingred'ents fer
All that, or maybe four, no more, else rue
Thy folly, "bad" cook.  I'll need butter.  Were
There else, I have't.  "Have with tea," is that true?
Me wants to try that.  Sco'ish, known as poor
Back in the day, what's new? LORD, save me too.

I tried two recipes for the event and prefer the purely Scottish one. Everyone loved them. Now I'm hoping to make them a staple of sorts since... well, lemme post the next sonnets

— The End —