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brandon nagley Nov 2015
O' to thee this heart belongeth, to thee I layeth down all; exposed, unclothed, in spiritual configuration I'm raw. O' tis with thee I standeth tall, in sainthood hall's, erstwhile ripped and mauled; now reincarnated by thine enchanting call. I'm glorified, in thy eye's I taketh a dive; and splash. Inside thine dusky vision's I've found riches, wealth, a stash. A hideaway, wherein I'm faraway on cumuli of better day's, wherein ourn bodies sway, until were old and gray, and we reawake into eternal life. Husband and wife, to where all is right, and we art protected in the almighty author's finger's. A poetess Reyna as thee, and me as thine poet, and singer. Amour' bringer's, jotting dimple's as minstrel's atop holy church steeple's. Welcomed in by conglomerate people's; as we hold eachother's hand's, locking finger's to starlit showers. Tis we hold the key's to intimate and infinite hour's. We passeth the time by rhyme's of divine flower's that canst shimmer on a dime's notice. Unbound as a lotus; opening up ourn feather's.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose ) dedication
erstwhile means aforetime also means - before or in the past.
Cumuli means many clouds...
Wherein means - in which...
A minstrel is-
a medieval singer or musician, especially one who sang or recited lyric or heroic poetry to a musical accompaniment for the nobility.
( except we aren't singing for no nobility. Me and her love is nobility. We don't need to sing for nobility lol..
conglomerate means- distinct mixture of things ..... All distinct and different from another yet all together at same time other words..

— The End —