Someday I try and I try
Again and again
Just to make things right
But I always seem to fall
Flat on my face
It's hard to get back up
Every time I fail
They get closer
The nightmares
If dreams come true
Aren't nightmares dreams too
I try to run
But I have nowhere to go
I feel so alone
That feeling never goes away
It doesn't matter how hard I try
I can never seem to get it right
I'm always in the wrong
My hope moving farther away
My nightmare closing in
Judgement for who they all think I am
Not who I really am
If only they could see past all the labels
I didn't chose this life
It's a punishment for not being good enough
I can't go to heaven
I didn't do enough right
I can't go to hell
I didn't do enough wrong
So here I am
Trapped right in the middle
With no way out