as happens, some days, many times,
one thought stops.
Pops, you might think, but
stops, silent. Stop.
Nada mas, allowing critical discernment,
discovering the use of the verb, believe
projecting from letters spelling chants
in single breathed tones exhaled,
in Mongolian we all feel we understand.
Anotia means no ears, in Greek, I think,
persistant notion
conscience, earless urgings, mused
ambient conditions considering,
maybe amuse means being used to be
in mind
being integrally
essentially a thought
in words ex nihilo
in current context, from no good reason
written, never spoken, spelled and cast,
by accident
here… sure the thought terminated…
then you thought it kept on…
Dowsers feel water flow, they think... some think right, other's don't.