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Dark Jewel Dec 2014
My mind stretches outward.
AS my fist reaches the wall.
Bruising the skin and muscles.

I think of him,
Dark hair.
Blue eyes..

I close my own,
As tears reach me.
I miss you...
My god I miss you...

I tell myself to forget you,
When I have forgiven you.

My heart still feels like yours,
My mind..
Is somewhere else..

Please be alive..
Live your life to the fullest..

I will see you one day..
My dark one..

Fading into sleep,
I only dream of him.
When my heart is someone elses.
Why Do I still think about him? It's making me cry because I wish my reaction to what he did was different.. I still love and care for him.. But does he think of me?

— The End —